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PSD is waiting for the end of August to determine its candidate for the presidential elections

publicat 2024-07-08 10:30:03 (Bursa)
PSD members and sympathizers are waiting for the Congress of that political formation to find out who will be their candidate in the presidential elections that will take place on November 24 (first round) and DECEMBER 8 (second round). ...continuare.

Parliamentary elections on National Day

publicat 2024-07-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The governing coalition PSD-PNL decided, yesterday, that the parliamentary elections will take place on DECEMBER 1, Romania and #39;s National Day. Following the meeting at the Victoria Palace, the two delegations led by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and Nicolae Ciuca - the PNL president established the following calendar: the first round of the presidential elections will be on November 24, followed by the parliamentary elections on ...continuare.

The government increases budget expenditures; tourists can travel to Turkey without a passport

publicat 2024-06-06 00:00:03 (Bursa)
During May, the government continued to make chaotic decisions regarding budget expenditures, although the deficit after the first four months of the current year stood at 3.24% of the Gross Domestic Product, i.e. a minus of 57.29 billion lei recorded in revenues , almost double compared to the same period last year, given that the assumed deficit target for DECEMBER 31, 2024 by the state budget law is 5%. ...continuare.

ECOFIN: The implementation of the PNRR ends on DECEMBER 31, 2026

publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Ministers of Economy and Finance from the EU member states refused last week during the ECOFIN Council meeting to extend beyond DECEMBER 31, 2026 the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism of which the PNRR of our country is a part, announced in a post on the official page by Facebook, European deputy Corina Cretu, former European commissioner for regional policy. ...continuare.

A real tax reform or a new patch?

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Through the National Recovery and Resilience Program (PNRR), Romania has committed to carrying out tax reform in 2025. Until the elections for the Romanian Parliament in DECEMBER 2024, citizens would have the opportunity to participate in an in-depth debate on the proposed tax reform, based on the electoral programs of political parties. ...continuare.

The first semester in numbers

publicat 2024-04-15 00:00:06 (Bursa)
* January 1st - Mandatory electronic invoicing comes into force for all transactions made between taxable persons established on the territory of the country. The measure is applicable until DECEMBER 31, 2026. ...continuare.

ECA President: 'Under the pressure of the deadline for the implementation of the PNRR, the risk of defrauding European funds increases'

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Tony Murphy, president of the European Court of Auditors (ECA - European Court of Accounts), states that the deadline - DECEMBER 31, 2026 - for the implementation of the NRDPs represents a factor that 'contributes even more to the risk' of misappropriation of funds by amplifying 'the pressure on the member states to quickly spend this money'. ...continuare.

Monica Opra, o artista versatila. Experienta din Portugalia care a marcat-o. "In Alfama am vazut tehnica/ Intri pe riscul tau" INTERVIU

publicat 2024-04-10 15:30:04 (Adevarul)
Monica Opra, o artista versatila. Experienta din Portugalia care a marcat-o. In Alfama am vazut tehnica/ Intri pe riscul tau INTERVIU Cu o prezenta care strabate granitele oricarui gen muzical si ajunge direct in inimile ascultatorilor, Monica Opra este o artista complexa si versatila. "A night in DECEMBER", "Gypsy in my soul" si "Uma casa portuguesa" sunt doar cateva dintre concertele in a incantat publicul. ...continuare.

The month of February in numbers

publicat 2024-03-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* February 1st - The National Bank of Romania (BNR) announces that, on January 31, 2024, the foreign exchange reserves at the National Bank of Romania stood at 61,416 million euros, compared to 59,770 million euros on DECEMBER 31, 2023. The level of the gold reserve remained at 103.6 tons. Under the conditions of international price developments, its value was 6,269 million euros. Romania and #39;s international reserves (currency plus gold) on January... ...continuare.

Financial February: Slight gains for the indices, in the month when companies presented their achievements of the past year

publicat 2024-03-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Dividend with a yield of 10% for Hidroelectrica, with an allocation of 90% of the profit * Subscriptions of 1.8 billion lei in the latest Fidelis offer, below those of the previous operation concluded last DECEMBER * Nebulous around the Finances and #39; request regarding the 'conservation of the FP portfolio' * The trading discount of the former SIF Oltenia exceeded the level of 70%; all Pillar II funds fled the company and #39;s shareholding ...continuare.

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