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European money to support the Contracts for DIFFERENCE scheme

publicat 2024-06-26 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The central authorities in Bucharest received 1.09 billion euros from the European Union, through the Modernization Fund, for the financing of contracts for DIFFERENCE (CfD), through which the price of electricity will be fixed for a period of 15 years. ...continuare.

IT and C: The wave of layoffs from the US has not yet reached domestic 'shores'.

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The large IT and C companies in the United States of America have laid off tens of thousands of employees in the last 18 months, and the experience of previous crises shows that movements in the global market are felt in Romania with a DIFFERENCE of between six and nine months compared to the moment of their onset over Ocean. ...continuare.

Singuratatea duce la schimbari de personalitate de-a lungul timpului

publicat 2024-03-30 22:30:11 (Jurnalul-National)
Singuratatea duce la schimbari de personalitate de-a lungul timpului Sentimentele de singuratate pot prezice schimbari in trasaturile cheie de personalitate de-a lungul timpului, potrivit unei noi cercetari publicate in jurnalul Personality and Individual DIFFERENCEs. ...continuare.

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