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Divizarea THR MAREA NEAGRA - evaluatorul stabileste un pret de retragere cu 27% sub valoarea contabila a actiunii

publicat 2024-03-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Emil Ionescu, investitor: 'Pentru divizare se folosesc capitalurile proprii, dar pentru evaluarea pretului platit actionarilor care se retrag nu se mai tine cont de ele' * Evaluatorul Darian: 'Abordarea prin active este recomandata doar in cazul companiilor de tip investitii sau start-up' * Dan Segal, investitor: 'Evaluatorul alege metoda cea mai dezavantajoasa pentru minoritari si care nu are nicio logica de business pentru o firma care, in ultimii ani, a tot vandut din hoteluri' ...continuare.

THR MAREA NEAGRA division - the appraiser sets a withdrawal price 27% below the book value of the share

publicat 2024-03-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Emil Ionescu, investor: 'Equity is used for the division, but for the evaluation of the price paid to the withdrawing shareholders they are no longer taken into account' * Evaluator Darian: 'The asset approach is only recommended for investment or start-up companies' * Dan Segal, investor: 'The evaluator chooses the most disadvantageous method for minorities and which has no business logic for a company that, in recent years, has been selling from hotels' ...continuare.

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