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Increases for indices - supported by dividends, company results and pension fund purchases

publicat 2024-07-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* Pillar II FUNDS began to receive, from March, monthly transfers increased to 4.75% of the gross income of employees * Finances collected 5.4 billion lei from the population, through two issues of Fidelis government bonds * Premier Energy was listed on the Regulated Market ...continuare.

Chainalysis: Cryptocurrencies - increasingly used for money laundering

publicat 2024-07-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* Crypto mixers, cross-bridges and hops between wallets - among the methods used to hide the origin and transfer of FUNDS, according to Chainalysis * Bitcoin is up over 50% this year ...continuare.

Alexandru Petrescu, ASF President: 'The Bucharest Stock Exchange is a good alternative for financing the Romanian economy'

publicat 2024-07-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'In the National Recovery and Resilience Plan we have FUNDS dedicated to listing preparations' The listing of Hidroelectrica together with the issues of Fidelis state bonds have created an investment culture in our country and it is important for investors and entrepreneurs to understand that the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) represents a good alternative for financing the Romanian economy, Alexandru said on Friday Petrescu, President of the... ...continuare.

Real estate transactions of 491 million euros in the first half of 2024

publicat 2024-07-12 00:00:09 (Bursa)
The first semester of 2024 ended with real estate transactions of 419 million euros in Romania, more than twice as much as in the same period last year (when the total value of transactions in the first six months was 167 million euros), and the construction sector has reached historic highs, stimulated by massive investments from EU FUNDS and a very active private market, Colliers company experts said yesterday, during a press conference where they... ...continuare.

OLAF report: We remain the first to defraud European FUNDS

publicat 2024-06-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*With 16 investigations opened by OLAF last year in our country, Romania ranks first in the fraud of European FUNDS *11 cases regarding the fraud of European FUNDS in Romania were sent by OLAF to the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office led by Laura Codruta Kovesi *OLAF requested the recovery of 15 million euros defrauded through IT projects in Romania *Ernesto Bianchi, head of the Department of Customs and... ...continuare.

'The listing of new shares of companies from the state portfolio would increase BVB and #39;s liquidity'

publicat 2024-06-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* (Interview with Raluca Capatina-Stoica and Sorin Petre, PwC Romania) * 'Through the capital market, companies usually attract passive investors, while financing through private equity FUNDS attracts active investors' * 'BVB and #39;s position in Central and Eastern Europe is appreciable, considering Romania and #39;s weaker macroeconomic context compared to the other countries in the region' * 'BSE companies have lower financial multipliers compared... ...continuare.

The Energy Strategy foresees investments of 16 billion euros from European FUNDS

publicat 2024-06-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Ministry of Energy launched, on Friday, in public consultation, the project of Romania and #39;s Energy Strategy for the period 2025-2035, with the perspective of 2050, a document that foresees investments of 16 billion euros from European FUNDS. ...continuare.

FBI: Global cybercrime losses - $12.5 billion in 2023

publicat 2024-06-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The figure is more than three times higher than in 2019 * Most FUNDS were lost due to investment fraud and hacking of company email addresses ...continuare.

Transport Trade Services wants to increase its capital by 120 million lei

publicat 2024-06-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The operation involves incorporating the amount of money from the reserves * Four of the seven Pillar II pension FUNDS owned almost 23% of the company at the end of March ...continuare.

FUNDStrat: Deficitul de forta de munca va duce la cresterea vertiginoasa a actiunilor de tehnologice

publicat 2024-05-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* Ponderea sectorului tehnologic va ajunge la 50% din S and P 500, crede Tom Lee, strateg FUNDStrat Un deficit global de forta de munca de aproximativ 80 de milioane de persoane pana la sfarsitul anului 2030 va duce la cresterea vertiginoasa a actiunilor de tehnologie, spune Tom Lee, seful departamentului de cercetare al firmei de analiza si strategii de piata FUNDStrat, conform Business Insider. ...continuare.

FUNDStrat: Labor shortage will cause tech stocks to skyrocket

publicat 2024-05-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The weight of the technology sector will reach 50% of the S and P 500, believes Tom Lee, strategist of FUNDStrat A global labor shortage of about 80 million people by the end of 2030 will cause tech stocks to skyrocket, says Tom Lee, head of research at market strategy and analysis firm FUNDStrat, according to Business Insider . Lee expects the technology sector and #39;s share of the S and P 500 to rise to 50%,... ...continuare.

