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Arbitrajul de la U Cluj - Gloria Buzau a ajuns la nivel politic Arbitrajul de la U Cluj - Gloria Buzau a ajuns la nivel politic Transplant in premiera in tara, la Spitalul Colentina: O pacienta a primit sansa de a-si folosi din nou bratul drept Transplant in premiera in tara, la Spitalul Colentina: "O pacienta a primit sansa de a-si folosi din nou bratul drept" Daunele la cablurile din Marea Baltica ar fi fost cauzate de accidente maritime, nu de sabotaj rusesc Daunele la cablurile din Marea Baltica ar fi fost cauzate de accidente maritime, nu de sabotaj rusesc Ministrul Educatiei, despre olimpiadele pentru elevii claselor I-IV: Se poate stimula prea devreme o industrie a meditatiilor Ministrul Educatiei, despre olimpiadele pentru elevii claselor I-IV: Se poate stimula prea devreme o industrie a meditatiilor Minciunile zodiilor. Cum aleg femeile sa ocoleasca adevarul Minciunile zodiilor. Cum aleg femeile sa ocoleasca adevarul Cat a costat inelul de logodna pe care Florin Ristei i l-a dat lui Naomi Hedman. Si Speak s-a dat de gol: Si eu, un pic mai mult Cat a costat inelul de logodna pe care Florin Ristei i l-a dat lui Naomi Hedman. Si Speak s-a dat de gol: "Si eu, un pic mai mult" Lasconi, dupa incetarea focului in Gaza: Eliberarea ostaticilor israelieni este esentiala Lasconi, dupa incetarea focului in Gaza: Eliberarea ostaticilor israelieni este esentiala Cealalta fata a lui Alex Pascanu: Am construit o casa pentru ei. Ce nu suporta la retelele de socializare Cealalta fata a lui Alex Pascanu: "Am construit o casa pentru ei". Ce nu suporta la retelele de socializare Cine este spatele RedNote, platforma care preia mare parte din refugiatii TikTok in Statele Unite ale Americii Cine este spatele RedNote, platforma care preia mare parte din "refugiatii TikTok" in Statele Unite ale Americii Surpriza de proportii in Detroit. Leii au fost scosi din cursa spre Super Bowl Surpriza de proportii in Detroit. "Leii" au fost scosi din cursa spre Super Bowl Clientii OTP Bank vor avea acces la produsele si serviciile Bancii Transilvania incepand cu 3 martie 2025 Clientii OTP Bank vor avea acces la produsele si serviciile Bancii Transilvania incepand cu 3 martie 2025 Ce inseamna deficitele gemene si care este impactul lor asupra viitorului economic al Romaniei Ce inseamna deficitele gemene si care este impactul lor asupra viitorului economic al Romaniei Secretul din camara: puterea mirodeniilor pentru talie de viespe si inima de taur 471 de zile in captivitate. Trei ostatice - eliberate in schimbul a 90 de palestinieni (dintre care 69 femei) 471 de zile in captivitate. Trei ostatice - eliberate in schimbul a 90 de palestinieni (dintre care 69 femei) Cat de accesibile sunt locurile de munca pentru persoanele cu HIV-SIDA. Era o perioada in care priveam mai normal lucrurile Cat de accesibile sunt locurile de munca pentru persoanele cu HIV-SIDA. "Era o perioada in care priveam mai normal lucrurile"


Stiri locale

Neymar, blocked by salary cap

publicat 2025-01-13 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Neymar, blocked by salary cap Football MILLIONaires are also running into problems because of...money. The American football club Inter Miami has explained that the transfer of Brazilian Neymar (Al Hilal) is almost impossible, and among the reasons is the salary cap imposed by Major League Soccer (MLS). ...continuare.

Un american a castigat 1,22 miliarde de dolari la loterie: "Ce cadou uimitor!"

publicat 2024-12-28 13:45:17 (Libertatea)
Un american a castigat 1,22 miliarde de dolari la loterie: Ce cadou uimitor! Un jucator Mega MILLIONs din California a castigat jackpotul estimat la 1,22 miliarde de dolari, vineri, 27 decembrie. Biletul norocos a fost vandut la o benzinarie din Cottonwood, la nord de Sacramento, a relatat New York Post si CBS. .Biletul castigator a fost vandut la o benzinarie Sunshine Food and Gas din Cottonwood. Numerele castigatoare […] ...continuare.

