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Doi britanici, inculpati pentru spionaj in favoarea Chinei. Unul dintre ei are legaturi cu conservatori de rang inalt Doi britanici, inculpati pentru spionaj in favoarea Chinei. Unul dintre ei are legaturi cu conservatori de rang inalt Ce le-a transmis Laszlo Balint elevilor sai dupa Petrolul - UTA: Le-am spus baietilor ca... Ce le-a transmis Laszlo Balint elevilor sai dupa Petrolul - UTA: "Le-am spus baietilor ca..." Rusia vrea sa ia cu asalt Chasiv Yar cu 25.000 de soldati Rusia vrea sa ia cu asalt Chasiv Yar cu 25.000 de soldati Cirstoiu - out! Il putem scoate din calcule. O schimbare majora Cirstoiu - out! Il putem scoate din calcule. O schimbare majora ONU: Israelul nu a prezentat dovezi ca membri ai UNRWA ar apartine unor grupari teroriste ONU: Israelul nu a prezentat dovezi ca membri ai UNRWA ar apartine unor grupari teroriste Cum au reusit doi romani din Italia sa jefuiasca zeci de turisti. Se imbracau in Mickey si Minnie Mouse Cum au reusit doi romani din Italia sa jefuiasca zeci de turisti. Se imbracau in Mickey si Minnie Mouse Confruntarea generatiilor! Record absolut la Madrid: adversar cu 22 de ani mai tanar pentru Rafael Nadal! Reactie virala a pustiului cand a aflat cu cine joaca: La naiba, baieti! Confruntarea generatiilor! Record absolut la Madrid: adversar cu 22 de ani mai tanar pentru Rafael Nadal! Reactie virala a pustiului cand a aflat cu cine joaca: "La naiba, baieti!" Un tanar de 21 de ani a fost gasit mort pe o strada din Orastie. Politia a deschis un dosar penal Un tanar de 21 de ani a fost gasit mort pe o strada din Orastie. Politia a deschis un dosar penal Perioada care se va lua in calcul la pensie. Simona Bucura Oprescu: Este ca si cum ai fi stat la serviciu! Perioada care se va lua in calcul la pensie. Simona Bucura Oprescu: "Este ca si cum ai fi stat la serviciu!" Biden condamna actiunile antisemite din universitatile din SUA Biden condamna actiunile antisemite din universitatile din SUA Inter Milano, campioana Italiei pentru a 20-a oara in istorie Inter Milano, campioana Italiei pentru a 20-a oara in istorie Coalitia a decis sa mearga cu candidaturi separate la Primaria Capitalei: Gabriela Firea la PSD si Sebastian Burduja la PNL Coalitia a decis sa mearga cu candidaturi separate la Primaria Capitalei: Gabriela Firea la PSD si Sebastian Burduja la PNL Jucatorii Inter-ului, hora de Scudetto pe ritmuri romanesti! Made in Romania a rasunat in vestiarul nerazzurrilor, dupa victoria cu Milan Jucatorii Inter-ului, hora de Scudetto pe ritmuri romanesti! "Made in Romania" a rasunat in vestiarul nerazzurrilor, dupa victoria cu Milan Iohannis, dupa ce PSD si PNL i-au propus pe Firea si Burduja la Primaria Capitalei: Va fi un pic mai complicat de a mentine buna intelegere Iohannis, dupa ce PSD si PNL i-au propus pe Firea si Burduja la Primaria Capitalei: "Va fi un pic mai complicat de a mentine buna intelegere" Buzunarul mic al blugilor – cine l-a inventat si la ce folosea Buzunarul mic al blugilor – cine l-a inventat si la ce folosea


Stiri locale

Loans - the financial bomb from the EU budget

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*EU loans will exceed EUR 1000 billion in the COMING years *Of the total loans, EUR 80 billion have been allocated to support Ukraine *The risks for Ukraine and #39;s financing are extremely high according to Ambroise Fayolle, the vice-president of the EIB *If Ukraine does not return the said amount in 2033, then its reimbursement will be shared by the EU with the member states ...continuare.

'School differently', violence has gotten out of control

publicat 2024-04-05 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Violence among minors is beCOMING a problem that authorities are finding increasingly difficult to control. School is no longer a safe place, and conflicts (some imported from outside, others exported to the streets) seriously affect the quality of education. ...continuare.

