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Chefi la cutite, 24 aprilie 2024. Geanina Craciun a fost eliminata din sezonul 13. Ce reactie neasteptata a avut Richard Abou Zaki Chefi la cutite, 24 aprilie 2024. Geanina Craciun a fost eliminata din sezonul 13. Ce reactie neasteptata a avut Richard Abou Zaki Sepsi - FCSB » Florinel Coman, vesti bune pentru Edi Iordanescu: Nu am vrut sa risc. Este ceva minor, am resimtit o durere in zona inghinala, probabil o contractura Sepsi - FCSB » Florinel Coman, vesti bune pentru Edi Iordanescu: "Nu am vrut sa risc. Este ceva minor, am resimtit o durere in zona inghinala, probabil o contractura" Informare ANM: Ploi in cea mai mare parte a tarii pana vineri dimineata Informare ANM: Ploi in cea mai mare parte a tarii pana vineri dimineata Un barbat de origine romana, acuzat ca si-a ucis sotia si fiica in Franta, in 1993, pus in libertate sub supraveghere Un barbat de origine romana, acuzat ca si-a ucis sotia si fiica in Franta, in 1993, pus in libertate sub supraveghere Risc critic de incendii de vegetatie intr-o provincie din Canada. Zeci de persoane, evacuate. Se vor raspandi foarte rapid Risc critic de incendii de vegetatie intr-o provincie din Canada. Zeci de persoane, evacuate. "Se vor raspandi foarte rapid" WOW! Romania vs. Romania, la Campionatul Mondial de Robotica WOW! Romania vs. Romania, la Campionatul Mondial de Robotica Accident grav cu trei raniti, in Cluj. Doua autoutilitare si o masina, implicate Accident grav cu trei raniti, in Cluj. Doua autoutilitare si o masina, implicate Alcool-ul si tigarile electronice fac ravagii printre copiii de 11-15 ani! OMS trage un semnal de alarma Alcool-ul si tigarile electronice fac ravagii printre copiii de 11-15 ani! OMS trage un semnal de alarma Andrei Muraru, ambasadorul Romaniei in SUA, despre candidatura lui Klaus Iohannis la NATO: Nimeni nu pune la indoiala profilul presedintelui Andrei Muraru, ambasadorul Romaniei in SUA, despre candidatura lui Klaus Iohannis la NATO: "Nimeni nu pune la indoiala profilul presedintelui" BVB, operatorul pietei locale de capital, va distribui actionarilor dividende de 12,5 mil. lei BVB, operatorul pietei locale de capital, va distribui actionarilor dividende de 12,5 mil. lei Opinie Radu Burnete, Concordia: Cat poate creste salariul minim in promisiunile de campanie? Dar in realitate? Opinie Radu Burnete, Concordia: Cat poate creste salariul minim in promisiunile de campanie? Dar in realitate? Decizia CSM in legatura cu judecatoarea din cazul 2 Mai. Ce se intampla cu Ancuta Ioana Popoviciu Decizia CSM in legatura cu judecatoarea din cazul 2 Mai. Ce se intampla cu Ancuta Ioana Popoviciu No Coman, no party! Ce nota a luat Tarnovanu dupa ce a ingropat visele FCSB de a fi campioana din aceasta etapa No Coman, no party! Ce nota a luat Tarnovanu dupa ce a "ingropat" visele FCSB de a fi campioana din aceasta etapa Barbatul care s-a imbogatit datorita blugilor. Cine a fost Levi Strauss si cum a reusit sa devina un fashion icon Barbatul care s-a imbogatit datorita blugilor. Cine a fost Levi Strauss si cum a reusit sa devina un fashion icon Barcelona a dat lovitura: Xavi ramane antrenorul catalanilor dupa o rasturnare spectaculoasa de situatie Barcelona a dat lovitura: Xavi ramane antrenorul catalanilor dupa o rasturnare spectaculoasa de situatie


Stiri locale

Cel mai mare dusman al binelui

publicat 2024-04-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Care este cel mai mare dusman al binelui? 'Raul', o sa zica pe loc cineva, fara sa zABOVEasca prea mult! Cine sa fie dusmanul Binelui, daca nu Raul? ...continuare.

