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Tom Cruise a fost vazut filmand scene din cel de-al optulea episod al filmului "MISSION Impossible", in Paris. FOTO&VIDEO

publicat 2024-04-26 21:45:09 (ProTV)
Tom Cruise a fost vazut filmand scene din cel de-al optulea episod al filmului <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISSION</span> Impossible, in Paris. FOTO&VIDEO Mai multe videoclipuri postate pe X (fostul Twitter) îl arata pe actor facând obisnuitele cascadorii pe motocicleta pe Avenue Carnot, în arondismentul 17. Alte fotografii îl arata pe acesta filmând sub podul Bir Hakeim. ...continuare.

Raport International Justice MISSION: Romania nu a facut suficiente modificari legislative impotriva traficului de persoane

publicat 2024-04-25 14:30:13 (ProTV)
Raport International Justice <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISSION</span>: Romania nu a facut suficiente modificari legislative impotriva traficului de persoane Combaterea traficului de persoane trebuie realizata inclusiv prin modificari legislative, se arata într-un raport al International Justice MISSION, o organizatie globala care protejeaza persoanele vulnerabile împotriva violentei, ...continuare.

France and Canada get the highest revenues from carbon taxes

publicat 2024-04-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
France and Canada are the countries that obtain the highest revenues in the world from taxes on CO2 eMISSIONs, according to World Bank figures, cited by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

ECOFIN: The implementation of the PNRR ends on December 31, 2026

publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Ministers of Economy and Finance from the EU member states refused last week during the ECOFIN Council meeting to extend beyond December 31, 2026 the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism of which the PNRR of our country is a part, announced in a post on the official page by Facebook, European deputy Corina Cretu, former European comMISSIONer for regional policy. ...continuare.

Eurobarometer: Romanian citizens, uninterested in climate action at the European level

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Citizens with the right to vote in our country are not interested in the Green Deal, climate actions and reducing eMISSIONs at the European level, according to the latest Eurobarometer published yesterday by the community public opinion polling institution. ...continuare.

MISSION Liberation: Rusia va fi invitata la festivitatile dedicate Debarcarii aliatilor in Normandia, dar nu Putin

publicat 2024-04-16 19:45:05 (Bursa)
Rusia va fi invitata la festivitatile prilejuite de aniversarea a 80 de ani de la debarcarea aliatilor in Normandia (Franta) la inceputul lunii iunie, dar nu si presedintele sau, Vladimir Putin, din cauza 'razboiului de agresiune' rusesc in Ucraina ...continuare.

Actiunile Trump Media au scazut luni cu peste 15%, dupa ce compania a anuntat ca va emite milioane de actiuni

publicat 2024-04-16 08:00:14 (Money.ro)
Actiunile Trump Media au scazut luni cu peste 15%, dupa ce compania a anuntat ca va emite milioane de actiuni Trump este actionarul majoritar al companiei.Trump Media, care a creat aplicatia Truth Social si este tranzactioneaza sub indicativul DJT la bursa Nasdaq, a consemnat un declin de aproape 20% saptamana trecuta.De cand compania a inceput tranzactionarea publica pe 26 martie, pretul actiunilor sale a scazut cu mai mult de 62%, de la un pret de deschidere de 70,90 USD in acea zi, la aproximativ 27 USD luni.Drept urmare, capitalizarea sa de piata a fost redusa cu aproape 6 miliarde de dolari,... ...continuare.

The Romanian Athenaeum received the 'European Heritage Mark'

publicat 2024-04-15 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The value of certain local heritage buildings is recognized at European level. The European ComMISSION awarded the Romanian Athenaeum and six other EU sites the 'European Heritage Mark', for the significant role played by them in the history and culture of the continent. ...continuare.

Oxfam: Progressive taxation of the great wealth would bring an extra 286.5 billion euros to the EU and #39;s budget

publicat 2024-04-15 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The European ComMISSION and the European Parliament should approve the progressive taxation of large fortunes, according to a study by the global non-governmental organization Oxfam International, which campaigns for the reduction of social inequalities and poverty. ...continuare.

FNGCIMM implements four of the six sub-programmes of IMM Plus

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
*The European ComMISSION approved the 2.5 billion euro financing of IMM Plus The National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises (FNGCIMM) will implement four of the six subcomponents of the IMM Plus program, namely IMM Romania Plus, Construct Plus, IMM Prod Plus and Agro Plus, according to a press release of respective institution. ...continuare.

ERT Report: Underfunded Investments in the Development of Energy TransMISSION and Distribution Networks

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The energy transition appears to be at a standstill as member states need total investments in transMISSION and distribution networks of euro800 billion by 2030 according to a study by the Energy Round Table, a body made up of the main energy developers from the continent. ...continuare.

