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CALIN GEORGESCU azi si maine, dupa cei trei candidati suveranisti de ieri - Episodul 2

publicat 2024-03-06 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Prin contrast cu cei trei suveranisti de ieri, candidati la Presedintie, CALIN GEORGESCU prezinta (nu stiu de ce) faima unui carturar, desi el este agronom, ceea ce se face oarecum sesizabil. ...continuare.

CALIN GEORGESCU today and tomorrow, after the three sovereigntist candidates of yesterday - Episode 2

publicat 2024-03-06 00:00:04 (Bursa)
In contrast to the three sovereigntist candidates of yesterday, running for the Presidency, CALIN GEORGESCU presents (I don and #39;t know why) the reputation of a scholar, although he is an agronomist, which is somewhat noticeable. ...continuare.

Trei candidati suveranisti astazi si CALIN GEORGESCU maine si poimaine - Episodul 1

publicat 2024-03-05 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Niciodata ca acum natiunea romana nu a fost atat de exasperata de nimicnicia presedintelui tarii, a premierului, a guvernului, a parlamentului si a politicienilor in general, incat sa confunde vulgaritatea, mahalagismul si urletele unui candidat la Presedintie cum este Diana Sosoaca, cu manifestari ale unei revolte impotriva 'sistemului': ea stie, cu cat mai mahalagesti, cu atat mai convingatoare. ...continuare.

Three sovereignist candidates today and CALIN GEORGESCU tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - Episode 1

publicat 2024-03-05 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Never before has the Romanian nation been so exasperated by the insignificance of the country and #39;s president, prime minister, government, parliament, and politicians in general, as to confuse the vulgarity, crudeness, and screams of a presidential candidate like Diana Sosoaca with manifestations of a revolt against 'the system': she knows, the more crude you are, the more convincing. ...continuare.

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