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Doi britanici, inculpati pentru spionaj in favoarea Chinei. Unul dintre ei are legaturi cu conservatori de rang inalt Doi britanici, inculpati pentru spionaj in favoarea Chinei. Unul dintre ei are legaturi cu conservatori de rang inalt Ce le-a transmis Laszlo Balint elevilor sai dupa Petrolul - UTA: Le-am spus baietilor ca... Ce le-a transmis Laszlo Balint elevilor sai dupa Petrolul - UTA: "Le-am spus baietilor ca..." Rusia vrea sa ia cu asalt Chasiv Yar cu 25.000 de soldati Rusia vrea sa ia cu asalt Chasiv Yar cu 25.000 de soldati Cirstoiu - out! Il putem scoate din calcule. O schimbare majora Cirstoiu - out! Il putem scoate din calcule. O schimbare majora ONU: Israelul nu a prezentat dovezi ca membri ai UNRWA ar apartine unor grupari teroriste ONU: Israelul nu a prezentat dovezi ca membri ai UNRWA ar apartine unor grupari teroriste Un tanar de 21 de ani a fost gasit mort pe o strada din Orastie. Politia a deschis un dosar penal Un tanar de 21 de ani a fost gasit mort pe o strada din Orastie. Politia a deschis un dosar penal Confruntarea generatiilor! Record absolut la Madrid: adversar cu 22 de ani mai tanar pentru Rafael Nadal! Reactie virala a pustiului cand a aflat cu cine joaca: La naiba, baieti! Confruntarea generatiilor! Record absolut la Madrid: adversar cu 22 de ani mai tanar pentru Rafael Nadal! Reactie virala a pustiului cand a aflat cu cine joaca: "La naiba, baieti!" Cum au reusit doi romani din Italia sa jefuiasca zeci de turisti. Se imbracau in Mickey si Minnie Mouse Cum au reusit doi romani din Italia sa jefuiasca zeci de turisti. Se imbracau in Mickey si Minnie Mouse Perioada care se va lua in calcul la pensie. Simona Bucura Oprescu: Este ca si cum ai fi stat la serviciu! Perioada care se va lua in calcul la pensie. Simona Bucura Oprescu: "Este ca si cum ai fi stat la serviciu!" Biden condamna actiunile antisemite din universitatile din SUA Biden condamna actiunile antisemite din universitatile din SUA Iohannis, dupa ce PSD si PNL i-au propus pe Firea si Burduja la Primaria Capitalei: Va fi un pic mai complicat de a mentine buna intelegere Iohannis, dupa ce PSD si PNL i-au propus pe Firea si Burduja la Primaria Capitalei: "Va fi un pic mai complicat de a mentine buna intelegere" Buzunarul mic al blugilor – cine l-a inventat si la ce folosea Buzunarul mic al blugilor – cine l-a inventat si la ce folosea Inter Milano, campioana Italiei pentru a 20-a oara in istorie Inter Milano, campioana Italiei pentru a 20-a oara in istorie Coalitia a decis sa mearga cu candidaturi separate la Primaria Capitalei: Gabriela Firea la PSD si Sebastian Burduja la PNL Coalitia a decis sa mearga cu candidaturi separate la Primaria Capitalei: Gabriela Firea la PSD si Sebastian Burduja la PNL Jucatorii Inter-ului, hora de Scudetto pe ritmuri romanesti! Made in Romania a rasunat in vestiarul nerazzurrilor, dupa victoria cu Milan Jucatorii Inter-ului, hora de Scudetto pe ritmuri romanesti! "Made in Romania" a rasunat in vestiarul nerazzurrilor, dupa victoria cu Milan


Stiri locale

Report: Vegetation Fires Are Increasingly Frequent and Violent

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The pronounced warming brings along other probLEMS as well. ...continuare.

The climate revolution - probLEMS in all corners of the planet

publicat 2024-04-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Climate change, with all its array of probLEMS, is making its presence felt in all corners of this world. New information on this topic appears weekly. ...continuare.

Bureaucracy, funding and labor shortages plague construction companies

publicat 2024-04-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The construction sector is one of the main contributors to the creation of the Gross Domestic Product, but it is currently facing probLEMS generated by the bureaucracy from the central and local public authorities, lending from the banking sector and the capital market, the reduction of some fiscal facilities and due to the lack of qualified labor force, stated yesterday, the participants of the conference Development - from planning to stability and... ...continuare.

Politistul olandez care a cerut sa nu fie ajutat romanul cu pancarta "Mi-e foarte foame!" spune ca acesta castiga "si 1.000 de euro pe saptamana"

publicat 2024-03-30 18:00:07 (Libertatea)
Politistul olandez care a cerut sa nu fie ajutat romanul cu pancarta Mi-e foarte foame! spune ca acesta castiga si 1.000 de euro pe saptamana Politia este inca ocupata „zi de zi” cu cersetorii romani in centrul orasului Haarlem. Acest lucru este dezvaluit de ofiterul de politie locala Nico van Stenis, care vorbeste despre viata „dura” a unor oameni care nu duc lipsa de bani, pe care-i castiga relativ usor, scrie cotidianul local HaarLEMS Dagblad. Van Stenis a scris despre […] ...continuare.

