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08:00 Constantin Grameni, confuz dupa debutul la Rapid, "Nu stiu de ce am iesit la pauza, Mister stie"
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Bursa. Daca intri zilnic sa tranzactionezi pe bursa, ai probabilitate de 46% sa pierzi bani. "Sansele de castig sau pierdere sunt similare cu aruncarea unei monede". Pe masura ce extindem orizontul, datele istorice arata ca probabilitatea randamentelor negative tinde spre zero
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publicat 2024-09-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*European MEPs are in a dilemma, because according to the European Action Plan to fight cancer, alcohol consumption is harmful to health *The European Commission encourages the production of wines with a low alcohol content *Wine consumption at European level decreased by 24% between 2010- 2020, and estimates show an average decrease of 0.2% per year from 2020 to 2031
Nicu Falcoi: 'It is not right that Turkey - NATO member state - REQUESTed to become a member of BRICS'
publicat 2024-09-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
It is not right that Turkey, which is a member state of NATO, REQUESTed to become a member of BRICS, even though the last organization is not a military one, but only an economic one, said deputy Nicu Falcoi (USR), vice-president of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO.
Aurel Cazacu: 'Turkey needs cooperation in the Asian area and that and #39;s why it joins BRICS'
publicat 2024-09-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The decision of the authorities in Ankara to officially REQUEST Turkey and #39;s accession to BRICS is motivated by the need for this state and #39;s cooperation with other countries in Asia, claims military expert Aurel Cazacu.
Amending the Fiscal Code, on the list of legislative priorities of the new parliamentary session
publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Amending the Fiscal Code, without introducing new fees and taxes and without increasing the existing ones, amending the single salary law in the budget system in order to fulfill the reform included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - necessary milestone for approving payment REQUEST number 4 -, amending the legislation regarding AMEPIP in order to make it comply with the provisions of corporate governance, represent only some of the main...
Marcel Ciolacu: 'Payment REQUEST number 3 will be approved only partially, due to the non-fulfillment of some benchmarks set out in the PNRR'
publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*Among the unfulfilled milestones is the one regarding the non-finalization of the operationalization of AMEPIP management and non-compliance with corporate governance at the state energy companies *The Head of Government said that the respective milestone will be fulfilled in 6-8 months, because the current legislation must be changed *Until then, a a significant part of the 2.1 billion euros REQUESTed through payment ...continuare.
The US approves the purchase of 186 supersonic missiles by the Romanian Air Force
publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*The missiles are compatible with F-16 and F-35 planes *The purchase was approved by the Bucharest Parliament last spring at the REQUEST of the Ministry of Defense
The capping of interest on IFNs, promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis
publicat 2024-08-13 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The law on the capping of interest at non-banking financial institutions and the limitation of claims REQUESTed by debt collectors, a normative act that joins the law of giving in payment, citizens have a shield that protects them against any abuses of financial institutions, said yesterday, the social-democratic senator Daniel Zamfir, after the promulgation of the law by President Klaus Iohannis.
For the protection of depositors, the Bank of Israel is closely monitoring its banking system
publicat 2024-08-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Bank of Israel has REQUESTed that banks present a plan to redirect deposits from current accounts to term deposits, after banks stopped paying interest on these accounts, according to the Israeli press. The letter sent by the Bank of Israel includes, according to sources, requirements for active measures, such as proactive phone calls to clients, and explains the need to reduce interest rate discrepancies between different categories of clients.
Gabriel Resources REQUESTs the continuation of the Rosia Montana project
publicat 2024-08-07 00:00:04 (Bursa)
*Representatives of the Canadian company notified the Bucharest authorities to obtain the extension of the exploitation license from Rosia Montana *Previously, ANRM rejected this REQUEST *On March 8, ICSID rejected the arbitration REQUEST made by Gabriel Resources and RMGC in the Rosia Montana and #39;s file
Gas distributors, dissatisfied with the investment return rate offered by ANRE
publicat 2024-07-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies (ACUE) REQUESTs the Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) to establish for the operators of natural gas distribution networks a remuneration rate for the invested capital different from that applied to investments in energy distribution networks electricity, because in the field of natural gas there is a greater risk of investment projects in the context of reaching decarbonization targets.
Planurile de inzestrare ale Armatei Romaniei. MApN vrea sa cumpere doua nave de patrulare maritima, pentru suma de 300 de milioane de euro
publicat 2024-07-16 13:00:08 (Mediafax)
In acest moment, exista mai multe programe cu proceduri de atribuire in derulare si care vor fi finalizate in 2024, spun reprezentantii ministerului. Printre acestea se numara modernizarea navelor purtatoare de rachete, care se desfasoara printr-o procedura guvern la guvern cu SUA si care, in acest moment, se afla in stadiul de trimitere a unei LOR pentru LOA (Letter of REQUEST for Letter of Agreement) catre SUA, achizitia de avioane multirol de...
