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Cum a inchis politia ochii in cazul traficantilor care au adus tone de cocaina pe litoralul Marii Negre  Cum a inchis politia ochii in cazul traficantilor care au adus tone de cocaina pe litoralul Marii Negre  Nora lui Donald Trump, Lara Trump, va prezenta o emisiune de weekend la Fox News Nora lui Donald Trump, Lara Trump, va prezenta o emisiune de weekend la Fox News Un autobuz a luat foc in mers, in Bucuresti. In cateva minute s-a transformat intr-o ruina carbonizata. Ce au constatat pompierii Un autobuz a luat foc in mers, in Bucuresti. In cateva minute s-a transformat intr-o ruina carbonizata. Ce au constatat pompierii Compania aeriana HiSky va lansa din iunie zboruri charter din Brasov catre insula Creta. Aeroportul Brasov este singurul aeroport construit in Romania in ultimii 50 de ani. Terminalul de la Brasov a fost deschis in luna iunie 2023, dupa o investitie care s-a ridicat la 140 mil. euro, din care 120 mil. euro au venit de la bugetul local, iar 20 mil. euro de la bugetul national. Compania aeriana HiSky va lansa din iunie zboruri charter din Brasov catre insula Creta. Aeroportul Brasov este singurul aeroport construit in Romania in ultimii 50 de ani. Terminalul de la Brasov a fost deschis in luna iunie 2023, dupa o investitie care s-a ridicat la 140 mil. euro, din care 120 mil. euro au venit de la bugetul local, iar 20 mil. euro de la bugetul national. ZF Live. Cristina Bojica, Gruia Defaut si Asociatii: Modificari fiscale 2025: companiile cu afaceri de peste 50 mil. euro din domeniul petrol si gaze ar putea plati si impozitul minim pe cifra de afaceri impreuna cu impozitul specific domeniului ZF Live. Cristina Bojica, Gruia Defaut si Asociatii: Modificari fiscale 2025: companiile cu afaceri de peste 50 mil. euro din domeniul petrol si gaze ar putea plati si impozitul minim pe cifra de afaceri impreuna cu impozitul specific domeniului Angajatorii, obligati sa ia noi masuri antihartuire la munca Angajatorii, obligati sa ia noi masuri antihartuire la munca Incendiu violent intr-un bloc din Mangalia. Doi locatari au fost transportati la spital Incendiu violent intr-un bloc din Mangalia. Doi locatari au fost transportati la spital BRD SocGen reafirma responsabilitatea sa in creditarea si sustinerea economiei romanesti. Profit net de 1,52 miliarde lei, in 2024 BRD SocGen reafirma responsabilitatea sa in creditarea si sustinerea economiei romanesti. Profit net de 1,52 miliarde lei, in 2024 Estul Marii Mediterane devine un Eldorado pentru cautatorii de gaze naturale. Grecia, Ciprul, Turcia, Egiptul, Libanul si Israelul vor aceasta energie, care ar putea fi transformata in bani de corporatiile vestice, americane si din Qatar Estul Marii Mediterane devine un Eldorado pentru cautatorii de gaze naturale. Grecia, Ciprul, Turcia, Egiptul, Libanul si Israelul vor aceasta energie, care ar putea fi transformata in bani de corporatiile vestice, americane si din Qatar Bolojan cere ajutorul partenerilor germani pentru doua directii importante; care sunt provocarile Bolojan cere ajutorul partenerilor germani pentru doua directii importante; care sunt provocarile Laura Vicol a fost scoasa din arest si trasportata la spital Laura Vicol a fost scoasa din arest si trasportata la spital La doi ani dupa dezastrul provocat de cutremur, Turcia continua sa se reconstruiasca La doi ani dupa dezastrul provocat de cutremur, Turcia continua sa se reconstruiasca Freshful by eMAG a ajuns in 1 din 7 case din Bucuresti, in 2024. Tudor Mihailescu, general manager: Numarul de clienti a crescut semnificativ in 2024 Freshful by eMAG a ajuns in 1 din 7 case din Bucuresti, in 2024. Tudor Mihailescu, general manager: Numarul de clienti a crescut semnificativ in 2024 Peste 3.000 de pacienti din Romania asteapta un transplant de organe. 20% dintre ei mor inainte de interventie Peste 3.000 de pacienti din Romania asteapta un transplant de organe. 20% dintre ei mor inainte de interventie Avertisment al bancii centrale a UE. Europa ar putea avea de pierdut de pe urma razboiului comercial dintre SUA si China Avertisment al bancii centrale a UE. Europa ar putea avea de pierdut de pe urma razboiului comercial dintre SUA si China