A fost castigat marele premiu al loteriei Mega MILLIONs, in valoare de 1,22 miliarde de dolari. Biletul a costat 2 dolari

publicat 2024-12-28 11:45:22 (ProTV)
A fost castigat marele premiu al loteriei Mega <span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span>s, in valoare de 1,22 miliarde de dolari. Biletul a costat 2 dolari Marele premiu al loteriei americane Mega MILLIONs, în valoare de 1,22 miliarde de dolari, a fost câstigat vineri, 27 decembrie. ...continuare.

Un doctor explica de ce pleaca medicii din Romania, spre Occident

publicat 2024-12-27 02:00:16 (Jurnalul-National)
Ce i-a alungat pe medicii romani din tara? Lipsa de respect e unul dintre motivele principale, spune neonatologul Ana Culcer, care in perioada comunista a asistat la nasterea a peste un MILLION de copii ...continuare.

The SANT Committee, the new target of lobbying by the giants of the pharmaceutical industry?

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:23 (Bursa)
The SANT Committee, the new target of lobbying by the giants of the pharmaceutical industry? *According to data from the EU Transparency Register, the companies Pfizer, Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Johnson and Johnson have invested MILLIONs of euros to influence the acts approved by the European Parliament *Transparency International has counted over 300 meetings between its influential members and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry since July 2024 until the establishment of the SANT Committee ...continuare.

Inox Magurele enters into preventive composition procedure

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:22 (Bursa)
Inox Magurele enters into preventive composition procedure * The company did not pay the last coupon and principal of a one MILLION euro bond issue listed on the BVB The Ilfov Court has ordered the opening of the preventive composition procedure for the company Inox Magurele, according to a report by the issuer published on the website of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Study: Moon is much 'older' than we thought

publicat 2024-12-20 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Study: Moon is much 'older' than we thought The vastness of outer space hides secrets that are hard to imagine. A study suggests that the Moon is 80 MILLION to 180 MILLION years older than previous estimates. ...continuare.

Huge fine for social media giant

publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Huge fine for social media giant Tech giant Meta has been fined euro251 MILLION by the European Union over a security breach that hit its Facebook platform in 2018. ...continuare.

South America - the region with the highest growth in crypto holdings

publicat 2024-12-18 00:00:13 (Bursa)
South America - the region with the highest growth in crypto holdings An estimated 562 MILLION people hold some type of cryptocurrency in 2024, which is equivalent to 6.8% of the global population. ...continuare.

Cultural Foundations, supported by 140 MILLION euros

publicat 2024-12-18 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Cultural Foundations, supported by 140 <span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span> euros The Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, announced the allocation of 140 MILLION euros for a large cultural investment project, 'Cultural Foundations', the total estimated net cost of which is 280 MILLION euros. ...continuare.

Un judecator cere retragerea piesei "MILLION Years Ago" a lui Adele si o acuza de plagiat. Care ar fi melodia originala

publicat 2024-12-17 11:00:23 (ProTV)
Un judecator cere retragerea piesei <span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span> Years Ago a lui Adele si o acuza de plagiat. Care ar fi melodia originala Un judecator brazilian a ordonat ca un cântec al superstarului pop britanic Adele, „MILLION Years Ago”, sa fie retras la nivel mondial - inclusiv de pe serviciile de streaming - din cauza unei plângeri de plagiat din partea unui compozitor brazilian.   ...continuare.

Adele e acuzata de plagiat. Un judecator brazilian a decis retragerea melodiei "MILLION Years Ago"

publicat 2024-12-17 10:00:06 (Antena3)
Adele e acuzata de plagiat. Un judecator brazilian a decis retragerea melodiei <span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span> Years Ago Un judecator brazilian a decis ca un cantec al superstarului pop britanic Adele, "MILLION Years Ago", sa fie retras la nivel mondial - inclusiv de pe serviciile de streaming - din cauza unei reclamatii de... ...continuare.

