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Horoscop 19 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Zodia care va primi vestea pe care o astepta de multa vreme Horoscop 19 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Zodia care va primi vestea pe care o astepta de multa vreme Ucraina, in criza de timp nu doar din cauza atacurilor rusesti continue, a stoparii ajutorului militar occidental si lipsei de munitie, ci si datoriei. Creditorii tarii sunt crema Occidentului si a lumii capitaliste Ucraina, in criza de timp nu doar din cauza atacurilor rusesti continue, a stoparii ajutorului militar occidental si lipsei de munitie, ci si datoriei. Creditorii tarii sunt crema Occidentului si a lumii capitaliste Afaceri de la Zero. Elvira Badescu a deschis propriul centru educational, Smart Kids Academy, dupa o experienta de peste zece ani in invatamant Afaceri de la Zero. Elvira Badescu a deschis propriul centru educational, Smart Kids Academy, dupa o experienta de peste zece ani in invatamant Alfa Software si-a crescut profitul net cu 44% in 2023, la peste 6,6 mil. lei Alfa Software si-a crescut profitul net cu 44% in 2023, la peste 6,6 mil. lei #superstories. Business sportiv. Pariul ZF pe viitorii campioni. Unde au ajuns? Atleta Claudia Costiuc a devenit campioana balcanica la U20 #superstories. Business sportiv. Pariul ZF pe viitorii campioni. Unde au ajuns? Atleta Claudia Costiuc a devenit campioana balcanica la U20 Importatorul de bauturi B.D.G. Import mizeaza pe brandurile Glenfiddich si Monkey Shoulder pentru a-si majora veniturile cu 50 mil. lei in urmatoarele 12 luni. B.D.G. Import a terminat anul 2023 cu o cifra de afaceri de 365 mil. lei Importatorul de bauturi B.D.G. Import mizeaza pe brandurile Glenfiddich si Monkey Shoulder pentru a-si majora veniturile cu 50 mil. lei in urmatoarele 12 luni. B.D.G. Import a terminat anul 2023 cu o cifra de afaceri de 365 mil. lei Otelul Galati – Corvinul Hunedoara, in finala Cupei Romaniei. Galatenii s-au calificat dupa un autogol al lui Chipciu Otelul Galati – Corvinul Hunedoara, in finala Cupei Romaniei. Galatenii s-au calificat dupa un autogol al lui Chipciu Gigantul care vine pe piata din Romania. Cifra de afaceri este de sute de miliarde de euro si are angajati cu zecile de mii Gigantul care vine pe piata din Romania. Cifra de afaceri este de sute de miliarde de euro si are angajati cu zecile de mii Cristian Pirvulescu: A fost un atac farmaceutical Israelului, Iranul se va preface ca nu a existat nimic Cristian Pirvulescu: A fost un atac "farmaceutic"al Israelului, Iranul se va preface ca nu a existat nimic Aterizare de urgenta a unui avion pe aeroportul din Timisoara, dupa o amenintare cu bomba Aterizare de urgenta a unui avion pe aeroportul din Timisoara, dupa o amenintare cu bomba Am doborat un obiect suspect. Primele imagini cu exploziile de la Ishafan. Presa de stat spune ca situatia a revenit la normal "Am doborat un obiect suspect". Primele imagini cu exploziile de la Ishafan. Presa de stat spune ca situatia a revenit la normal Un avion militar s-a prabusit in sudul Rusiei Un avion militar s-a prabusit in sudul Rusiei Israelul a anuntat SUA in avans ca va ataca Iranul. Loviturile nu au fost aprobate, sustine un oficial american Israelul a anuntat SUA in avans ca va ataca Iranul. Loviturile nu au fost aprobate, sustine un oficial american Cifra de afaceri din comertul cu autovehicule si motociclete a crescut in februarie Cifra de afaceri din comertul cu autovehicule si motociclete a crescut in februarie Cum functioneaza o platforma de poker online Cum functioneaza o platforma de poker online


Stiri locale

The Education Minister does not BELIEVE schools are ready for drug testing

publicat 2024-04-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Beautiful designs that cannot be put into practice are of no use to anyone. The Minister of Education Ligia Deca BELIEVEs that the vast majority of schools, with the current infrastructure, do not have everything they need to do drug testing. ...continuare.

ECA report: European institutions do not fully comply with transparency rules regarding lobbying activity

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*12,500 lobbyists work alongside European Union institutions *European Court of Auditors auditors BELIEVE that transparency rules still do not apply to spontaneous meetings and most EU staff *ECA warns of the risk that NGO funding sources to remain opaque ...continuare.