Stiri locale

Rumors are pouring around Calin Georgescu, but no evidence appears

publicat 2024-12-09 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Rumors are pouring around Calin Georgescu, but no evidence appears Romania is the place where the American counter-revolution starts, through which Joe Biden remains stuck in the US presidential chair, without Donald Trump being able to access THE WHITE HOUSE, where the voters sent him, Calin Georgescu revealed to us, on Saturday, December 7, in a televised delirium on Realitatea Plus, leaving even Anca Alexandrescu speechless. ...continuare.

Trump and #39;s plan for peace in Ukraine: demilitarized zone and postponement of NATO membership

publicat 2024-11-08 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Trump and #39;s plan for peace in Ukraine: demilitarized zone and postponement of NATO membership The advisers of Donald Trump, the president-elect of the USA after the election of November 5, revealed to the American publication The Wall Street Journal, the plan of the future Presidential Administration from THE WHITE HOUSE for the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine. ...continuare.

Trump and #39;s victory: European and American markets rise, Asian markets fall

publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Trump and #39;s victory: European and American markets rise, Asian markets fall * Bitcoin, at record level European stock markets rose yesterday, mostly, in the conditions in which Republican Donald Trump will return to THE WHITE HOUSE, following his victory in the US presidential elections. ...continuare.

The US stock market usually rises after elections; will history repeat itself?

publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
The US stock market usually rises after elections; will history repeat itself? * UBS: 'US listed stocks should be supported by economic growth, lower interest rates and structural support provided by artificial intelligence' * Berenberg: 'Trump and #39;s return to THE WHITE HOUSE means an uncertain trade policy and geopolitics, with negative implications for the growth of the European economy and business' ...continuare.

US stock market gropes new highs; does it still have growth fuel?

publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
US stock market gropes new highs; does it still have growth fuel? * Ned Davis Research: 'Bull markets don and #39;t die of old age' * Jack Ablin, Cresset Capital: 'Investors anticipate fairly solid profits and dividend growth' * Mona Mahajan, Edward Jones Investments: 'In the weeks following the presidential election, the stock market tends to recover, regardless of the party in THE WHITE HOUSE' ...continuare.

US forces participated in the destruction of Iranian missiles

publicat 2024-10-03 06:45:02 (Bursa)
US forces participated in the destruction of Iranian missiles Immediately after Tuesday night and #39;s attack, THE WHITE HOUSE said President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were 'closely following the Iranian attack against Israel.' Furthermore, the State Department stated: 'President Joe Biden ordered the US military to support Israel against Iranian attacks and to shoot down Iranian missiles. Every country in the world must join us in condemning Iran and #39;s attack on Israel.' ...continuare.

'The winner of the debate between the two U.S. presidential candidates, in the eyes of the american press'

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
'The winner of the debate between the two U.S. presidential candidates, in the eyes of the american press' * 'Some journalists accused the moderators of being biased in favor of Harris' Kamala Harris dominated last night and #39;s debate with Donald Trump, in the race for the American presidential elections in November, the US media say in unison, but part of it, which in recent years has had a benevolent attitude towards by the former president from THE WHITE HOUSE claims that the current vice president needs to thank the ABC News moderators who were... ...continuare.

John Kirby: 'The US did not abandon any weapons to the Taliban during the withdrawal from Afghanistan'

publicat 2024-09-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
John Kirby: 'The US did not abandon any weapons to the Taliban during the withdrawal from Afghanistan' *THE WHITE HOUSE official and #39;s statement was made following the publication of a report prepared by the Republicans in the House of Representatives regarding the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 *According to the report, following the withdrawal the Americans abandoned in Afghanistan almost 57 million dollars in cash, as well as weapons and military equipment worth about $7 billion ...continuare.

Ventura Capital - with an eye on military security business

publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Ventura Capital - with an eye on military security business * Reuters: Trump and #39;s possible return to THE WHITE HOUSE boosts investment in European defense startups * Defense and security spending in Europe rose 16 percent last year, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute ...continuare.

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