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Astronautul Buzz Aldrin, dupa ce s-a casatorit la 93 de ani cu romanca Anca Faur: "Sunt norocos dincolo de cuvinte"

publicat 2024-07-23 14:45:02 (Antena-1)
Astronautul Buzz Aldrin, dupa ce s-a casatorit la 93 de ani cu romanca Anca Faur: Sunt norocos dincolo de cuvinte Astronautul Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, al doilea om care pasit pe Luna, dupa Neil ArmSTRONG, a povestit cum decurge viata de cuplu cu Anca Faur, la mai bine de un an dupa ce s-au casatorit. Iata declaratiile inedite! ...continuare.

Trust in institutions, STRONGer in developing countries than in developed ones

publicat 2024-07-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Edelman Trust Institute: Globally, trust in institutions has increased by one percentage point - from 55% last year to 56% in 2024 In today and #39;s world, factors such as polarization, misinformation, scandals, economic instability and inequality have led to the deterioration of people and #39;s trust in institutions such as government and the media. But in some countries, trust is slowly returning, according to an analysis carried out by the Edelman Trust Institute, taken over by... ...continuare.

Tadej Pogacar a zdrobit Turul Frantei 2024, dar Lance ArmSTRONG crede ca "tocmai a facut greseala carierei, URIASA": "Va voi spune o poveste pe care NU am spus-o niciodata"

publicat 2024-07-21 20:45:06 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Tadej Pogacar a zdrobit Turul Frantei 2024, dar Lance Arm<span style='background:#EDF514'>STRONG</span> crede ca tocmai a facut greseala carierei, URIASA: Va voi spune o poveste pe care NU am spus-o niciodata Slovenul Tadej Pogacar a bifat cea de-a treia victorie din cariera in Turul Frantei, la doar 25 de ani. A facut-o autoritar, zdrobind opozitia. Iar acest lucru s-ar putea sa-l coste, considera alte nume care au facut istorie pe doua roti. ... ...continuare.

20 iulie 2024: Se implinesc 55 de ani de cand astronautul Neil ArmSTRONG a pasit pe suprafata Lunii

publicat 2024-07-20 09:15:06 (Jurnalul-National)
20 iulie 2024: Se implinesc 55 de ani de cand astronautul Neil Arm<span style='background:#EDF514'>STRONG</span> a pasit pe suprafata Lunii La 20 iulie 1969, astronautul american Neil ArmSTRONG a fost primul pamantean care a pasit pe Luna, moment in care a rostit faimoasele cuvinte: ''Un pas mic pentru (un) om, un salt urias pentru omenire'', arata armSTRONGmuseum.org. ...continuare.

Paris Olympics: Team Romania - 107 athletes in 18 disciplines

publicat 2024-07-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Romanian team is prepared, including from an official point of view, for the Olympic Games. Romanian athletes are STRONG, well prepared and will climb the podium in Paris, said the president of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee (COSR), Mihai Covaliu. ...continuare.

Pogacar a doborat recordurile lui Pantani si ArmSTRONG in Pirinei

publicat 2024-07-15 17:45:08 (OnlineSport)
Pogacar a doborat recordurile lui Pantani si Arm<span style='background:#EDF514'>STRONG</span> in Pirinei Lider autoritar în Turul Frantei si pe cale sa realizeze dubla Giro-Tour, slovenul Tadej Pogacar a impresionat în ultima etapa din Pirinei pe care a câstigat-o de o maniera categorica. ...continuare.

STRONG increases at BVB in the first part of the year; What and #39;s next ?

publicat 2024-07-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* Adrian Mitroi, CFA: 'Higher share prices do not compress dividend yields, so companies are no longer good to buy' * Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'I think that the sectors that performed in the first semester will remain in the eyes of investors' * Antonio Oroian, Goldring: 'Probably some investors will want to take profits, to get through a period that promises to be volatile' ...continuare.

CNBC: Buffett is selling his stake in China and #39;s biggest electric vehicle maker

publicat 2024-06-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Berkshire Hathaway first acquired shares of Chinese company BYD in 2008, according to the American publication * In recent years, Berkshire has halved its stake in BYD after a STRONG rise in its share price, according to CNBC ...continuare.

Este cel mai popular film al momentului, pe Netflix! In rolul principal, un actor indragit

publicat 2024-06-06 14:45:04 (Click)
Este cel mai popular film al momentului, pe Netflix! In rolul principal, un actor indragit Desi s-a lansat recent, chiar la finalul lunii mai, pelicula "Atlas" deja a reusit sa ajunga pe primul loc in topul preferintelor din tara noastra, atunci cand vine vorba despre productiile Netflix. Iar in distributie vom putea observa nume sonore, cum ar fi Jennifer Lopez si Mark STRONG! ...continuare.

Holiday destination affected by heat wave

publicat 2024-06-06 00:00:03 (Bursa)
One of the holiday destinations of Romanian tourists is affected by a STRONG heat wave. ...continuare.

Extreme weather phenomena: USA, 'swept' by tornadoes

publicat 2024-05-28 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Tornado season is off to a STRONG start in the US. ...continuare.

