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Ce acte trebuie depuse pentru o pensie mai mare la recalculare. Cat timp au la dispozitie pensionarii Ce acte trebuie depuse pentru o pensie mai mare la recalculare. Cat timp au la dispozitie pensionarii Ucraina, in criza de timp nu doar din cauza atacurilor rusesti continue, a stoparii ajutorului militar occidental si lipsei de munitie, ci si datoriei. Creditorii tarii sunt crema Occidentului si a lumii capitaliste Ucraina, in criza de timp nu doar din cauza atacurilor rusesti continue, a stoparii ajutorului militar occidental si lipsei de munitie, ci si datoriei. Creditorii tarii sunt crema Occidentului si a lumii capitaliste Alfa Software si-a crescut profitul net cu 44% in 2023, la peste 6,6 mil. lei Alfa Software si-a crescut profitul net cu 44% in 2023, la peste 6,6 mil. lei Afaceri de la Zero. Elvira Badescu a deschis propriul centru educational, Smart Kids Academy, dupa o experienta de peste zece ani in invatamant Afaceri de la Zero. Elvira Badescu a deschis propriul centru educational, Smart Kids Academy, dupa o experienta de peste zece ani in invatamant #superstories. Business sportiv. Pariul ZF pe viitorii campioni. Unde au ajuns? Atleta Claudia Costiuc a devenit campioana balcanica la U20 #superstories. Business sportiv. Pariul ZF pe viitorii campioni. Unde au ajuns? Atleta Claudia Costiuc a devenit campioana balcanica la U20 Importatorul de bauturi B.D.G. Import mizeaza pe brandurile Glenfiddich si Monkey Shoulder pentru a-si majora veniturile cu 50 mil. lei in urmatoarele 12 luni. B.D.G. Import a terminat anul 2023 cu o cifra de afaceri de 365 mil. lei Importatorul de bauturi B.D.G. Import mizeaza pe brandurile Glenfiddich si Monkey Shoulder pentru a-si majora veniturile cu 50 mil. lei in urmatoarele 12 luni. B.D.G. Import a terminat anul 2023 cu o cifra de afaceri de 365 mil. lei Horoscop 19 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Zodia care va primi vestea pe care o astepta de multa vreme Horoscop 19 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Zodia care va primi vestea pe care o astepta de multa vreme Otelul Galati – Corvinul Hunedoara, in finala Cupei Romaniei. Galatenii s-au calificat dupa un autogol al lui Chipciu Otelul Galati – Corvinul Hunedoara, in finala Cupei Romaniei. Galatenii s-au calificat dupa un autogol al lui Chipciu Gigantul care vine pe piata din Romania. Cifra de afaceri este de sute de miliarde de euro si are angajati cu zecile de mii Gigantul care vine pe piata din Romania. Cifra de afaceri este de sute de miliarde de euro si are angajati cu zecile de mii Cum functioneaza o platforma de poker online Cum functioneaza o platforma de poker online Statele Unite au blocat aderarea palestiniana deplina la ONU Statele Unite au blocat aderarea palestiniana deplina la ONU Marcel Bolos s-a intalnit la Washington cu reprezentantii institutiilor financiare internationale Marcel Bolos s-a intalnit la Washington cu reprezentantii institutiilor financiare internationale NBA a ajuns la faza finalelor pentru Play Off. Cine continua sezonul si pentru cine va fi ultimul meci NBA a ajuns la faza "finalelor" pentru Play Off. Cine continua sezonul si pentru cine va fi ultimul meci ZF Investiti in Romania! Razvan Grancea, Fra Express: Avem nevoie de Schengen pentru a atrage investitii in Romania. Spre Ungaria pierdem si 15 ore in vama ZF Investiti in Romania! Razvan Grancea, Fra Express: Avem nevoie de Schengen pentru a atrage investitii in Romania. Spre Ungaria pierdem si 15 ore in vama Cutremur puternic in Turcia. Mai multi raniti in regiunea Anatolia. Scolile, inchise 24 de ore. Update Cutremur puternic in Turcia. Mai multi raniti in regiunea Anatolia. Scolile, inchise 24 de ore. Update


Stiri locale

Social convulsions, deficit over 2% of GDP, decision in the Rosia Montana case, air and maritime Schengen

publicat 2024-04-15 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Social convulsions have been a constant in the first three months of the current year, with a peak in January, when almost half of the country and #39;s major cities were blocked by farmers and #39; and TRANSPORTERs and #39; protests, which lasted for three weeks until early February. . ...continuare.

Vasile Stefanescu, COTAR: 'Increasing costs and fiscal measures lead to an increase in insolvencies in transport'

publicat 2024-02-22 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Vasile Stefanescu, COTAR: 'Increasing costs and fiscal measures lead to an increase in insolvencies in transport' The increase in energy prices, including the increase in fuel prices, the increase in RCA tariffs and the fiscal measures taken by the Government last autumn, but with applicability from January 1, 2024, will increase the number of transport companies that will go into insolvency this year, we said Vasile Stefanescu, president of the Confederation of Operators and Authorized TRANSPORTERs from Romania (COTAR). ...continuare.

Indiscipline in the granting of budget salaries undermines the reduction of inflation

publicat 2024-02-05 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Indiscipline in the granting of budget salaries undermines the reduction of inflation The year 2024 started badly in Europe with farmers and TRANSPORTERs protesting. In Romania, we also have threats of strikes by employees from the various public sectors, dissatisfied with salary incomes, the last in line being those from the town halls of the communes. ...continuare.

Government meeting to solve the TRANSPORTERs and #39; problems

publicat 2024-01-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Government meeting to solve the <span style='background:#EDF514'>TRANSPORTER</span>s and #39; problems *Ciolacu and #39;s Cabinet is expected to approve several normative acts today that will solve the most important demands of the TRANSPORTERs who are protesting in the street *Farmers and #39; problems were discussed in the plenary session of the European Parliament ...continuare.

The Ciolacu Cabinet, put under pressure by farmers and TRANSPORTERs

publicat 2024-01-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Ciolacu Cabinet, put under pressure by farmers and <span style='background:#EDF514'>TRANSPORTER</span>s *Protesters want concrete actions from the Government to resolve more important demands *In the absence of these decisions by the Executive, farmers and TRANSPORTERs do not give up the actions started a week ago *The Minister of Transport signed an agreement yesterday with the main confederations and employers and #39; federations *Grievances farmers and TRANSPORTERs, discussed in the European Parliament ...continuare.

The Nicu Marcu effect in the RCA market - TRANSPORTERs and farmers have been protesting for a week

publicat 2024-01-16 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Nicu Marcu effect in the RCA market - <span style='background:#EDF514'>TRANSPORTER</span>s and farmers have been protesting for a week *The new management of ASF is looking for solutions to reduce the value of RCA policies *Alexandru Petrescu, president of ASF: 'We are working on bonus malus: we will develop a series of subdivisions and circumstances that allow for more price gradations; we are also discussing the interruption of RCA where there are seasonal activities' ...continuare.

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