November in numbers

publicat 2024-12-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
November in numbers * November 1 - The National Bank of Romania announces that, as of October 31, 2024, foreign exchange reserves at the National Bank of Romania stood at 62,841 MILLION euros, compared to 65,778 MILLION euros on September 30, 2024. ...continuare.

The prospect of Calin Georgescu winning the elections brought massive drops to the BVB

publicat 2024-12-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The prospect of Calin Georgescu winning the elections brought massive drops to the BVB * Hidroelectrica has proven its defensive action nature * Franklin Templeton is no longer aiming for a new mandate as the administrator of Fondul Proprietatea, at the helm of which he has been since 2010 * Romgaz listed 500 MILLION euro bonds on the BVB ...continuare.

Subscriptions in the Fidelis offer exceeded 100 MILLION euros

publicat 2024-12-13 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Subscriptions in the Fidelis offer exceeded 100 <span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span> euros * Annual interest rates are between 7.9% and 6.45% for tranches in lei, respectively 3.75% and 5.75% for those in euros * The offer will end in the middle of next week ...continuare.

Un barbat care a castigat un jackpot de 394 de milioane de dolari a dat in judecata loteria. Care este motivul

publicat 2024-12-11 19:00:15 (Antena3)
Un barbat care a castigat un jackpot de 394 de milioane de dolari a dat in judecata loteria. Care este motivul Un barbat care a castigat jackpotul de 394 de milioane de dolari la Mega MILLIONs in decembrie 2023 a dat in judecata Loteria din California, cerand intreaga suma. El sustine ca a cumparat ambele bilete... ...continuare.

10 MILLION euro projects for Ovidius University of Constanta

publicat 2024-12-11 00:15:07 (Bursa)
10 <span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span> euro projects for Ovidius University of Constanta Ovidius University of Constanta has won two projects worth a total of 10 MILLION euros, financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), for the development of educational infrastructure, representatives of the higher education institution informed. ...continuare.

MILLIONs Face Acute Food Insecurity

publicat 2024-12-06 00:00:08 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span>s Face Acute Food Insecurity Humanity is facing all kinds of challenges. The historic drought affecting southern Africa has plunged 26 MILLION people into acute food insecurity, the World Food Programme (WFP) has warned, needing $300 MILLION (286 MILLION euros) in emergency aid. ...continuare.

Bad news for household consumers: gas bill to increase from January 1, 2025

publicat 2024-12-04 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Bad news for household consumers: gas bill to increase from January 1, 2025 The Association of Electricity and Gas Suppliers in Romania (AFEER) draws attention to a 10% increase in natural gas bills for household consumers, starting January 1, 2025, if Parliament does not quickly adopt a legislative amendment. The gas price increase will impact 4.5 MILLION households in our country, right in the middle of winter. ...continuare.

Lentile de contact cu microplastice si alte substante periculoase!

publicat 2024-12-03 07:30:15 (Puterea)
Lentile de contact cu microplastice si alte substante periculoase! Potrivit unei investigatii efectuate de revista "60 MILLIONs de consommateurs"  din Franta, lentilele de contact contin substante chimice si microplastice potential periculoase pentru sanatate. Mai multe studii au observat prezenta substantelor chimice potential periculoase in lentilele de contact, care migreaza in organism, cum ar fi PFAS, microplastice sau dioxid de titan. "Dar e greu sa […]The post Lentile de contact cu microplastice si alte... ...continuare.

CCR: Presidential election schedule remains the same

publicat 2024-12-03 00:00:18 (Bursa)
CCR: Presidential election schedule remains the same Yesterday, the Constitutional Court rejected the appeal filed by MEP Cristian Terhes regarding the results recorded in the first round of the presidential elections and validated the results recorded on November 24, when 9.4 MILLION citizens decided that the second round would pit independent Calin Georgescu against USR candidate Elena Lasconi. ...continuare.