New record for gold price

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
The spot price of gold reached a new record level yesterday, on foreign markets, against the background of expectations related to the interest rate cut by the US central bank (Federal Reserve - Fed), but also of geopolitical tensions and solid demand for the yellow metal, COMING from China, according to Bloomberg. ...continuare.

Disney+ a anuntat data premierei serialului "BeCOMING Karl Lagerfeld"

publicat 2024-03-12 18:30:02 (Adevarul)
Disney+ a anuntat data premierei serialului Be<span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> Karl Lagerfeld Disney+ a anuntat, in cadrul Festivalul Canneseries, ca serialul original din sase episoade "BeCOMING Karl Lagerfeld" (cunoscut inainte sub numele de "Kaiser Karl"), produs de Gaumont si Jour Premier, va avea premiera pe 7 iunie 2024, exclusiv pe Disney+ la nivel international si pe Hulu in SUA. ...continuare.

Artificial intelligence can be a danger to democracy

publicat 2024-03-11 00:15:03 (Bursa)
The traps that can be pulled with the help of artificial intelligence are beCOMING more and more dangerous. ...continuare.

Artificial intelligence 'consumes' more and more water and energy

publicat 2024-03-05 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Water and energy consumption is beCOMING a problem as technologies develop explosively. Artificial intelligence (AI) not only raises concerns about jobs and human rights, but also risks having a huge impact on the environment. ...continuare.

Asociatia Pro Infrastructura, despre A0 Sud: Turcii erau in teren si mestereau cate ceva dar au acest stil/ritm de lucru frustrant, fara vlaga, fara putere de accelerare, mutand muncitorii de la o zona la alta a santierului

publicat 2024-03-04 19:00:11 (Money.ro)
Asociatia Pro Infrastructura, despre A0 Sud: Turcii erau in teren si mestereau cate ceva dar au acest stil/ritm de lucru frustrant, fara vlaga, fara putere de accelerare, mutand muncitorii de la o zona la alta a santierului "Alsim Alarko pe A0 Sud, COMING soon... Sambata am filmat tot traseul Autostrazii A0 intre nodurile cu A2 si DN5. Turcii erau in teren si mestereau cate ceva dar au acest stil/ritm de lucru frustrant, fara vlaga, fara putere de accelerare, mutand muncitorii de la o zona la alta a santierului", au scris, luni, pe Facebook, reprezentantii Asociatiei Pro Infrastructura.Acestia afirma ca, "desi teoretic ar fi posibila o inaugurare pe segmentul DN5-DN4... ...continuare.

BM: Prices of agricultural raw materials, expected to increase

publicat 2024-02-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
The price index of agricultural raw materials measured by the World Bank (WB) increased marginally in January 2024 (compared to December 2023), after falling by 1% in the fourth quarter of last year, the evolution of the first month of the current year COMING in response to the slight advance of cotton and natural rubber prices. ...continuare.

Musk lanseaza Xmail impotriva Gmail. Indiciul de pe retelele de socializare: "Se apropie"

publicat 2024-02-28 11:30:17 (Jurnalul-National)
Musk lanseaza Xmail impotriva Gmail. Indiciul de pe retelele de socializare: "Se apropie Elon Musk a starnit din nou curiozitatea lumii online cu o postare enigmatica pe Twitter. Raspunzand la un mesaj care mentiona o posibila inchidere a Gmail, Musk a anuntat simplu: "It's COMING". ...continuare.

Elon Musk vrea sa lanseze un serviciu de e-mail

publicat 2024-02-28 09:00:09 (Money.ro)
Elon Musk vrea sa lanseze un serviciu de e-mail In ultima saptamana, pe X, retea sociala detinuta acum de Elon Musk, s-a propagat o informatie falsa conform careia Google ar vrea sa inchida Gmail.Informatia a fost preluata si repostata de atat de multi utilizatori, incat Google s-a vazut obligat sa publice o negare.Discutand pe marginea subiectului, unul dintre urmaritorii lui Elon Musk l-a intrebat pe acesta daca nu cumva are de gand sa lanseze un rival pentru Gmail.Raspunsul lui Musk a fost scurt: "It's ...continuare.

