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A concurat pentru titlul de MISS Texas la varsa de 72 de ani. Care este secretul siluetei sale de invidiat si ce reactii a starnit

publicat 2024-07-25 15:45:02 (Antena-1)
A concurat pentru titlul de <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span> Texas la varsa de 72 de ani. Care este secretul siluetei sale de invidiat si ce reactii a starnit Concursurile de MISS au avut de-a lungul timpului niste reguli rigide, de care foarte putine tinere au putut trece. Cu toate acestea, in ultimul timp au acceptat ca lumea este destul de diversa. ...continuare.

Afacerile Star TransMISSion Cugir, divizia locala a Mercedes-Benz AG, au crescut cu 7,5% in 2023

publicat 2024-07-24 23:15:09 (Mediafax)
Afacerile Star Trans<span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span>ion Cugir, divizia locala a Mercedes-Benz AG, au crescut cu 7,5% in 2023 Star TransMISSion a finalizat anul 2023 cu un profit net de aproximativ 6,1 mil. lei (1,2 mil. euro), in scadere cu 65,8% fata de anul pre­­cedent, cand compa­nia a obtinut un castig net de 18 mil. lei (3,6 mil. euro), conform datelor publice. Divizia locala a Mer­ce­des-Benz AG a a­vut anul trecut un numar mediu de 1.002 de angajati. ...continuare.

La 72 de ani, o femeie arata atat de bine, incat s-a dus la un concurs de MISS in SUA. Ea a dezvaluit secretele care o mentin in forma

publicat 2024-07-24 15:30:07 (Antena3)
La 72 de ani, o femeie arata atat de bine, incat s-a dus la un concurs de <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span> in SUA. Ea a dezvaluit secretele care o mentin in forma O femeie de 72 de ani a facut istorie dupa ce a concurat la MISS Texas SUA, devenind cea mai in varsta participanta, scrie Business Insider.Marissa Teijo, in varsta de 72 de ani, a povestit care este... ...continuare.

Enrollment record at Transilvania University

publicat 2024-07-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The good results from the Baccalaureate exam can also be seen at the faculties and #39; secretaries, where more and more graduates present themselves. This year and #39;s adMISSion brought to Transilvania University of Brasov, a record number of candidates for bachelor and #39;s and master and #39;s study programs: 17,646. ...continuare.

O femeie a fost eliberata dupa ce a stat 43 de ani in inchisoare, condamnata pentru o crima pe care nu a comis-o, in Statele Unite

publicat 2024-07-21 11:15:08 (Libertatea)
O femeie care a ispasit 43 de ani pentru o crima pe care nu a comis-o a fost eliberata dupa ce i-a fost anulata condamnarea. Sandra Hemme avea 20 de ani cand a fost gasita vinovata pentru ca a injunghiat-o pana la moarte pe Patricia Jeschke din St Joseph, MISSouri, in noiembrie 1980. A fost […] ...continuare.

Cum a pedepsit-o Irinel Columbeanu pe Gabriela Botezat, atunci cand a aflat ca "MISS Romania" l-a inselat. Detalii nestiute din viata amoroasa a fostului milionar

publicat 2024-07-19 19:15:03 (Click)
Cum a pedepsit-o Irinel Columbeanu pe Gabriela Botezat, atunci cand a aflat ca <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span> Romania l-a inselat. Detalii nestiute din viata amoroasa a fostului milionar Printre numeroasele femei cu care s-a iubit Irinel Columbeanu, s-a numarat si Gabriela Botezat, in prezent Gabriela Ciobica, alias Blanche, fosta "MISS Romania". Cei doi s-au cunoscut pe cand tanara avea 19 ani si ar fi fost la un pas de casatorie, insa, s-a rupt totul cand fostul milionar de la Izv ...continuare.

Ursula von der Leyen, reinstalled as head of the European ComMISSion

publicat 2024-07-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The European Parliament, with 401 votes in favor, 284 votes against, 15 abstentions and 7 null votes, decided yesterday to grant Ursula von der Leyen a new mandate as President of the European ComMISSion, despite the fact that the EU Court of Justice ruled a day before the Community Executive did not respect the rules of transparency in the conclusion of contracts for the purchase of anti-Covid vaccines and despite the criminal files in which von der... ...continuare.

Sosoaca evicted from the European Parliament; opposition is accepted, but not slander

publicat 2024-07-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Yesterday, Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca was evicted from the European Parliament, a democratic institution where the opposition is accepted - proof that the representatives of far-right political groups gave their speeches in the plenary session where Ursula von der Leyen and #39;s candidacy for the position of president was debated European ComMISSion - but bribery is kept at the door. And when she still manages to sneak into the Strasbourg Hemicycle, as... ...continuare.

Medicine, in great demand among high school graduates

publicat 2024-07-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Competition for adMISSion to higher education is increasing in certain disciplines. ...continuare.