Goldring si-a recrutat director de vanzari si tranzactionare de la Bank of America; capital majorat cu 300.000 de euro

publicat 2024-05-23 12:15:03 (Bursa)
Goldring, unul dintre cei mai activi brokeri din Romania in termeni de listari si tranzactii de la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, l-a recrutat pe Nicolae Tudor (30 de ani) ca Director - Head of Sales and Trading, dupa ce acesta a petrecut cinci ani in Londra, la Bank of America, timp in care a gestionat produse si servicii pentru investitorii institutionali de tip Hedge FUNDS. Dragos Mesaros, directorul de Tranzactionare al Goldring, a fost promovat ca... ...continuare.

Radu Craciun, APAPR: 'We are condemned to find other channels of financing the economy, apart from the stock market'

publicat 2024-05-20 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* 'I expect that entry into the OECD will stimulate the area of occupational pensions' * 'Private pension FUNDS in Romania have a small share of investments abroad, compared to other pension FUNDS in the OECD' ...continuare.

ZF Deschiderea de astazi la Bursa. Razvan Pasol, CEO, Patria AM: Vedem o dinamica foarte buna pe segmentul ETF-urilor la nivel global, ajuns la active in valoare de 12 trilioane de dolari

publicat 2024-05-14 00:30:15 (Ziarul-Financiar)
ZF Deschiderea de astazi la Bursa. Razvan Pasol, CEO, Patria AM: Vedem o dinamica foarte buna pe segmentul ETF-urilor la nivel global, ajuns la active in valoare de 12 trilioane de dolari Fondurile tranzactionate la Bursa (exchange traded FUNDS) inregistreaza o dinamica favorabila la nivel global in ultima perioada, fapt reflectat inclusiv ce ETF-ul de la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti care replica performanta indicelui de referinta BET, spune Razvan Pasol, CEO al Patria Asset Management, invitat la emisiunea ZF Deschiderea de Astazi. ...continuare.

S and P 500 - cea mai mare scadere din ultima jumatate de an; se vad urmele ursului?

publicat 2024-04-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* John Flood, Goldman Sachs: 'Exista inca suficiente rezerve de lichiditate pe care investitorii sa le plaseze in actiuni' * Tom Lee, FUNDStrat: 'Piata nu are nevoie de reduceri ale dobanzilor din partea Fed pentru a se descurca bine' * Mona Mahajan, Edward Jones Investments: 'Pietele and #171;bear and #187; tind sa apara cand economia se afla sau intra intr-o recesiune; in clipa de fata nu vedem aceste conditii' * Tesla, Meta (Facebook), Alphabet... ...continuare.

S and P 500 has biggest decline in half a year; can you see the bear tracks?

publicat 2024-04-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* John Flood, Goldman Sachs: 'There is still enough liquidity for investors to put into stocks' * Tom Lee, FUNDStrat: 'The market doesn and #39;t need Fed rate cuts to do well' * Mona Mahajan, Edward Jones Investments: 'Bear markets tend to occur when the economy is in or entering a recession; at the moment we do not see these conditions' * Tesla, Meta (Facebook), Alphabet (Google) and Microsoft are 'magnificent' that will announce their first quarter... ...continuare.

AISIF: 'Lion Capital is an extremely undercapitalized company'

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'The real shareholders of Lion, not those built from buying own shares through interposed FUNDS, are dealing with a 70% discount compared to the net asset', say the members of the Association * Lion Capital and #39;s management claims that Blue Capital and #39;s request regarding the allocation of dividends and buybacks of its own shares would excessively decapitalize the company * 'The net asset praised by Lion and #39;s management does nothing to... ...continuare.

AISIF: Blue Capital, the largest real shareholder of Lion Capital, has ended up powerless in the hands of a management that exclusively pursues its own interests

publicat 2024-04-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* AISIF informs the new management of ASF to protect the rights of all investors in the capital market * Blue Capital is demanding that Lion Capital pay dividends and make buybacks for the benefit of shareholders * The Pilon II pension FUNDS have been running for several years from the shareholding of Lion Capital, SIF Muntenia and Infinity Capital Investment ...continuare.

Clifford Chance Badea a asistat PIB Group Europa

publicat 2024-04-15 19:30:04 (Bursa)
Clifford Chance Badea, biroul de la Bucuresti al firmei globale de avocatura Clifford Chance, a acordat asistenta PIB Group Europa, sustinuta de firmele globale de private equity Apax FUNDS si The Carlyle Group, in legatura cu achizitia Stein Bestasig Insurance Broker, care marcheaza debutul companiei britanice pe piata de asigurari din Romania ...continuare.

