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CORRESPONDENCE FROM AUSTRALIA, ABOUT ROMANIA Monetary policy, between agony and ecstasy

publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
A few months ago, I visited Romania, a country that, in tourist guides, is characterized as offering natural beauties that rival those of many countries in the world, and is also admired by the royal family of England, whose first voyage after coronation was to Romania. Romania, for a foreign tourist, also had the ADVANTAGE of competitive prices for goods and services used by them. ...continuare.

Silvia Vlasceanu, HENRO: 'Energy export at low prices, achieved by those who have benefited from green certificates'

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Although our country is a net exporter of electricity, this export is done at low prices and that business does not represent an ADVANTAGE either for the state or for the final consumers paying for green certificates, Silvia Vlasceanu, executive director of the Association of Producers of Electric Energy (HENRO). ...continuare.

Inca o "intepatura" venita pe numele lui Patrick Mouratoglou

publicat 2024-03-14 22:00:06 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Inca o intepatura venita pe numele lui Patrick Mouratoglou Patrick Mouratoglou, fostul antrenor al Simonei Halep, a fost "intepat" de analistul Brett Connors.Imediat dupa suspendarea Simonei Halep din toamna anului 2022, Patrick Mouratoglou a inceput antrenamentele cu Holger Rune (20 de ani, locul 4 ATP).Intr-un episod al podcast-ului "ADVANTAGE Connors", Brett Connors l-a "intepat" pe Mouratoglou, declarandu-se ingrijorat de soarta lui Holger Rune. ... ...continuare.

THR Marea Neagra division - the appraiser sets a withdrawal price 27% below the book value of the share

publicat 2024-03-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Emil Ionescu, investor: 'Equity is used for the division, but for the evaluation of the price paid to the withdrawing shareholders they are no longer taken into account' * Evaluator Darian: 'The asset approach is only recommended for investment or start-up companies' * Dan Segal, investor: 'The evaluator chooses the most disADVANTAGEous method for minorities and which has no business logic for a company that, in recent years, has been selling from... ...continuare.

Charter for a more ethical artificial intelligence

publicat 2024-02-07 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Charter for a more ethical artificial intelligence Debates related to the benefits/disADVANTAGEs of Artificial Intelligence are increasingly heated. ...continuare.

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