Southampton a promovat in Premier League cu o victorie la baraj in fata lui Leeds

publicat 2024-05-26 21:45:09 (Mediafax)
Southampton a promovat in Premier League cu o victorie la baraj in fata lui Leeds Adam ArmSTRONG a fost cel care a castigat meciul, golul sau din prima repriza fiind suficient pentru a invinge o echipa a lui Leeds care s-a chinuit sa dea o replica semnificativa. Rezerva Daniel James a fost cel mai aproape de egalare cand sutul sau a lovit bara in finalul reprizei secunde. ...continuare.

Revenire dupa un an in Premier League! » Southampton a castigat cel mai scump meci din istorie: suma aiuritoare pe care o vor incasa "sfintii"

publicat 2024-05-26 21:00:06 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Revenire dupa un an in Premier League! » Southampton a castigat cel mai scump meci din istorie: suma aiuritoare pe care o vor incasa sfintii Southampton s-a impus cu 1-0 in finala play-off-ului Championship impotriva celor de la Leeds, asigurandu-si prezenta in sezonul viitor de Premier League. "Sfintii" revin in primul esalon, dupa un an petrecut in "transeele" ligii secunde. Unicul gol al partidei a fost reusit de Adam ArmSTRONG in minutul 24, atacantul fiind servit perfect de irlandezul William Smallbone. ... ...continuare.

Business Insider: Germany has too many solar panels, sending energy prices into negative territory

publicat 2024-05-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The country has more installed solar generation capacity than demand, according to SEB Research Sunny days in Germany mean dark clouds for the profitability of solar energy production, as the STRONG development of renewable sources in the country has brought too much production, writes Business Insider. ...continuare.

Sources: China and #39;s big state-owned banks sell dollars to prop up yuan

publicat 2024-04-03 00:00:12 (Bursa)
China and #39;s currency, the yuan, fell to its lowest level in four and a half months yesterday, as the STRONG dollar offset sales of 'greenbacks' by state-owned banks, Reuters reports. ...continuare.

CNBC: The wealth of America and #39;s richest has hit a new record, thanks to a rally in the stock market

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Wealth of the richest 1% of Americans rose to $44.6 trillion, according to the Fed * Mark Zandi, Moody and #39;s Analytics: 'The wealth effect from rising stock prices STRONGly boosts consumer confidence, spending and broader economic growth' * The S and P index is up about 10% this year ...continuare.

Why the Federal Reserve does not predict a recession?

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Mike Skordeles, Truist Advisory Services: 'The economy will remain STRONG due to better productivity and structural changes in the labor force' * Stephanie Lang, Homrich Berg: 'An inflation surprise could put the Federal Reserve in a position to keep interest rates at a restrictive level for too long, leading to a recession' ...continuare.

"Romanii au talent" 2024. Editie incendiara! Mihai Bobonete a oferit Golden Buzz-ul celor de la Calisthenics Romania! | VIDEO

publicat 2024-03-23 06:00:04 (Adevarul)
Romanii au talent 2024. Editie incendiara! Mihai Bobonete a oferit Golden Buzz-ul celor de la Calisthenics Romania! | VIDEO Editia a 8-a de la "Romanii au talent" a adus in fata juratilor si a telespectatorilor concurenti deosebit de talentati si capabili sa isi dovedeasca abilitatile. Printre cei mai apreciati au fost si cei din trupa de copii STRONG Junior si Deniss Trifanovs, care au demonstrat ca isi merita locul pri ...continuare.

Bitcoin 'Halving' - Significance and Prospects

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Bitwise Asset Management: 'The launch of ETFs was the moment of Bitcoin and #39;s IPO' * Bitbank: 'We expect interest rate cuts, halvings and ETFs to lead to STRONG price growth in the second half of the year' * JP Morgan: 'The reduction of rewards will lead to an increase in the production costs of the 'miners', with a negative impact on their profitability' * 'Once the euphoria induced by the 'halving' of Bitcoin subsides, the price will fall to... ...continuare.

EIB survey: The shock in the energy sector STRONGly affected Romanian companies

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The proportion of enterprises in our country facing financial constraints is far above the European average, according to the bank * Romanian companies showed resistance beyond expectations in the face of the slowdown in economic growth, according to the EIB * Isarescu: 'According to the findings of the EIB, the general image of investments in Romania has improved' ...continuare.

Cand activele junk sunt finantate in loc sa fie restructurate, avem si inflatie, si declin economic

publicat 2024-03-11 07:00:08 (Jurnalul-National)
Cand activele junk sunt finantate in loc sa fie restructurate, avem si inflatie, si declin economic Presedintele Consiliului de Administratie al Société Générale, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, a surprins destul de fidel, intr-un editorial din Financial Times scris in martie 2015 ("Brace for STRONGer effects of QE in the Eurozone"), ce efecte va avea relaxarea cantitativa. Bini Smaghi, fost membru al board-ului Bancii Centrale Europene (BCE) a explicat ca bancile vor primi in schimbul activelor cedate catre banca centrala depozite, pentru care dobanzile... ...continuare.

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