Norofert wants to raise 15 MILLION lei through a bond offering starting today

publicat 2024-12-03 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Norofert wants to raise 15 <span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span> lei through a bond offering starting today * The bonds have a five-year maturity and an interest rate of 10% per annum * The funds raised will be used for investments, supporting current activity and repaying bonds due in 2025 Organic agricultural input producer and agricultural biotechnology provider Norofert is looking to sell bonds worth up to 15 MILLION lei in a public offering starting today, the company reported to the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Ce spun banii despre Georgia, o tara cu teritorii ocupate de Rusia si al carei guvern o impinge pe orbita Rusiei. Din UE vin peste 40% din remiterile trimise de georgieni acasa, din Rusia doar 12%, desi comunitatea de georgieni de acolo este mai mare

publicat 2024-12-02 22:45:28 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Ce spun banii despre Georgia, o tara cu teritorii ocupate de Rusia si al carei guvern o impinge pe orbita Rusiei. Din UE vin peste 40% din remiterile trimise de georgieni acasa, din Rusia doar 12%, desi comunitatea de georgieni de acolo este mai mare Noul premier al Georgiei Irakli Kobakhidze: "Peste un MILLION de georgieni traiau sub limita saraciei cand regimul sangeros al Miscarii Nationale Unite (de multi ani in opozitie) era laudata de americani si europeni. Prioritatea noastra este pacea, stabilitatea acestei tari, progresul economic, imbunatatirea conditiilor sociale. Aceste lucruri le urmam si nu ce zic strainii. Pe noi ne intereseaza nevoile tarii noastre". Kobakhidze vine dintr-un partid... ...continuare.

The specter of extremism has woken us up; the PSD-PNL ostrich-camel, detested until now, has suddenly become preferable

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
The specter of extremism has woken us up; the PSD-PNL ostrich-camel, detested until now, has suddenly become preferable The Social Democratic Party won the parliamentary elections, being credited in the exit poll prepared by CURS with 25.7% of the over 9.4 MILLION votes cast, and in the INSCOP exit poll with 24% of the votes. PSD is followed by AUR, which stood, according to INSCOP, at 21% and at 19.3%, according to CURS, after which, almost equally, are USR with 15.7% and PNL with 15.3% in the two exit polls. ...continuare.

Grup Serban Holding - profit up 48% in the first nine months of the year

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Grup Serban Holding - profit up 48% in the first nine months of the year * Nicolae Serban, CEO: 'GSH focused less on increasing turnover and more on optimizing margins' Grup Serban Holding (GSH), a company active in several areas of agriculture, obtained in the first nine months of the year a consolidated net profit of 18.4 MILLION lei, 48% more than in the same period last year, while operating income amounted to 437.6 MILLION lei, up 3%, according to the issuer and #39;s report... ...continuare.

Record number of immigrants in the EU - Ukrainians in first place, even before the war

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Record number of immigrants in the EU - Ukrainians in first place, even before the war A record 3.7 MILLION people became residents for the first time in the EU in 2023, this is the highest level since data collection began in 2013, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

Fires and air pollution: a global crisis with MILLIONs of victims

publicat 2024-11-29 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Fires and air pollution: a global crisis with <span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span>s of victims Air pollution caused by fires has become a major global problem, responsible for more than 1.5 MILLION deaths per year, according to a study recently published in the prestigious journal The Lancet. ...continuare.

Erasmus programme used by over 15 MILLION people

publicat 2024-11-29 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Erasmus programme used by over 15 <span style='background:#EDF514'>MILLION</span> people The Erasmus programme, which facilitates exchanges in higher education, has helped around 15.1 MILLION people gain experience abroad since the initiative was launched in 1987, the European Commission has announced. ...continuare.

"It is absolutely impossible..." - Toni Grebla on the recount of the presidential elections

publicat 2024-11-28 15:45:27 (Mediafax)
It is absolutely impossible... - Toni Grebla on the recount of the presidential elections According to him, the process of recounting the approximately 9 MILLION ballots cannot be carried out within the deadline set by the CCR, namely by November 29, 14:00. ...continuare.

iHunt turns profitable after a loss last year

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
iHunt turns profitable after a loss last year * The company is focusing on expanding its network of electric vehicle charging stations, according to the issuer and #39;s report Online retailer and manufacturer of mobile phones, gadgets and accessories iHunt Technology (HUNT) achieved a net turnover of 31.1 MILLION lei in the first nine months of the year, 4% above that of the same period last year, while net profit amounted to 0.46 MILLION lei, compared to a... ...continuare.

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