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Chefi la cutite, 24 aprilie 2024. Geanina Craciun a fost eliminata din sezonul 13. Ce reactie neasteptata a avut Richard Abou Zaki Chefi la cutite, 24 aprilie 2024. Geanina Craciun a fost eliminata din sezonul 13. Ce reactie neasteptata a avut Richard Abou Zaki Sepsi - FCSB » Florinel Coman, vesti bune pentru Edi Iordanescu: Nu am vrut sa risc. Este ceva minor, am resimtit o durere in zona inghinala, probabil o contractura Sepsi - FCSB » Florinel Coman, vesti bune pentru Edi Iordanescu: "Nu am vrut sa risc. Este ceva minor, am resimtit o durere in zona inghinala, probabil o contractura" Informare ANM: Ploi in cea mai mare parte a tarii pana vineri dimineata Informare ANM: Ploi in cea mai mare parte a tarii pana vineri dimineata Un barbat de origine romana, acuzat ca si-a ucis sotia si fiica in Franta, in 1993, pus in libertate sub supraveghere Un barbat de origine romana, acuzat ca si-a ucis sotia si fiica in Franta, in 1993, pus in libertate sub supraveghere Risc critic de incendii de vegetatie intr-o provincie din Canada. Zeci de persoane, evacuate. Se vor raspandi foarte rapid Risc critic de incendii de vegetatie intr-o provincie din Canada. Zeci de persoane, evacuate. "Se vor raspandi foarte rapid" WOW! Romania vs. Romania, la Campionatul Mondial de Robotica WOW! Romania vs. Romania, la Campionatul Mondial de Robotica Accident grav cu trei raniti, in Cluj. Doua autoutilitare si o masina, implicate Accident grav cu trei raniti, in Cluj. Doua autoutilitare si o masina, implicate Alcool-ul si tigarile electronice fac ravagii printre copiii de 11-15 ani! OMS trage un semnal de alarma Alcool-ul si tigarile electronice fac ravagii printre copiii de 11-15 ani! OMS trage un semnal de alarma Andrei Muraru, ambasadorul Romaniei in SUA, despre candidatura lui Klaus Iohannis la NATO: Nimeni nu pune la indoiala profilul presedintelui Andrei Muraru, ambasadorul Romaniei in SUA, despre candidatura lui Klaus Iohannis la NATO: "Nimeni nu pune la indoiala profilul presedintelui" BVB, operatorul pietei locale de capital, va distribui actionarilor dividende de 12,5 mil. lei BVB, operatorul pietei locale de capital, va distribui actionarilor dividende de 12,5 mil. lei Opinie Radu Burnete, Concordia: Cat poate creste salariul minim in promisiunile de campanie? Dar in realitate? Opinie Radu Burnete, Concordia: Cat poate creste salariul minim in promisiunile de campanie? Dar in realitate? Decizia CSM in legatura cu judecatoarea din cazul 2 Mai. Ce se intampla cu Ancuta Ioana Popoviciu Decizia CSM in legatura cu judecatoarea din cazul 2 Mai. Ce se intampla cu Ancuta Ioana Popoviciu No Coman, no party! Ce nota a luat Tarnovanu dupa ce a ingropat visele FCSB de a fi campioana din aceasta etapa No Coman, no party! Ce nota a luat Tarnovanu dupa ce a "ingropat" visele FCSB de a fi campioana din aceasta etapa Barbatul care s-a imbogatit datorita blugilor. Cine a fost Levi Strauss si cum a reusit sa devina un fashion icon Barbatul care s-a imbogatit datorita blugilor. Cine a fost Levi Strauss si cum a reusit sa devina un fashion icon Sepsi – FCSB 2-2. Florinel Coman a marcat, dar a iesit in prima repriza accidentat Sepsi – FCSB 2-2. Florinel Coman a marcat, dar a iesit in prima repriza accidentat


Stiri locale

Sources: China and #39;s big state-owned banks sell dollars to prop up yuan

publicat 2024-04-03 00:00:12 (Bursa)
China and #39;s currency, the yuan, fell to its lowest level in four and a half months yesterday, as the STRONG dollar offset sales of 'greenbacks' by state-owned banks, Reuters reports. ...continuare.

CNBC: The wealth of America and #39;s richest has hit a new record, thanks to a rally in the stock market

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Wealth of the richest 1% of Americans rose to $44.6 trillion, according to the Fed * Mark Zandi, Moody and #39;s Analytics: 'The wealth effect from rising stock prices STRONGly boosts consumer confidence, spending and broader economic growth' * The S and P index is up about 10% this year ...continuare.

Why the Federal Reserve does not predict a recession?