Prime Transaction: 'Profits up for TTS and Simtel in Q4; historical annual result for Antibiotics'

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* 'The latest events in Transnistria brought back to the discussion the risks given by the geographical positioning of Purcari and #39;s main production capacities' * 'It is hard to BELIEVE that TTS and #39; profit growth rate can be maintained in 2024, but for now we do not expect a reversal of direction either' * 'Maintaining Antibiotice and #39;s profitability in this would mean moving to another level for the company' * 'Considering the European... ...continuare.

Romanian honey wine produced by a couple from Buzau - awarded gold at the largest international competition of its kind

publicat 2024-02-28 00:00:05 (Bursa)
* Mihai Negot, honey wine producer: 'I BELIEVE the artisanal beverage market is growing.' A young family, settled in a commune in Buzau ten years ago, has managed to introduce the best honey wine in Europe to the market. This refers to a mildly alcoholic beverage obtained from fermented honey, also known as 'the drink of the Dacians,' which recently received the gold medal at the largest competition of its kind, organized in Poland. ...continuare.

Moscow does not BELIEVE in tears: Putin continues the illegal war in Ukraine

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Moscow does not BELIEVE in the tears shed by the families of the victims of the illegal aggression launched by the Russian Federation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and Vladimir Putin continues the war considering that he has not achieved the goal of denazification of the neighboring country, the goal set at the beginning of the so-called special operation. ...continuare.

Capital Economics: 'The American stock market does not have the characteristics of the speculative bubbles of the past'

publicat 2024-02-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Capital Economics: 'The American stock market does not have the characteristics of the speculative bubbles of the past' * Dan Ives, Wedbush: 'Artificial intelligence is the most important technology trend we and #39;ve seen since the Internet began in 1995' The recent rise in the US stock market does not have the characteristics of the speculative bubbles of the past, BELIEVEs John Higgins, chief economist of the research firm Capital Economics, according to Business Insider. ...continuare.

The decision of the ICCJ in the Danilet case, annulled by the ECHR

publicat 2024-02-21 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The decision of the ICCJ in the Danilet case, annulled by the ECHR *The European magistrates BELIEVE that the CSM and ICCJ violated the right to free expression of the former magistrate Cristi Danilet *The Council and the High Court disciplinary sanctioned Danilet for the position expressed on Facebook at a time when the PSD leaders attacked the independence of the judiciary and put political pressure on judges and prosecutors ...continuare.

JPMorgan: European bank shareholder returns have already peaked

publicat 2024-02-20 00:00:11 (Bursa)
JPMorgan: European bank shareholder returns have already peaked Equity returns for European bank shareholders appear to have already peaked, according to JPMorgan Chase strategists, who BELIEVE the prospect of European Central Bank (ECB) interest rate cuts this year will reduce earnings for the sector, according to Bloomberg. ...continuare.

Paunescu: 'Some banks still lack a strong appetite for negotiating credit contracts'

publicat 2024-02-07 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Paunescu: 'Some banks still lack a strong appetite for negotiating credit contracts' * It is possible that the additional 2% tax applied to banks and #39; turnover may be reflected in the final costs to consumers, BELIEVEs Alexandru Paunescu. * Consumer benefits in negotiations with banks through CSALB exceeded euro3.3 million last year. * Over euro11.3 million - the total sum of benefits obtained by consumers following negotiations conducted between 2016 and 2023 within CSALB ...continuare.

A Hong Kong court has decided to liquidate China Evergrande Group

publicat 2024-01-30 00:00:03 (Bursa)
A Hong Kong court has decided to liquidate China Evergrande Group * The total debts of the real estate giant amount to 300 billion dollars, according to Reuters * Analysts BELIEVE that worries about an imminent global catastrophe are exaggerated; instead multinational corporations are likely to feel some of the effects, according to the BBC ...continuare.

Elon Musk: 'Chinese electric car manufacturers will 'demolish' their competitors, in the absence of trade barriers'

publicat 2024-01-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Elon Musk: 'Chinese electric car manufacturers will 'demolish' their competitors, in the absence of trade barriers' Chinese electric car manufacturers will have 'significant' success outside China, BELIEVEs Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, writes CNBC. ...continuare.

Economist David Rosenberg: 'Bitcoin is closer to a lottery ticket than an investment'

publicat 2024-01-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Economist David Rosenberg: 'Bitcoin is closer to a lottery ticket than an investment' * 'Bitcoin and other tokens are based on the theory of the bigger sucker,' BELIEVEs Rosenberg * US regulators approved the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs last week ...continuare.

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