LEMET a deschis magazinul LEMS din Campina cu o investitie de circa 20 milioane lei

publicat 2024-03-26 12:30:05 (Bursa)
LEMET, unul dintre producatorii de mobila la nivel national si unul dintre retailerii prin brand-ul LEMS, a deschis de curand, magazinul LEMS din Campina, jud. Prahova. ...continuare.

Un politist olandez le cere locuitorilor din Haarlem sa ignore un cersetor roman care a scris pe un carton "Mi-e foarte foame!"

publicat 2024-03-08 10:00:07 (Libertatea)
Un politist olandez le cere locuitorilor din Haarlem sa ignore un cersetor roman care a scris pe un carton Mi-e foarte foame! Politistul local olandez Nico van Stenis ii avertizeaza pe locuitorii din Haarlem sa nu dea bani cersetorilor din centrul orasului. „Acestia sunt asa-numiti cersetori profesionisti si ceea ce fac ei este pedepsit”, a spus el, conform cotidianului local HaarLEMS Dagblad. Van Stenis a scris acest lucru pe profilul sau de Instagram, unde le-a aratat urmaritorilor […] ...continuare.

Clotilde Armand announces an administrative 'mini-apocalypse' in Sector 1

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Local administrations face an increasingly wide range of probLEMS, from the outside and from the inside. The Mayor of Sector 1, Clotilde Armand, announced that the City Hall of Sector 1 will be closed because of the local PNL - PSD councilors, who took the money from the operation of the town hall and gave it to the Cathedral of Salvation. ...continuare.

Drought and pollution affect part of Europe

publicat 2024-02-23 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Drought and pollution affect part of Europe Drought is creating big probLEMS in several areas of Europe. ...continuare.

Warm weather is affecting bees in the region

publicat 2024-02-20 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Warm weather is affecting bees in the region The meteorological 'compass' is greatly affected by recent changes, and many inhabitants of the planet are facing probLEMS as a result. ...continuare.

CNAIR starts all the projects in PNRR, Constanta Port - probLEMS in accessing european funds

publicat 2024-02-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
CNAIR starts all the projects in PNRR, Constanta Port - prob<span style='background:#EDF514'>LEMS</span> in accessing european funds One warm, the other cold at the Ministry of Transport, as long as CNAIR managed to start all the projects financed from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, but the Port of Constanta has probLEMS accessing European money, according to the statements of Minister Sorin Grindeanu. ...continuare.

The Amazon forest, at the turn, enters a road of no return

publicat 2024-02-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Amazon forest, at the turn, enters a road of no return The probLEMS facing nature are increasing. ...continuare.

Solar flares disrupt radio communications and power grids

publicat 2024-02-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Solar flares disrupt radio communications and power grids Solar activity may cause some probLEMS on Earth this week. As if there weren and #39;t enough human-caused probLEMS, some come from space. ...continuare.

Melting glaciers - new probLEMS

publicat 2024-02-08 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Melting glaciers - new prob<span style='background:#EDF514'>LEMS</span> The slow disappearance of glaciers is accompanied by a whole procession of bigger and smaller probLEMS. ...continuare.

Drought is causing big probLEMS in the metropolitan area of a famous city

publicat 2024-02-05 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Drought is causing big prob<span style='background:#EDF514'>LEMS</span> in the metropolitan area of a famous city Fighting nature is very complicated, no matter how much technology has advanced. ...continuare.

New criteria for approval of football stadiums

publicat 2024-02-01 00:00:02 (Bursa)
New criteria for approval of football stadiums The sports infrastructure has improved considerably in the last two decades, but there are still major probLEMS in certain areas of the country, where stadiums have not yet been built to the standards of these times. ...continuare.

Government meeting to solve the transporters and #39; probLEMS

publicat 2024-01-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Government meeting to solve the transporters and #39; prob<span style='background:#EDF514'>LEMS</span> *Ciolacu and #39;s Cabinet is expected to approve several normative acts today that will solve the most important demands of the transporters who are protesting in the street *Farmers and #39; probLEMS were discussed in the plenary session of the European Parliament ...continuare.

Liberalization put on stand-by; The Ministry of Health strictly regulates the authorization of pharmacies

publicat 2024-01-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Liberalization put on stand-by; The Ministry of Health strictly regulates the authorization of pharmacies *The Ministry of Health wants to introduce strict criteria for authorizing the establishment of new pharmacies, in order to increase the number of pharmacies in rural areas *Patients and #39; representatives claim that the measure is good, but it does not solve the probLEMS in the system *Laszlo Attila, senator: 'In the absence of liberalization , I don and #39;t see how the future government ordinance will solve the situation of pharmacies, which are... ...continuare.

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