The reinstatement of Ursula von der Leyen, uncertain after a decision of the EU Court

publicat 2024-07-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The reinstatement of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European ComMISSion, which would take place today in the European Parliament, is uncertain after the decision of the Court of the European Union yesterday regarding the transparency of the documents that formed the basis of the conclusion of the European agreement for the purchase of vaccines against -Covid and related contracts. ...continuare.

Asteroidul Apophis, supranumit si "Zeul distrugerii", va trece aproape de Pamant. "Unul dintre ei o sa loveasca Pamantul si o sa provoace un dezastru major"

publicat 2024-07-17 23:00:07 (Jurnalul-National)
Asteroidul Apophis, supranumit si Zeul distrugerii, va trece aproape de Pamant. Unul dintre ei o sa loveasca Pamantul si o sa provoace un dezastru major Agentia Spatiala Europeana (ESA) a anuntat finantarea lucrarilor pregatitoare pentru misiunea Rapid Apophis MISSion for Security and Safety (Ramses). Aceasta va implica trimiterea unei nave spatiale pentru a colecta informatii despre dimensiunea, forma, masa si rotatia asteroidului in timp ce traverseaza spatiul. ...continuare.

NASA a trimis pe Venus o melodie lansata de MISSy Elliott

publicat 2024-07-17 11:00:02 (Antena3)
NASA a trimis pe Venus o melodie lansata de <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span>y Elliott O melodie a cantaretei MISSy Elliott a calatorit in spatiu ...continuare.

Marcel Ciolacu will disMISS the management of AMEPIP

publicat 2024-07-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*The decision is taken following a document sent by the European ComMISSion that suspects a conflict of interests *The Head of Government believes that it is a matter of legislative inconsistency regarding the selection procedure *Marcel Ciolacu let it be understood that following the resumption of the selection procedure it is possible that AMEPIP has the same people in charge ...continuare.

Cine este prima MISS AI din lume: o reprezentanta a Romaniei a fost printre cele 10 finaliste

publicat 2024-07-12 16:00:02 (Adevarul)
Cine este prima <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span> AI din lume: o reprezentanta a Romaniei a fost printre cele 10 finaliste Dupa ce juriul primului concurs de frumusete cu inteligenta artificiala din lume a dezvaluit 10 finaliste luna trecuta, MISS AI inaugurala a fost acum incoronata. ...continuare.

Dinu Maxer, supravegheat de logodnica Magda la "MISS Plaja"! Ce se intampla cu nunta? "Nu ma grabesc"

publicat 2024-07-12 13:30:03 (Click)
Dinu Maxer, supravegheat de logodnica Magda la <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span> Plaja! Ce se intampla cu nunta? Nu ma grabesc Dragostea, bat-o vina! Magdalena Chihaia nu-l scapa nici o clipa din ochi pe Dinu Maxer, de cand s-au logodit la Venetia. Dinu a facut furori la "MISS Plaja", printre frumuseti, iar Magda l-a supravegheat atent. Cand fac nunta cei doi? ...continuare.

MISS Columbia in tribune la Copa America » Au atras toate privirile printre cei 70.000 de spectatori prezenti la semifinala din Charlotte

publicat 2024-07-11 13:30:07 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span> Columbia in tribune la Copa America » Au atras toate privirile printre cei 70.000 de spectatori prezenti la semifinala din Charlotte Peste 60.000 de fani columbieni au asistat la semifinala de la Copa America, triumful cu 1-0 in fata nationalei din Uruguay.Columbia are o generatie de exceptie. A ajuns la 28 de meciuri consecutive fara esec si s-a calificat pentru a treia oara in istorie in finala Copa America. Are un singur trofeu, cel din 2001. GALERIE FOTO. Columbienii +1 FOTOMotorul generatiei conduse de James Rodriguez il reprezinta suporterii. ... ...continuare.

Cum arata prima MISS Inteligenta Artificiala din lume. "Este o forta" | FOTO

publicat 2024-07-11 12:00:13 (ProTV)
Cum arata prima <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span> Inteligenta Artificiala din lume. Este o forta | FOTO Dupa ce arbitrii primului concurs de frumusete AI din lume au dezvaluit luna trecuta cele 10 finaliste, prima MISS Inteligenta Artificiala a fost acum si încoronata. ...continuare.

AdMISSion to high school has reached the stage of filling out forms

publicat 2024-07-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
AdMISSion to high school is not only about exams, the ability to complete the options as realistically and extensively as possible is also very important. ...continuare.

Methane eMISSions from cows and pigs will be taxed by a European country

publicat 2024-07-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The fight against pollution has reached the methane eMISSions of animals. ...continuare.

The transport projects in our country, financed with 12 billion euros during the mandate of Adina Valean

publicat 2024-07-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
In the last five years, the European ComMISSion has allocated approximately 12 billion euros for transport infrastructure projects in our country, said Adina Valean, European ComMISSioner for Transport, yesterday in the balance conference at the end of the mandate. ...continuare.