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Mike Skordeles, Truist Advisory Services: 'The economy will remain STRONG due to better productivity and structural changes in the labor force' * Stephanie Lang, Homrich Berg: 'An inflation surprise could put the Federal Reserve in a position to keep interest rates at a restrictive level for too long, leading to a recession' ...continuare.

"Romanii au talent" 2024. Editie incendiara! Mihai Bobonete a oferit Golden Buzz-ul celor de la Calisthenics Romania! | VIDEO

publicat 2024-03-23 06:00:04 (Adevarul)
Romanii au talent 2024. Editie incendiara! Mihai Bobonete a oferit Golden Buzz-ul celor de la Calisthenics Romania! | VIDEO Editia a 8-a de la "Romanii au talent" a adus in fata juratilor si a telespectatorilor concurenti deosebit de talentati si capabili sa isi dovedeasca abilitatile. Printre cei mai apreciati au fost si cei din trupa de copii STRONG Junior si Deniss Trifanovs, care au demonstrat ca isi merita locul pri ...continuare.

Bitcoin 'Halving' - Significance and Prospects

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Bitwise Asset Management: 'The launch of ETFs was the moment of Bitcoin and #39;s IPO' * Bitbank: 'We expect interest rate cuts, halvings and ETFs to lead to STRONG price growth in the second half of the year' * JP Morgan: 'The reduction of rewards will lead to an increase in the production costs of the 'miners', with a negative impact on their profitability' * 'Once the euphoria induced by the 'halving' of Bitcoin subsides, the price will fall to... ...continuare.

EIB survey: The shock in the energy sector STRONGly affected Romanian companies

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The proportion of enterprises in our country facing financial constraints is far above the European average, according to the bank * Romanian companies showed resistance beyond expectations in the face of the slowdown in economic growth, according to the EIB * Isarescu: 'According to the findings of the EIB, the general image of investments in Romania has improved' ...continuare.

Cand activele junk sunt finantate in loc sa fie restructurate, avem si inflatie, si declin economic

publicat 2024-03-11 07:00:08 (Jurnalul-National)
Cand activele junk sunt finantate in loc sa fie restructurate, avem si inflatie, si declin economic Presedintele Consiliului de Administratie al Société Générale, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, a surprins destul de fidel, intr-un editorial din Financial Times scris in martie 2015 ("Brace for STRONGer effects of QE in the Eurozone"), ce efecte va avea relaxarea cantitativa. Bini Smaghi, fost membru al board-ului Bancii Centrale Europene (BCE) a explicat ca bancile vor primi in schimbul activelor cedate catre banca centrala depozite, pentru care dobanzile... ...continuare.

Probleme la Rapid: jucator trimis de urgenta in Anglia sa se opereze » Cat va sta pe bara

publicat 2024-02-21 10:00:10 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Probleme la Rapid: jucator trimis de urgenta in Anglia sa se opereze » Cat va sta pe bara Rapid a anuntat azi ca mijlocasul central Mattias Kait (25 de ani) a fost trimis in Anglia pentru a se opera.Estonianul care nu a mai jucat de la inceputul lunii decembrie a continuat sa acuze probleme medicale, desi revenise la antrenamentele lui Cristiano Bergodi, iar giulestenii sperau sa-l poata folosi in curand.Mattias Kait, operat de urgenta in Anglia"Come back STRONGer! (n. ... ...continuare.

Bitcoin and #39;s capitalization has surpassed one trillion dollars for the first time since December 2021

publicat 2024-02-15 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Bitcoin and #39;s capitalization has surpassed one trillion dollars for the first time since December 2021 * The recent surge appears to be fueled by STRONG demand for ETFs, according to CNBC * In April comes the so-called 'halving' of rewards for Bitcoin miners ...continuare.

Paunescu: 'Some banks still lack a STRONG appetite for negotiating credit contracts'

publicat 2024-02-07 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Paunescu: 'Some banks still lack a <span style='background:#EDF514'>STRONG</span> appetite for negotiating credit contracts' * It is possible that the additional 2% tax applied to banks and #39; turnover may be reflected in the final costs to consumers, believes Alexandru Paunescu. * Consumer benefits in negotiations with banks through CSALB exceeded euro3.3 million last year. * Over euro11.3 million - the total sum of benefits obtained by consumers following negotiations conducted between 2016 and 2023 within CSALB ...continuare.

Lance ArmSTRONG ofera ghidul trisorului in sport: cum s-a dopat fara sa fie prins in toata cariera sa

publicat 2024-02-05 12:00:01 (Adevarul)
Lance Arm<span style='background:#EDF514'>STRONG</span> ofera ghidul trisorului in sport: cum s-a dopat fara sa fie prins in toata cariera sa Candva, o figura legendara, americanul a ajuns, astazi, un om exclus pe viata din sport. ...continuare.