Russia and #39;s economic forecast, revised upward by VEB

publicat 2024-02-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Russia and #39;s economic forecast, revised upward by VEB Estimates for Russia and #39;s economic growth over the COMING years were updated late last week, and according to the national economic development institute VEB, the country and #39;s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is expected to grow by 2% in 2024, up from 1.6% , as was the previous forecast, announces oreanda-news.com. ...continuare.

The apocalypse is COMING hour by hour

publicat 2024-02-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The apocalypse is <span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> hour by hour This Sunday I decided to put the TV to work. As my physique did not allow me some walks in the open air, and my inattention blocked my access to books (I sat on my glasses, not the sun) I found myself caught in the tentacles of TV news programs. ...continuare.

Paul Tudor Jones: 'The American economy is 'on steroids', which is not sustainable'

publicat 2024-02-08 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Paul Tudor Jones: 'The American economy is 'on steroids', which is not sustainable' * 'The consequences of massive borrowing will be seen in the markets, sooner or later' * The billionaire anticipates 'extraordinary' productivity gains generated by artificial intelligence in the COMING years ...continuare.

UNESCO heritage: The bolero will be celebrated in Bucharest

publicat 2024-02-08 00:00:02 (Bursa)
UNESCO heritage: The bolero will be celebrated in Bucharest The representative list of UNESCO and #39;s intangible cultural heritage of humanity is beCOMING more and more 'rich' from year to year. ...continuare.

Nicoleta Pauliuc: 'MApN didn and #39;t initiated any draft law regarding defense'

publicat 2024-02-06 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Nicoleta Pauliuc: 'MApN didn and #39;t initiated any draft law regarding defense' The Ministry of National Defense didn and #39;t initiated any normative act regarding the amendment of the laws in this field, nor regarding the preparation of citizens for defense, affirmed, yesterday, the liberal senator Nicoleta Pauliuc, the president of the Committee for Defense in the Senate, who specified that she does not exclude a meeting with the MApN leadership in the COMING days. ...continuare.

Dan Dascal, CEO of BT Asset Management: 'We expect the local market to bring returns above what we see on the main exchanges'

publicat 2024-01-30 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Dan Dascal, CEO of BT Asset Management: 'We expect the local market to bring returns above what we see on the main exchanges' * 'The degree of indebtedness of the BSE companies is quite low, compared to that of the stock exchanges in the region' * 'It is not excluded that in 2024 we will see some turbulence COMING from the corporate debt refinancing segment' * 'Thanks to the emergence of recurring investment services, we see investors COMING in with smaller amounts, but in a constant way, so that over time they accumulate significant... ...continuare.

Free Tutoring Sessions for Baccalaureate and University Admission Support

publicat 2024-01-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Free Tutoring Sessions for Baccalaureate and University Admission Support The major summer exams are being prepared for as early as winter. The Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT) is COMING to the aid of high school students with a new series of free math preparation courses for the baccalaureate and university admission exams. ...continuare.

Olimpiad Security: Impressive Guard and Protection Measures

publicat 2024-01-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Olimpiad Security: Impressive Guard and Protection Measures Major sports competitions are beCOMING increasingly challenging to organize from the perspective of the security of athletes and spectators. ...continuare.

Messi, a Character in a Romanian Electoral Joke

publicat 2024-01-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Messi, a Character in a Romanian Electoral Joke Argentinian Leo Messi won the award for the best player of the year 2023 at the FIFA The Best Gala, beCOMING a significant subject of jokes, both in old-fashioned words and new-fashioned collages. ...continuare.

Medical Professionals on the Brink of Revolt

publicat 2024-01-16 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Medical Professionals on the Brink of Revolt The snowball of dissatisfaction has started rolling through Romanian society, beCOMING larger and harder to stop. Doctors have begun to express their grievances more vocally. ...continuare.

The London Tunnels - the first UK IPO in 2024

publicat 2024-01-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The London Tunnels - the first UK IPO in 2024 * Listing is expected in January The London Tunnels has announced its intention to launch an initial public offering (IPO) on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), beCOMING the first listing on the UK market since 2024, according to investmentweek.co.uk. ...continuare.

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