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Noua aplicatie de dating in care potentialii parteneri sunt boti AI

publicat 2024-07-19 13:00:07 (Go4IT)
Inteligenta artificiala pare sa fie raspunsul la multe probleme, inclusiv gasirea partenerului ideal. Faceti cunostinta cu LOVERSe, o aplicatie de intalniri creata de un startup japonez, care functioneaza similar cu Tinder. Cu o singura exceptie: […]Articolul Noua aplicatie de dating in care potentialii parteneri sunt boti AI apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

Bookfest: 200 exhibitors, 150 publishers, 400 events

publicat 2024-05-29 10:15:02 (Bursa)
Book LOVERS have a happy weekend. The 17th edition of the Bookfest 2024 International Book Fair, which will take place between May 29 and June 2, in Pavilion B2 at Romexpo, brings together 200 exhibitors, 150 publishing houses from all over Romania, and publishing houses from the Republic of Moldova, which will organize over 400 events. ...continuare.

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