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ChatGPT primeste o noua functie: Tot ce trebuie sa stii despre Tasks ChatGPT primeste o noua functie: Tot ce trebuie sa stii despre Tasks Razboiul din Ucraina, ziua 1058. Ucraina loveste o fabrica cheie de praf de pusca din Tambov / ISW: Eforturile Rusiei de a anexa de facto Belarusul reprezinta riscuri strategice pentru SUA, NATO si Ucraina / Fortele de aparare ale Ucrainei continua sa provoace pierderi grele Rusiei Razboiul din Ucraina, ziua 1058. Ucraina loveste o fabrica cheie de praf de pusca din Tambov / ISW: Eforturile Rusiei de a anexa de facto Belarusul reprezinta riscuri strategice pentru SUA, NATO si Ucraina / Fortele de aparare ale Ucrainei continua sa provoace pierderi grele Rusiei Intarzierile subventiilor APIA afecteaza fermierii in 2024 Intarzierile subventiilor APIA afecteaza fermierii in 2024 Epic fail! FCSB isi asuma o pierdere de 83% in cazul jucatorului cumparat in vara: Sa dea atat si-l ia Epic fail! FCSB isi asuma o pierdere de 83% in cazul jucatorului cumparat in vara: "Sa dea atat si-l ia" Cand incepe noul an chinezesc. Zodii a caror viata se va schimba din momentul intrarii in Anul Sarpelui de Lemn Cand incepe noul an chinezesc. Zodii a caror viata se va schimba din momentul intrarii in Anul Sarpelui de Lemn Aplicatia zilei: Math Learner Aplicatia zilei: Math Learner Trump: o inaugurare care redefineste politica economica Trump: o inaugurare care redefineste politica economica Berlin: Pita de Pecica si Salamul de Nadlac, prezentate la un targ de produse eco Berlin: Pita de Pecica si Salamul de Nadlac, prezentate la un targ de produse eco Metoda care te ajuta sa te lasi de fumat garantat. Ai nevoie de un aliment banal Metoda care te ajuta sa te lasi de fumat garantat. Ai nevoie de un aliment banal Ministerul Finantelor s-a imprumutat joi la o dobanda uriasa: Asta se intampla din cauza expunerii ridicate a tarii Ministerul Finantelor s-a imprumutat joi la o dobanda uriasa: Asta se intampla din cauza expunerii ridicate a tarii Top cele mai sanatoase gustari bogate in proteine care isi vor schimba stilul de viata. Descopera secretul energetic Top cele mai sanatoase gustari bogate in proteine care isi vor schimba stilul de viata. Descopera secretul energetic Real Madrid, calificare cu emotii in sferturile Cupei Regelui Spaniei. S-a ajuns in prelungiri pe Bernabeu Real Madrid, calificare cu emotii in "sferturile" Cupei Regelui Spaniei. S-a ajuns in prelungiri pe Bernabeu Criza de medici la Spitalul din Carei. Primaria a inchis sectia de Pediatrie. Parintii sunt disperati Criza de medici la Spitalul din Carei. Primaria a inchis sectia de Pediatrie. Parintii sunt disperati Utilizatorii Windows 10 vor fi lipsiti de suport pentru aplicatiile Office. De cand se intampla acest lucru? Utilizatorii Windows 10 vor fi lipsiti de suport pentru aplicatiile Office. De cand se intampla acest lucru? Joe Biden, avertisment sumbru la final de mandat: Se contureaza o oligarhie a bogatiei, puterii si influentei extreme Joe Biden, avertisment sumbru la final de mandat: Se contureaza o oligarhie a bogatiei, puterii si influentei extreme


Stiri locale

Momentul in care cei doi soldati nord-coreeni au fost capturati de armata ucraineana. Regimul le-a zis ca-s trimisi la "exercitii” in Rusia

publicat 2025-01-12 16:45:26 (Libertatea)
Momentul in care cei doi soldati nord-coreeni au fost capturati de armata ucraineana. Regimul le-a zis ca-s trimisi la exercitii” in Rusia Serviciul de Securitate al Ucrainei (SBU) a publicat imagini cu momentul in care cei doi soldati nord-coreeni a ufost capturati. In plus, Ucraina a dezvaluit si detalii despre interogatoriile celor doi militari nord-coreeni, potrivit UKRAINIAN Independent. Cei doi soldati au fost capturati separat, dar au oferit marturii aproape identice. Unul dintre ei a fost capturat […] ...continuare.

Topul liderilor politici straini in care ucrainenii au cea mai mare incredere. Surpriza din primele 5 locuri

publicat 2024-12-16 17:30:24 (Libertatea)
Topul liderilor politici straini in care ucrainenii au cea mai mare incredere. Surpriza din primele 5 locuri Presedinta Republicii Moldova, Maia Sandu, se bucura de un nivel inalt de incredere in randul ucrainenilor, conform unui sondaj recent. Aceasta ocupa locul 5 in topul liderilor straini in care cetatenii ucraineni au cea mai mare incredere, relateaza Ziare.com. Sondajul, intitulat „Foreign Policy and Security. Opinions of UKRAINIAN Society 2024”, a fost realizat in luna […] ...continuare.

