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THE MAN RUINS THE PLACE Brad Pitt from the town hall

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
The general public from almost all of Europe, but especially from our country, was shaken by a roar of laughter after the televisions, press agencies, online and offline publications, as well as JOURNALISTs on social networks reported the story in detail of the love of a Romanian woman who reached the senior category with her life. ...continuare.

Protection of JOURNALISTs and mass media, enshrined by the European Parliament

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The European Parliament approved, yesterday, the agreement reached following the trialogue with the European Commission and the Council of the EU regarding the European Act for the Freedom of the Mass Media, a document that will protect the mass media and JOURNALISTs from the interference of political power and the abuses of the authorities in each member state. ...continuare.

CMPF report: Local JOURNALISTs in Romania, dependent on the political factor and the amounts allocated by the authorities

publicat 2024-03-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*The study carried out on the local press in the 27 EU member states shows that in Romania there is a high risk regarding the safety of JOURNALISTs and extremely low editorial independence *The main factor that led to the above situation: the preferential allocation of sums and subsidies to the mass - the media by local politicians and local and county public authorities *Cristi Godinac, president of MediaSind: 'The media industry in Romania urgently... ...continuare.

A liar interviewed by another: Vladimir Putin and Tucker Carlson

publicat 2024-02-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
A liar interviewed by another: Vladimir Putin and Tucker Carlson The only Western JOURNALIST who deigned to interview Vladimir Putin in the past two years is Tucker Carlson, claims Tucker Carlson on his blog tuckercarlson.com, in preparation for airing the interview scheduled for thursday night into friday: ...continuare.

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