ZF IT Generation. Andrei Spataru, fondator al MISSIONs Team, platforma ce ajuta echipele sa interactioneze si sa invete: Ne dorim sa trecem granita si in 2024 sa avem 1.000 de clienti din toate tarile Uniunii Europene. Simultan ne uitam la pietele din SUA si Australia

publicat 2024-03-27 08:45:31 (Ziarul-Financiar)
ZF IT Generation. Andrei Spataru, fondator al <span style='background:#EDF514'>MISSION</span>s Team, platforma ce ajuta echipele sa interactioneze si sa invete: Ne dorim sa trecem granita si in 2024 sa avem 1.000 de clienti din toate tarile Uniunii Europene. Simultan ne uitam la pietele din SUA si Australia Start-up-ul MISSIONs Team, care a dezvoltat o platforma ce isi propune sa ajute echipele din cadrul companiilor sa interactioneze mai bine si sa invete mai eficient prin diferite misiuni si jocuri, si-a propus sa se lanseze la nivel international si are ca obiectiv sa atinga un numar de 1.000 de clienti din Europa, SUA si Australia. ...continuare.

EC report: Reducing the vulnerability of tax revenues must be a priority of the government in Bucharest

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The European ComMISSION requests the implementation of the fiscal-structural reforms assumed in the PNRR * European experts request the establishment of a mechanism for increasing the minimum wage * The banking sector - the best sector of activity in our country ...continuare.

O noua taxa pentru soferi. De cand

publicat 2024-03-21 18:00:17 (Money.ro)
O noua taxa pentru soferi. De cand Soferii vor plati o noua taxa! De la inceputul anului 2027, soferii romani vor plati noua taxa pe carbon care va fi inclusa in pretul benzinei si motorinei, ca urmare a unei directive europene care urmeaza sa fie transpusa in legislatia nationala, scrie economica.net. Directiva ETS II (EMISSION Trading System) va extinde obligativitatea platii certificatelor […]Articolul O noua taxa pentru soferi. De cand apare prima data in Money. ...continuare.

The European ComMISSION estimates a budget deficit of 7% for our country

publicat 2024-03-21 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The budget deficit of our country, instead of decreasing, will increase, the representatives of the European ComMISSION said yesterday in Bucharest, during an event in which the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in the last year was evaluated. ...continuare.

Burduja, la viitoarea centrala nuclearoelectrica de la Doicesti: Avem incredere ca fara energie nucleara nu poate exista o cale catre emisii zero in orizontul lui 2050 / Ambasadoarea SUA: Romania, pregatita sa devina centru regional de energie curata

publicat 2024-03-18 18:00:45 (Money.ro)
Burduja, la viitoarea centrala nuclearoelectrica de la Doicesti:  Avem incredere ca fara energie nucleara nu poate exista o cale catre emisii zero in orizontul lui 2050 / Ambasadoarea SUA: Romania, pregatita sa devina centru regional de energie curata "Multumesc ca suntem astazi aici, intr-o zi pe care o consider una istorica. Intr-un loc pe care il consider cu potential de a arata lumii intregi ceea ce Romania este capabila sa faca. Sa deseneze viitorul. Prea multi ani ne-am obisnuit sa prindem din urma, adesea gafaind, trecutul altora. E momentul sa scriem noi viitorul, iar viitorul energiei acesta este. Primul meu mesaj este, asadar, unul de incredere. Avem incredere ca fara energie nucleara nu poate exista o cale catre emisii zero in... ...continuare.

Putin secured his internal legitimacy as the Russian presidency

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The presidential elections in the Russian Federation are ones with an expected end: massive turnout at the polls (yesterday, by 4 p.m. - Moscow time - 70.81% of voters had voted according to the Central Electoral ComMISSION, a higher turnout than in the 2018 presidential elections when 67.54% of voters showed up to vote), massive remote electronic voting (on Sunday at 4 p.m. the Russian authorities announced that more than 92% of all voters registered... ...continuare.

The European ComMISSION allocates 500 million euros for the production of shells

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
On Friday, the European ComMISSION allocated 500 million euros (out of a total of 2 billion euros) for EU defense industry companies to increase ammunition production capacity, according to a press release from the Community Executive. ...continuare.

Germania adauga scena techno din Berlin in patrimoniul cultural UNESCO

publicat 2024-03-15 16:00:10 (Mediafax)
Germania adauga scena techno din Berlin in patrimoniul cultural UNESCO ClubcomMISSION din Berlin, o asociatie pentru cluburile si muzicienii techno din Berlin, a descris aceasta decizie ca fiind ,,o alta piatra de hotar pentru producatorii, artistii, operatorii de cluburi si organizatorii de evenimente techno din Berlin", releva . ...continuare.

The EU proves us right, the treasure seized by the Russians is ours. And?!

publicat 2024-03-15 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The resolution adopted yesterday by the European Parliament requesting the ComMISSION that, after the end of the conflict in Ukraine, in the negotiations with the Russian Federation, take steps to return the treasure of our country, which has been in Moscow since the First World War, is an inapplicable act in the next period. ...continuare.

Protection of journalists and mass media, enshrined by the European Parliament

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The European Parliament approved, yesterday, the agreement reached following the trialogue with the European ComMISSION and the Council of the EU regarding the European Act for the Freedom of the Mass Media, a document that will protect the mass media and journalists from the interference of political power and the abuses of the authorities in each member state. ...continuare.

