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Horoscop 18 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Se anunta castiguri pentru mai multe zodii Horoscop 18 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Se anunta castiguri pentru mai multe zodii Sanatate second hand. Situatia disperata de la Ambulanta Iasi, cu masini casate si sute de mii de kilometri parcursi Sanatate second hand. Situatia disperata de la Ambulanta Iasi, cu masini casate si sute de mii de kilometri parcursi Ce ne asteapta! Eroul lui Real Madrid cu Manchester City, adversarul Romaniei la EURO » Marca i-a dat nota maxima: S-a imbracat in supererou intr-un meci care-i va schimba cariera Ce ne asteapta! Eroul lui Real Madrid cu Manchester City, adversarul Romaniei la EURO » Marca i-a dat nota maxima: "S-a imbracat in supererou intr-un meci care-i va schimba cariera" Cum puteti sa luati 40.000 de euro direct pe Revolut sa va platiti instant creditele de la alte banci. Cat veti da inapoi pe luna Cum puteti sa luati 40.000 de euro direct pe Revolut sa va platiti instant creditele de la alte banci. Cat veti da inapoi pe luna Un inginer Boeing spune ca producatorul american de avioane a ignorat ingrijorarile legate de siguranta: mi s-a spus sa nu creez intarzieri Un inginer Boeing spune ca producatorul american de avioane a ignorat ingrijorarile legate de siguranta: "mi s-a spus sa nu creez intarzieri" Descopera Emotii Noi si Pune-ti Curajul la Incercare cu Ai curaj. Ai spirit Winner! Descopera Emotii Noi si Pune-ti Curajul la Incercare cu "Ai curaj. Ai spirit Winner"! Liderii Uniunii Europene au decis sa extinda sanctiunile impotriva Iranului dupa atacul asupra Israelului Liderii Uniunii Europene au decis sa extinda sanctiunile impotriva Iranului dupa atacul asupra Israelului Manchester City – Real Madrid 1-1 (3-4 dupa penalty-uri). Echipa antrenata de Ancelotti, in semifinalele Champions League Manchester City – Real Madrid 1-1 (3-4 dupa penalty-uri). Echipa antrenata de Ancelotti, in semifinalele Champions League Ziua decisiva pentru calificarea in semifinalele Ligii Europa si Conference League Ziua decisiva pentru calificarea in semifinalele Ligii Europa si Conference League Consiliul de Securitate al ONU va vota vineri daca primeste Palestina in organizatie Consiliul de Securitate al ONU va vota vineri daca primeste Palestina in organizatie Ideea inovatoare a unui elev roman care i-a facut pe cei de la NASA sa-l premieze Ideea inovatoare a unui elev roman care i-a facut pe cei de la NASA sa-l premieze Musetelul, izvor de sanatate. Aceasta planta a fost apreciata inca din cele mai vechi timpuri pentru proprietatile sale vindecatoare Musetelul, izvor de sanatate. Aceasta planta a fost apreciata inca din cele mai vechi timpuri pentru proprietatile sale vindecatoare Vedetele din Romania care s-au afisat cu iubiti mai tineri decat ele dupa ce au divortat. Cine se mai afla pe lista alaturi de Daniela Nane Vedetele din Romania care s-au afisat cu iubiti mai tineri decat ele dupa ce au divortat. Cine se mai afla pe lista alaturi de Daniela Nane Piers Morgan, reactie dupa ce Arsenal a parasit Liga Campionilor: Dumnezeule, avem atat de mare nevoie de el! + Titluri din presa internationala Piers Morgan, reactie dupa ce Arsenal a parasit Liga Campionilor: "Dumnezeule, avem atat de mare nevoie de el!" + Titluri din presa internationala Localitatea din Romania unde cetatenii au marcat pe Waze toate gropile | Arata ciuruita Localitatea din Romania unde cetatenii au marcat pe Waze toate gropile | "Arata ciuruita"


Stiri locale

Riding the whistle, covered by regulation

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Phrases containing the following: football, Romania, Champions League, are still spoken on major European televisions. The game Barcelona - PSG (return) was DECIDED by a referee. That and #39;s what the Spanish claim and not only that. ...continuare.

Libraries and museums, closed on holidays

publicat 2024-04-16 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Employees in the cultural field consider themselves discriminated against by the authorities and have DECIDED to intensify their protests. ...continuare.

The ECB signals a possible interest rate cut

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The European Central Bank (ECB) DECIDED yesterday to keep its benchmark interest rate unchanged for the fifth consecutive month, but signaled that it could cut the cost of credit soon, even as investors question a similar decision by the Reserve American federal, reports Reuters. ...continuare.