Record number of immigrants in the EU - UKRAINIANs in first place, even before the war

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Record number of immigrants in the EU - <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINIAN</span>s in first place, even before the war A record 3.7 million people became residents for the first time in the EU in 2023, this is the highest level since data collection began in 2013, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

The Parliament approved the training of the UKRAINIAN military on the territory of Romania

publicat 2024-10-02 06:45:08 (Bursa)
The Parliament approved the training of the <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINIAN</span> military on the territory of Romania UKRAINIAN Naval Forces personnel are set to be trained in our country, as a U.S. Navy special operations contingent will be pre-positioned at Mihail Kogalniceanu for the next two years. ...continuare.

Germany tightens the tap on military aid to Ukraine

publicat 2024-08-20 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Germany tightens the tap on military aid to Ukraine The current UKRAINIAN offensive in the Kursk area, to create a buffer zone according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, risks running out of military support at some point, as the government in Berlin has halved Germany and #39;s contribution to the authorities and #39; war effort from Kiev. ...continuare.

The German press claims: 'The Nord Stream pipelines were sabotaged by a group of divers of UKRAINIAN origin'

publicat 2024-08-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The German press claims: 'The Nord Stream pipelines were sabotaged by a group of divers of <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINIAN</span> origin' * The German Federal Prosecutor and #39;s Office has issued an international arrest warrant for a UKRAINIAN suspect who, along with two other UKRAINIAN divers, blew up the two pipelines, according to German prosecutors * UKRAINIAN President Volodymyr Zelensky denies any connection with the three bombers, although some American publications claim the opposite *The... ...continuare.

UKRAINIAN blitz-krieg in southern Russia

publicat 2024-08-14 00:15:03 (Bursa)
Russian President Vladimir Putin and #39;s publicly expressed anger at Alexei Smirnov, the governor of the Kursk region, after the invasion of that area by the UKRAINIAN armed forces, is well-founded as long as the politruk from the south of the Russian Federation did not know exactly the territory controlled by the enemies, stating that he would have been it is about 480 square kilometers ...continuare.

MApN: No UKRAINIAN pilot has been trained at the Fetesti Center so far

publicat 2024-08-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
No UKRAINIAN pilot has been trained at the European F-16 Training Center in Fetesti, state the representatives of the Ministry of National Defense in a press release, issued on Friday, which also shows that the so-called 'Report on the activities of the Ministry of Defense on training of UKRAINIAN pilots in 2024' circulating on the Telegram network is fake news. ...continuare.

NATO increases military support to Ukraine, Zelensky wants more

publicat 2024-07-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*The UKRAINIAN president is not satisfied with the five Patriot systems received *Zelensky wants NATO to supply him with 128 F-16 planes *Klaus Iohannis: 'To compensate for the absence of the Patriot system now donated to Ukraine, I think we will get other defense systems faster, which will ensure a better surveillance, monitoring of the airspace' ...continuare.

Long live Romania!

publicat 2024-06-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The national team taught a football lesson in Germany, and the supporters offered a lesson in love. The 'weakest team' from the final tournament, according to the UKRAINIANs, achieved a victory to remember, both by the winners and the losers. ...continuare.

Strict limits for Ukraine on the use of American weapons on the territory of Russia

publicat 2024-06-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
President Joe Biden and #39;s decision to allow UKRAINIAN forces to use American weapons in the border areas with the Russian Federation, except for the use of ATACMS - long-range missiles, is only a facility given to Ukraine to strengthen its defense against initiated air raids daily from Russian territory, raids that result in bombings that affect the infrastructure of the neighboring country and with victims among the civilian population, claim... ...continuare.

UKRAINIAN grain transshipment railway terminal in Dornesti

publicat 2024-05-31 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Grampet Group will inaugurate today the largest railway grain transshipment terminal in Dornesti, Suceava county. The terminal was built to facilitate the transit of UKRAINIAN grain through our country to river ports and seaports, from where they will be exported around the world. ...continuare.

Croatian demining systems on the UKRAINIAN front

publicat 2024-05-23 00:00:03 (Bursa)
One of the exhibitors at BSDA 2024 is the Croatian company DOK-ING which specializes in the manufacture of demining systems. In the exhibition, visitors can admire the MV10 system, intended for anti-tank demining, a system that weighs almost 21 tons, is operated remotely and has an autonomy of 1.5 kilometers, equipment that is used on the front in Ukraine. ...continuare.

Klaus Iohannis: 'I don and #39;t think it and #39;s useful to make public details about the military aid offered to Ukraine'

publicat 2024-03-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The authorities in Bucharest will continue not to provide data on the military support given to Ukraine, President Klaus Iohannis said yesterday, before the European Council meeting, although the head of state recently sent the Parliament information on the training of 50 UKRAINIAN military pilots in our country . ...continuare.

50 UKRAINIAN pilots will train at the air base in Fetesti

publicat 2024-03-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
President Klaus Iohannis informed the Parliament through a letter that he approved the training of 50 UKRAINIAN military pilots in Romania, who will be trained in the training center at the Fetesti air base in the handling of F-16 fighter jets. ...continuare.

Russia claims to have eliminated 349 Romanian mercenaries on the front in Ukraine

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The armed forces of the Russian Federation have so far killed 349 Romanian mercenaries on the UKRAINIAN front, out of the 784 who would have joined the UKRAINIAN troops, according to a message posted on the official Facebook page of the Russian Embassy in Bucharest. According to the cited source, over 13,000 foreign mercenaries are fighting alongside the UKRAINIANs against... ...continuare.

Free IT courses for refugees

publicat 2024-03-05 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR) together with SoftServe will offer UKRAINIAN refugees free access to the 'Find Your Place in IT' course as part of the second edition of the 'EmpowerU in Romania' program. ...continuare.

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