Avocatii de la Clifford Chance Badea au asistat PIB Group Europa in tranzactia care marcheaza debutul companiei britanice pe piata de brokeraj de asigurari din Romania

publicat 2024-04-15 13:31:30 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Avocatii de la Clifford Chance Badea au asistat PIB Group Europa in tranzactia care marcheaza debutul companiei britanice pe piata de brokeraj de asigurari din Romania Autor: Cristina Bellu Clifford Chance Badea, biroul de la Bucuresti al firmei globale de avocatura Clifford Chance, a acordat asistenta PIB Group Europa, sustinuta de firmele globale de private equity Apax FUNDS si The Carlyle Group, in legatura cu achizitia Stein Bestasig Insurance Broker, care marcheaza debutul companiei britanice pe piata de asigurari din Romania. ...continuare.

Orban, implicat in cumpararea Euronews. Cel putin o treime din cele 170 de milioane de euro cu care a fost cumparat postul provin din surse cu legaturi cu Orban, dezvaluie site-ul ungar de investigatii Direkt36, cotidianul francez Le Monde si saptamanalul portughez Expresso

publicat 2024-04-12 23:00:31 (Money.ro)
Orban, implicat in  cumpararea Euronews. Cel putin o treime din cele 170 de milioane de euro cu care a fost cumparat postul provin din surse cu legaturi cu Orban, dezvaluie site-ul ungar de investigatii Direkt36, cotidianul francez Le Monde si saptamanalul portughez Expresso In mod oficial, Fondul de investitii Alpac Capital, cu sediul in Portugalia, este cel care a cumparat o parte majoritara in Euronews, in iulie 2022, cu aproximativ 170 de milioane de euro.Tranzactia a fost validata in mai 2022 de catre Ministerul francez al Finantelor, in contextul in care Euronews, care are sediul la Lyon, este o intreprindere de drept francez intr-un sector strategic - al presei.Cel putin o treime din aceste fonduri proveneau din surse cu legaturi cu Viktor... ...continuare.

ECA President: 'Under the pressure of the deadline for the implementation of the PNRR, the risk of defrauding European FUNDS increases'

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Tony Murphy, president of the European Court of Auditors (ECA - European Court of Accounts), states that the deadline - December 31, 2026 - for the implementation of the NRDPs represents a factor that 'contributes even more to the risk' of misappropriation of FUNDS by amplifying 'the pressure on the member states to quickly spend this money'. ...continuare.

ASF: The assets of private pension FUNDS were 131.5 billion lei last year, up 31%

publicat 2024-04-03 00:00:12 (Bursa)
* Pillar II FUNDS managed assets of 126.7 billion lei, according to the Authority and #39;s report The private pensions market in our country reached, at the end of 2023, total assets worth 131.5 billion lei, an increase of 31.4% compared to the end of the previous year, according to the report of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) regarding the evolution of the private pension system in Romania last year. ...continuare.

Funding for the restoration of memorial houses, heritage stations and open-air museums

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
Protecting historical monuments is an essential step for any self-respecting state. The government allocated, last week, through an ordinance that amends Law 422/2001 on the protection of historical monuments, FUNDS to start a national program of memorial houses, to restore some heritage stations and open-air museums and for allowances intended for the Treasures Live Humans, informed the Ministry of Culture. ...continuare.

Program for the construction of 26 recycling factories

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Administration of the Environmental Fund will finance, with 200 million euros - FUNDS allocated from PNRR -, the construction of 26 new recycling factories in our country, said, on Friday, Laurentiu Neculaescu, the president of the public institution, during the conference 'Spring cleaning in Romania', organized by DC Media Group. ...continuare.

Unu din trei investitori in fonduri de actiuni din Romania investeste in ETF-furile administrate de Patria AM

publicat 2024-03-15 12:15:20 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Unu din trei investitori in fonduri de actiuni din Romania investeste in ETF-furile administrate de Patria AM sursa foto: BVB.ro Cele doua fonduri listate la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti si administrate de Patria Asset Management, adica Exchange-Traded FUNDS (ETFs) care urmaresc evolutia unui activ suport, respectiv indicele BET si indicele BET-NG, au circa 30% din numarul total de investitori in fonduri deschise de actiuni, spune Horia Gusta, presedintele Asociatiei Administratorilor de Fonduri. ...continuare.

Financial February: Slight gains for the indices, in the month when companies presented their achievements of the past year

publicat 2024-03-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Dividend with a yield of 10% for Hidroelectrica, with an allocation of 90% of the profit * Subscriptions of 1.8 billion lei in the latest Fidelis offer, below those of the previous operation concluded last December * Nebulous around the Finances and #39; request regarding the 'conservation of the FP portfolio' * The trading discount of the former SIF Oltenia exceeded the level of 70%; all Pillar II FUNDS fled the company and #39;s shareholding ...continuare.

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