Uptrend for BVB indices, last three months of 2023

publicat 2024-01-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)

Uptrend for BVB indices, last three months of 2023 * Companies have published their results for the first nine months of last year, which give investors a picture of the possibilities of dividend allocation this year The indices of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) had appreciations on the line, in the last quarter of last year, in tune with the evolution of the large stock markets in the West, to which some internal elements were added, which favored the increase in prices. The BET index, of the twenty most liquid securities of our market, rose by 7.2% to 15,371 points in the last three months of last year, while the BET-BK index, the performance benchmark of investment funds in shares, it appreciated by 7.9%, up to 2,887 points. The gains continued this year, with the BSE indices hitting new all-time highs in the first trading sessions of 2024.

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