NATO summit, no membership invitation for Ukraine
publicat 2024-07-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The NATO summit, an event taking place these days in Washington and marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Alliance, will not give Ukraine an answer regarding its REQUEST to join that organization, but it would strengthen the military assistance given to the authorities in Kiev in their fight against the aggression launched by the Russian Federation almost two and a half years ago, support some of the military officials attending the...
The French authorities demand a fine from Carrefour
publicat 2024-06-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Yesterday, the French Ministry of Finance REQUESTed in court to fine Carrefour for the contracts with franchised stores that contain 'significant imbalances', reports Reuters.
OLAF report: We remain the first to defraud European funds
publicat 2024-06-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*With 16 investigations opened by OLAF last year in our country, Romania ranks first in the fraud of European funds *11 cases regarding the fraud of European funds in Romania were sent by OLAF to the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office led by Laura Codruta Kovesi *OLAF REQUESTed the recovery of 15 million euros defrauded through IT projects in Romania *Ernesto Bianchi, head of the Department of Customs and Commercial Fraud, Tobacco,...
BNR: 'The delays of the Central Counterparties project are not related to the authorities involved in the authorization process'
publicat 2024-06-10 03:00:57 (Bursa)
* Sources: 'ASF REQUESTed the re-examination of the entire file of CCP.RO' 'CCP.RO must conclude a contract for technology services that has two components - one for authorization-operationalization and another for development', say our sources
* If by September 8 the management of CCP.RO does not complete the file necessary for the authorization of the Central Counterparty, ASF will have to reject the authorization ...continuare.
Labor tax reduction, the main REQUEST of the NBU
publicat 2024-05-14 00:30:03 (Bursa)
The reduction of the labor tax was the main REQUEST of the protest organized, yesterday, in Bucharest, by the members of the National Trade Union Bloc (BNS/NBU) which took place along the route Piata Victoriei - Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism - Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity - Ministry of Finance.
The PSD president explained, in part, the decision to give up the 'candidate' Carstoiu
publicat 2024-04-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Many political decisions remain unexplained to the general public, which often creates real gulfs between voters and those REQUESTing the vote.
AISIF: 'Lion Capital is an extremely undercapitalized company'
publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'The real shareholders of Lion, not those built from buying own shares through interposed funds, are dealing with a 70% discount compared to the net asset', say the members of the Association
* Lion Capital and #39;s management claims that Blue Capital and #39;s REQUEST regarding the allocation of dividends and buybacks of its own shares would excessively decapitalize the company
* 'The net asset praised by Lion and #39;s management does nothing to...
Lion Capital: 'The proposals of the Blue Capital shareholder risk leading to an excessive decapitalization of the company'
publicat 2024-04-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Blue Capital REQUESTed that Lion pay dividends of 208.6 million lei and carry out a program to buy back 50 million of its own shares
* Lion management estimates the value of the program at 147.5 million lei
* Lion and #39;s Board of Directors proposed that all last year and #39;s profit, of 417.2 million lei, be allocated to 'Other reserves'
* The board also wants to carry out a program to buy back its own shares, which it will give free of charge to...
The court rejected the REQUEST to suspend the construction permit of One Lake District
publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* The court decision is not final
Agricultural giant Syngenta withdraws from listing on the Chinese market
publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The Shanghai Stock Exchange has stopped the process of reviewing the listing application
Swiss agrochemicals and seeds giant Syngenta withdrew its REQUEST for a multibillion-dollar listing on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Friday amid a period of weakness in China and #39;s stock market, Reuters reports.
EC report: Reducing the vulnerability of tax revenues must be a priority of the government in Bucharest
publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The European Commission REQUESTs the implementation of the fiscal-structural reforms assumed in the PNRR * European experts REQUEST the establishment of a mechanism for increasing the minimum wage * The banking sector - the best sector of activity in our country
Tense situation at Mangalia Naval Shipyard: 1,500 employees at risk of losing their jobs
publicat 2024-03-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*The Free Navalist Union REQUESTs in an open letter addressed to Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu to resolve the situation at the Mangalia Naval Shipyard *The drastic decrease in the company and #39;s activity followed the August 2023 decision of the Damen company to withdraw from the Mangalia Naval Shipyard *Damen, deceived by the PSD in the process of purchasing the construction site
The EU proves us right, the treasure seized by the Russians is ours. And?!
publicat 2024-03-15 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The resolution adopted yesterday by the European Parliament REQUESTing the Commission that, after the end of the conflict in Ukraine, in the negotiations with the Russian Federation, take steps to return the treasure of our country, which has been in Moscow since the First World War, is an inapplicable act in the next period.
Financial February: Slight gains for the indices, in the month when companies presented their achievements of the past year
publicat 2024-03-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Dividend with a yield of 10% for Hidroelectrica, with an allocation of 90% of the profit
* Subscriptions of 1.8 billion lei in the latest Fidelis offer, below those of the previous operation concluded last December
* Nebulous around the Finances and #39; REQUEST regarding the 'conservation of the FP portfolio'
* The trading discount of the former SIF Oltenia exceeded the level of 70%; all Pillar II funds fled the company and #39;s shareholding
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