Subscriptions of almost 3.2 billion lei in the Fidelis offer, ABOVE those of the previous operation

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The annual interest rates are between 6% and 7% for installments in lei, respectively 4% and 5% for those in euros * The titles will be listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange next week ...continuare.

Macquarie: 'It will be difficult to keep crude oil prices ABOVE $90 a barrel'

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Crude oil futures fell in foreign markets yesterday as lingering US inflation dampened interest rate cut optimism. However, stock market quotes are holding close to six-month highs as investors consider a potential attack on Israel by Iran, according to Reuters. ...continuare.

EIB survey: The shock in the energy sector strongly affected Romanian companies

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The proportion of enterprises in our country facing financial constraints is far ABOVE the European average, according to the bank * Romanian companies showed resistance beyond expectations in the face of the slowdown in economic growth, according to the EIB * Isarescu: 'According to the findings of the EIB, the general image of investments in Romania has improved' ...continuare.

Bank of America: 'Nvidia is still not expensive at a valuation of two trillion dollars'

publicat 2024-03-15 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The bank raised its price target on the company and #39;s stock to $1,100, according to Business Insider * The new price target is 20% ABOVE Nvidia and #39;s midweek quote ...continuare.

Raiffeisen estimates that Transgaz will distribute 50% of the profit to dividends

publicat 2024-03-11 00:15:03 (Bursa)
* The bank and #39;s analysis indicates a price target of 21.6 lei for the company and #39;s shares, ABOVE the recent market price ...continuare.

Meteorology and nature - another temperature record has fallen

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Temperature records are falling at an alarming rate. February 2024 was the warmest month ever recorded worldwide, thus joining a series of nine consecutive monthly records, with temperatures well ABOVE normal in Europe, the European Copernicus Observatory announced. ...continuare.

Premiere: The major index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange has crossed the threshold of 40,000 points

publicat 2024-03-05 00:00:11 (Bursa)
The reference index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nikkei 225, closed yesterday and #39;s session ABOVE 40,000 points, for the first time in history, Reuters reports, adding that the Japanese market continues its upward trend fueled by corporate governance reform, as well as solid valuations of companies. ...continuare.

CMPF report: Local journalists in Romania, dependent on the political factor and the amounts allocated by the authorities

publicat 2024-03-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*The study carried out on the local press in the 27 EU member states shows that in Romania there is a high risk regarding the safety of journalists and extremely low editorial independence *The main factor that led to the ABOVE situation: the preferential allocation of sums and subsidies to the mass - the media by local politicians and local and county public authorities *Cristi Godinac, president of MediaSind: 'The media industry in Romania urgently... ...continuare.

Dan Dascal, CEO of BT Asset Management: 'We expect the local market to bring returns ABOVE what we see on the main exchanges'

publicat 2024-01-30 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Dan Dascal, CEO of BT Asset Management: 'We expect the local market to bring returns <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span> what we see on the main exchanges' * 'The degree of indebtedness of the BSE companies is quite low, compared to that of the stock exchanges in the region' * 'It is not excluded that in 2024 we will see some turbulence coming from the corporate debt refinancing segment' * 'Thanks to the emergence of recurring investment services, we see investors coming in with smaller amounts, but in a constant way, so that over time they accumulate significant capital' ...continuare.

Strong gains on the BSE, well ABOVE the appreciation of the major western markets

publicat 2024-01-25 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Strong gains on the BSE, well <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span> the appreciation of the major western markets * The listing of Hidroelectrica - the main catalyst of the evolution of our stock market * Gross dividend yield of 9.8% for Hidro shares compared to year-end price, according to broker estimates * Finances collected 6.4 billion lei from the population, through three Fidelis issues ...continuare.

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