Reper brings to the table of the Venice ComMISSION the ordinance regarding the consolidation of elections

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Reper representatives notified the European ComMISSION, the Venice ComMISSION and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights within the OSCE about the Government and #39;s change in the electoral legislation, by emergency ordinance, three months before the European and local elections, with the aim of eliminates, in practice, the right of the newly established parties to have representatives in the... ...continuare.

Presedintele USR, Catalin Drula, il acuza pe premierul Marcel Ciolacu de "manipularea bursei" in cazul Rosia Montana si anunta ca USR sesizeaza DNA si autoritatile canadiene cu privire la acest caz

publicat 2024-03-09 13:00:15 (Money.ro)
Presedintele USR, Catalin Drula, il acuza pe premierul Marcel Ciolacu de manipularea bursei in cazul Rosia Montana si anunta ca USR sesizeaza DNA si autoritatile canadiene cu privire la acest caz "Noi vom depune plangere penala la DNA. Pentru manipularea pietei de capital si subminarea economiei nationale, v-am spus ca vom sesiza inclusiv reglementatorul pietei de capital din Ontario, din Canada, unde este listata Gabriel Resources, compania din spatele proiectului Rosia Montana, pentru ca manipularea pietei de capital inseamna ca unor oameni le sunt furati banii pe baza unor afirmatii false", afirma Catalin Drula, citat intr-un comunicat dat publicitatii sambata de USR. Formatiunea... ...continuare.

USR sesizeaza autoritatile din Canada si DNA "pentru manipularea" bursei de catre Ciolacu in cazul Rosia Montana, anunta Catalin Drula

publicat 2024-03-09 12:45:09 (Libertatea)
Liderul USR, Catalin Drula, anunta sambata ca partidul pe care il conduce a trimis o sesizare oficiala la Ontario Securities ComMISSION, institutia care supervizeaza tranzactiile bursiere din Canada, sa cerceteze o posibila manipulare a actiunilor companiei Gold Corporation. „Am depus oficial plangere la Agentia de Reglementare a Pietei de Capital din Canada. Marcel Ciolacu trebuie […] ...continuare.

EPP decided, in Bucharest: Ursula von der Leyen - candidate for EC presidency

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The second day of the European People and #39;s Party (EPP) Congress in Bucharest concluded with the confirmation of Ursula von der Leyen as the EPP candidate for the position of President of the European ComMISSION, after two days of debates on various topics such as the war in Ukraine, Romania and #39;s accession to the Schengen area, and the confirmation of the political program of the European political family. ...continuare.

Crestere uriasa a Bitcoin in ultimele zile. Se apropie de maximul istoric

publicat 2024-03-02 09:30:16 (Puterea)
Crestere uriasa a Bitcoin in ultimele zile. Se apropie de maximul istoric Bitcoin se apropie de un nou maxim istoiric, dupa o decizie fara precedent a Comisiei pentru Valori Mobiliare si Burse (Securities and Exchange ComMISSION - SEC) din SUA din data de 10 ianuarie. Moneda virtuala a depasit 60.000 de dolari, dupa ce in decembrie 2023 valora putin peste 40.000. Varful Bitcoin a fost atins in […]The post Crestere uriasa a Bitcoin in ultimele zile. Se apropie de maximul istoric appeared first on Puterea.ro. ...continuare.

Coincidences or interferences in the electoral process?

publicat 2024-02-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Not even 48 hours after Cristian Popescu Piedone, the mayor of Sector 5, publicly announced his candidacy for the position of general mayor of the Capital in the local elections that would take place in June at the same time as the European Parliament elections, the National Integrity Agency issued, yesterday, a press release stating that the mayor was in a conflict of interest, when he signed the provision appointing his son-in-law (according to the first degree) as a member of the Com...continuare.

Ursula von der Leyen: 'We cannot let Russia win'

publicat 2024-02-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
French President Emmanuel Macron and #39;s statement on Monday that the European Union must strengthen its defense - especially in the face of challenges from the Russian Federation - regardless of the outcome of the US presidential elections this year, was reinforced yesterday by the speech given in the European Parliament by Ursula von der Leyen - the president of the European ComMISSION, regarding the strengthening of European defense in the current... ...continuare.

Ursula von der Leyen wants to be reinstated as president of the European ComMISSION

publicat 2024-02-20 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Ursula von der Leyen wants to be reinstated as president of the European Com<span style='background:#EDF514'>MISSION</span> *CDU proposes that Ursula von der Leyen be the Spitzenkandidatin of the EPP for the European Parliament elections in June *PPE will decide by vote at the Congress on March 6-7 in Bucharest *Ursula von der Leyen and #39;s first mandate, marked by controversial decisions, among the most important being the Green Deal and the purchase of anti-Covid vaccines ...continuare.

European ComMISSION: State aid granted to Blue Air is illegal

publicat 2024-02-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
European Com<span style='background:#EDF514'>MISSION</span>: State aid granted to Blue Air is illegal *The government must recover from Blue Air the sum of 33.8 million euros *The state aid was granted by the PNL government led by Ludovic Orban *From the first installment of the state aid, Blue Air paid over 6 million euros to SIF 1 , company led by Bogdan Dragoi ...continuare.

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