The European ComMISSion accuses a conflict of interests in appointing AMEPIP management

publicat 2024-07-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
According to a document submitted to the Ciolacu government by the European ComMISSion, Victor Moraru, one of the close associates of Deputy Prime Minister Marian Neacsu, is suspected of incompatibility and conflict of interest for the way he became vice president of the Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Performance of Public Enterprises (AMEPIP), the agency that will check the management within the companies with state capital. ...continuare.

Fundasul turc suspendat in scandalul de la Euro e aparat de fosta candidata la MISS Elvetia: "Este bun, nu e rasist!"

publicat 2024-07-05 17:30:10 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Fundasul turc suspendat in scandalul de la Euro e aparat de fosta candidata la <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span> Elvetia: Este bun, nu e rasist! Heidi Lushtaku (34 de ani), nevasta lui Merih Demiral, fundasul turc care a fost suspendat de UEFA doua etape din cauza salutului "lupilor gri", a declarat tabloidului Blick ca "Sotul meu este bun, deschis la minte si tolerant. Diversitatea este frumusetea familiei noastre". Modelul elvetiano-kosovar, care e medic stomatolog, a fost pe lista participantelor la MISS Elvetia in 2014. ... ...continuare.

European funding for cyber security, capabilities and digital technologies

publicat 2024-07-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The European ComMISSion yesterday launched calls worth more than 210 million euros under the Digital Europe Program for proposals to strengthen cyber security and digital capabilities across the EU. ...continuare.

Marcus Ehrenberger, Strabag: 'If the construction sector does not move towards sustainability, we will have a big problem'

publicat 2024-07-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Given that Europe has only 9% of the necessary raw materials, sustainability is an essential condition for the construction sector, argue the specialists of the Strabag company who work in the Zublin Innovation Center in Stuttgart, Germany and who are looking for the best solutions in this regard and for for that company to become neutral in terms of carbon eMISSions by 2040. ...continuare.

Sheynnis Palacios, MISS Universe 2023: "Am avut doua tentative de sinucidere"

publicat 2024-07-04 12:15:07 (Libertatea)
Sheynnis Palacios, <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span> Universe 2023: Am avut doua tentative de sinucidere Prezenta in Republica Dominicana, nicaraguana Sheynnis Palacios (24 de ani), care a cucerit titlul de MISS Universe, anul trecut, a marturisit ca, in 2018 si 2021. s-a gandit sa se sinucida si ca animalul ei de companie, un catel, a salvat-o, relateaza portalul Nicaragua Actual si publicatia Hola! In timpul unui eveniment organizat de Universitatea […] ...continuare.

Politistii din MISSouri au oprit un OZN pe autostrada: "Acesti umanoizi prietenosi au venit in pace"

publicat 2024-07-03 19:15:03 (Antena3)
Politistii din <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span>ouri au oprit un OZN pe autostrada: Acesti umanoizi prietenosi au venit in pace Politia rutiera din comitatul Crawford, MISSouri, a oprit in trafic o masina ciudata care semana cu un OZN si se deplasa fara probleme pe o autostrada aglomerata ...continuare.

Politistii din MISSouri au oprit un OZN pe autostrada: "Acesti umanoizi prietenosi au venit in pace"

publicat 2024-07-03 19:15:03 (Antena3)
Politistii din <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISS</span>ouri au oprit un OZN pe autostrada: Acesti umanoizi prietenosi au venit in pace Politia rutiera din comitatul Crawford, MISSouri, a oprit in trafic o masina ciudata care semana cu un OZN si se deplasa fara probleme pe o autostrada aglomerata ...continuare.

Politistii au tras "OZN-ul" pe dreapta! Cum a reactionat "soferul extraterestru"

publicat 2024-07-03 15:15:05 (Click)
Politistii au tras OZN-ul pe dreapta! Cum a reactionat soferul extraterestru Politia rutiera din comitatul Crawford, MISSouri, au avut parte de o intalnire "extraterestra", atunci cand un vehicul unic le-a atras atentia. Oamenii legii au oprit autoturismul care arata ca un OZN si care circula nestingherit pe o autostrada aglomerata. ...continuare.

The European ComMISSion agrees with the realization of units 3 and 4 from Cernavoda

publicat 2024-07-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The European ComMISSion yesterday gave the green light, in terms of technical and nuclear security aspects, to the construction of Units 3 and 4 at Cernavoda, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Energy. ...continuare.

Ovidius University of Constanta obtained the status of 'European University'

publicat 2024-07-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Ovidius University of Constanta (UOC), as a member of the Artemis European Consortium, obtained the status of 'European University', together with the partner institutions from other states. According to the representatives of the academic institution, the European ComMISSion announced, at the end of last week, the results this year and #39;s call for proposals for the 'European Universities Initiative', financed by the European Union through the... ...continuare.

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