The Bank of Japan raised interest rates for the first time in 17 years

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Japan and #39;s central bank (BoJ) DECIDED yesterday to raise the benchmark interest rate for the first time in 17 years, ending a long-term policy of negative interest rates aimed at stimulating the economy, AP reports. ...continuare.

The case of Rosia Montana: Why did we win when it was assumed that we should have lost?

publicat 2024-03-11 00:15:03 (Bursa)
The international arbitration court regarding foreign investments DECIDED on Friday to give the Romanian state a win in the case filed by the Canadian company Gabriel Resources regarding the stoppage by the Bucharest authorities of the investment in the Rosia Montana quarry. The decision of the arbitral tribunal is a surprising one, given that since the end of January the representatives of the Ciolacu government and some political leaders have... ...continuare.

EPP DECIDED, in Bucharest: Ursula von der Leyen - candidate for EC presidency

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The second day of the European People and #39;s Party (EPP) Congress in Bucharest concluded with the confirmation of Ursula von der Leyen as the EPP candidate for the position of President of the European Commission, after two days of debates on various topics such as the war in Ukraine, Romania and #39;s accession to the Schengen area, and the confirmation of the political program of the European political family. ...continuare.

ECB: 'The mitigation of inflation makes possible a possible reduction of interest rates in 2024'

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The European Central Bank (ECB) DECIDED, in yesterday and #39;s monetary policy meeting, to keep interest rates unchanged for the fourth consecutive time, as expected by analysts. ...continuare.

CSAT DECIDED to amend the legislation in the field of national defense

publicat 2024-02-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
CSAT <span style='background:#EDF514'>DECIDED</span> to amend the legislation in the field of national defense *Among the projects of normative acts that will be incident in this field is the one regarding the introduction of voluntary military service for people between the ages of 18 and 35 ...continuare.

Jens Stoltenberg: 'If Putin wins in Ukraine, it would be a message for President Xi and what happens today in Ukraine can happen tomorrow in Taiwan'

publicat 2024-02-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Jens Stoltenberg: 'If Putin wins in Ukraine, it would be a message for President Xi and what happens today in Ukraine can happen tomorrow in Taiwan' If Vladimir Putin wins the war in Ukraine, it will be a positive message for Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding the actions that the authorities in Beijing are considering for the invasion of Taiwan, Jens Stoltenberg said yesterday in Brussels , the Secretary General of NATO, at the end of the meeting in which the defense ministers of the 31 member states DECIDED to establish a joint analysis, training and education center for Ukraine, which will be... ...continuare.

The apocalypse is coming hour by hour

publicat 2024-02-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The apocalypse is coming hour by hour This Sunday I DECIDED to put the TV to work. As my physique did not allow me some walks in the open air, and my inattention blocked my access to books (I sat on my glasses, not the sun) I found myself caught in the tentacles of TV news programs. ...continuare.

Commercial allowance for staple foods, capped for another 60 days

publicat 2024-02-01 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Commercial allowance for staple foods, capped for another 60 days Yesterday, the government DECIDED to extend by another 60 days the measure of capping the commercial addition to basic foods, a measure established for the first time last year by GEO 67/2023. ...continuare.

A Hong Kong court has DECIDED to liquidate China Evergrande Group

publicat 2024-01-30 00:00:03 (Bursa)
A Hong Kong court has <span style='background:#EDF514'>DECIDED</span> to liquidate China Evergrande Group * The total debts of the real estate giant amount to 300 billion dollars, according to Reuters * Analysts believe that worries about an imminent global catastrophe are exaggerated; instead multinational corporations are likely to feel some of the effects, according to the BBC ...continuare.

Ves Sighisoara Council starts the insolvency procedure

publicat 2024-01-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Ves Sighisoara Council starts the insolvency procedure * The company had negative equity of 38.8 million lei at the end of the third quarter of last year The Board of Directors of the enamelware manufacturer Ves Sighisoara (VESY) DECIDED to start the procedure regarding the opening of the general insolvency procedure, submitting the request to the Mures Specialized Court, according to a company report published on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

UNBR requests notification of the CCR, in case of blocking the activity of the courts

publicat 2024-01-16 00:00:03 (Bursa)
UNBR requests notification of the CCR, in case of blocking the activity of the courts The National Union of Romanian Bar Associations (UNBR) asks the competent authorities to notify the Constitutional Court in relation to GEO 115/2023, by which the Government DECIDED to postpone the payment of salary rights earned by budgetary staff or the payment in installments for certain categories of civil servants. ...continuare.

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