Lance ArmSTRONG, "geniul" dopajului, dezvaluie secretul ca un atlet sa NU testeze pozitiv: "E un fel de matematica, se intampla in orice sport de anduranta"

publicat 2024-02-05 11:46:14 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Lance Arm<span style='background:#EDF514'>STRONG</span>, geniul dopajului, dezvaluie secretul ca un atlet sa NU testeze pozitiv: E un fel de matematica, se intampla in orice sport de anduranta Americanul Lance ArmSTRONG, fostul ciclist care a castigat 7 Tururi ale Frantei - pierdute integral din cauza dopajului sistematic dovedit de agentia americana antidoping -, a explicat cum a reusit sa dribleze controalele antidoping toata cariera. "Am fost testat de 500 de ori in cariera si niciun rezultat nu a fost pozitiv". Asta a fost apararea lui Lance ArmSTRONG pentru toata cariera. ... ...continuare.

Athens airport IPO draws STRONG demand from investors

publicat 2024-02-05 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Athens airport IPO draws <span style='background:#EDF514'>STRONG</span> demand from investors The initial public offering (IPO) of a 30 percent stake in Athens International Airport, Greece and #39;s largest tourist gateway, has attracted STRONG demand from investors, the airport operator said on Friday, cited by Reuters . ...continuare.

Bursa. Swiss Capital vede actiunile Aquila Part Prod la 1,33 de lei, adica un randament potential de 30%. Analistii au oferit o recomandare de "STRONG buy"

publicat 2024-02-02 07:00:20 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Bursa. Swiss Capital vede actiunile Aquila Part Prod la 1,33 de lei, adica un randament potential de 30%. Analistii au oferit o recomandare de <span style='background:#EDF514'>STRONG</span> buy Analistii de la Swiss Capital, intermediar de top trei la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, au oferit o recomandare de "STRONG buy" si un pret tinta de 1,33 de lei in urmatoarele 12 luni pentru actiunile Aquila Part Prod (simbol bursier AQ), liderul distribuitorilor romani de bunuri de larg consum. Calculat la acest target si la pretul curent, randamentul potential ar fi de 30%. ...continuare.

STRONG gains on the BSE, well above the appreciation of the major western markets

publicat 2024-01-25 00:00:03 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>STRONG</span> gains on the BSE, well above the appreciation of the major western markets * The listing of Hidroelectrica - the main catalyst of the evolution of our stock market * Gross dividend yield of 9.8% for Hidro shares compared to year-end price, according to broker estimates * Finances collected 6.4 billion lei from the population, through three Fidelis issues ...continuare.

What prospects does the US dollar have this year?

publicat 2024-01-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
What prospects does the US dollar have this year? * Analysts expect the US currency to depreciate, especially in the second part of the year, according to a Reuters poll * Wells Fargo: 'As the monetary policy cycle moves into the easing phase, a decline in the dollar looks increasingly likely under a wide range of scenarios' * Thanos Vamvakidis, Bank of America: 'The Fed and #39;s interest rate cuts matter more to the market than the cuts of other central banks' * Isabella Rosenberg, Goldman Sachs: 'The outperformance of the US economy in... ...continuare.

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bucharest condemns the acts of terrorism that occurred in the city of Kerman

publicat 2024-01-04 12:00:03 (Bursa)
The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bucharest condemns the acts of terrorism that occurred in the city of Kerman The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bucharest STRONGly condemns the abhorrent acts of terrorism that took place in the city of Kerman - Iran on Wednesday, 3 January 2024. ...continuare.

Museum Curators Protest Publicly and Plan to 'Sabotage' the 'School Otherwise' Program

publicat 2024-01-04 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Museum Curators Protest Publicly and Plan to 'Sabotage' the 'School Otherwise' Program The National Federation of Unions in Culture and Media, 'CulturMedia,' affiliated with CNS Cartel Alfa, is starting the new year with STRONG protests. ...continuare.

Ce a ascuns primul om care a ajuns pe Luna! Secretul gasit in dulap, dupa moartea lui

publicat 2024-01-02 14:15:04 (Click)
Ce a ascuns primul om care a ajuns pe Luna! Secretul gasit in dulap, dupa moartea lui Pe data de 25 august 2012, s-a stins din viata o legenda: primul om care a ajuns pe Luna, Neil ArmSTRONG! Timp de 40 de ani, de la misiunea Apollo 11 si pana la moartea sa, astronautul nu a facut nicio mentiune cu privire la obiectele pe care le-a luat acasa. Insa, sotia acestuia, Carol, a facut o d ...continuare.

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