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Aterizare de urgenta a unui avion pe aeroportul din Timisoara, dupa o amenintare cu bomba Aterizare de urgenta a unui avion pe aeroportul din Timisoara, dupa o amenintare cu bomba Cristian Pirvulescu: A fost un atac farmaceutical Israelului, Iranul se va preface ca nu a existat nimic Cristian Pirvulescu: A fost un atac "farmaceutic"al Israelului, Iranul se va preface ca nu a existat nimic Am doborat un obiect suspect. Primele imagini cu exploziile de la Ishafan. Presa de stat spune ca situatia a revenit la normal "Am doborat un obiect suspect". Primele imagini cu exploziile de la Ishafan. Presa de stat spune ca situatia a revenit la normal Un avion militar s-a prabusit in sudul Rusiei Un avion militar s-a prabusit in sudul Rusiei Mizele uriase din finala Cupei Romaniei Betano » Pentru ce joaca Otelul si Corvinul + Hunedorenii au anuntat deja ce vor face cu sutele de mii de euro, daca vor lua trofeul Mizele uriase din finala Cupei Romaniei Betano » Pentru ce joaca Otelul si Corvinul + Hunedorenii au anuntat deja ce vor face cu sutele de mii de euro, daca vor lua trofeul Israelul a anuntat SUA in avans ca va ataca Iranul. Loviturile nu au fost aprobate, sustine un oficial american Israelul a anuntat SUA in avans ca va ataca Iranul. Loviturile nu au fost aprobate, sustine un oficial american Cifra de afaceri din comertul cu autovehicule si motociclete a crescut in februarie Cifra de afaceri din comertul cu autovehicule si motociclete a crescut in februarie Ciolacu: Prin noua reorganizare de la MAE incercam sa ne ridicam la nivelul asteptarilor romanilor din diaspora Ciolacu: Prin noua reorganizare de la MAE incercam sa ne ridicam la nivelul asteptarilor romanilor din diaspora Un barbat si-a dat foc in fata tribunalului unde se desfasoara procesul Trump Un barbat si-a dat foc in fata tribunalului unde se desfasoara procesul Trump Hellvig: Un candidat fara suficient continut politic ori fara niscaiva acoperire populara trebuie macar sa fie un om bun si integru. Altfel, te indrepti vertiginos catre turnee de amatori Hellvig: "Un candidat fara suficient continut politic ori fara niscaiva acoperire populara trebuie macar sa fie un om bun si integru. Altfel, te indrepti vertiginos catre turnee de amatori" Un pusti de 14 ani a smuls de la gatul unei femei lantisoarele, intr-un autobuz, si a fugit Un pusti de 14 ani a smuls de la gatul unei femei lantisoarele, intr-un autobuz, si a fugit 20 aprilie: ziua in care a murit Avicii, DJ suedez si producator muzical VIDEO 20 aprilie: ziua in care a murit Avicii, DJ suedez si producator muzical VIDEO Orasul din Romania prin care trece singurul parau termal din tara. Temperatura apei este de 30 de grade Celsius Orasul din Romania prin care trece singurul parau termal din tara. Temperatura apei este de 30 de grade Celsius Fetita de 12 ani, santajata sa produca materiale pornografice Fetita de 12 ani, santajata sa produca materiale pornografice Razboi in Ucraina, ziua 787. Olaf Scholz: Razboiul din Ucraina ar putea continua mai multi ani Razboi in Ucraina, ziua 787. Olaf Scholz: Razboiul din Ucraina ar putea continua mai multi ani


Stiri locale

IT and C: The wave of layoffs from the US has not yet reached domestic 'shores'.

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The large IT and C companies in the UNITED STATES of America have laid off tens of thousands of employees in the last 18 months, and the experience of previous crises shows that movements in the global market are felt in Romania with a difference of between six and nine months compared to the moment of their onset over Ocean. ...continuare.

The US and China dominate the art auction market

publicat 2024-04-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* In the UNITED STATES, 23% of the profile transactions were made, with revenues of 5.2 billion dollars * In France, the number of works sold by more than one million dollars increased sharply * Modern art generated 40% of the total revenues from auctions of works of art ...continuare.

Business Insider: 'The US produces more oil than any country in history'

publicat 2024-03-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The UNITED STATES has been the largest producer in history for six years in a row, according to the US Energy Information Administration ...continuare.

Exporturile de whiskey american in UE au crescut puternic in 2023, pana la 709 milioane de dolari

publicat 2024-02-29 11:45:37 (Income-Magazine)
Exporturile de whiskey american in UE au crescut puternic in 2023, pana la 709 milioane de dolari Exporturile de bauturi spirtoase ale SUA au crescut cu 8% in 2023, pana la 2,2 miliarde de dolari, potrivit Distilled Spirits Council of the UNITED STATES, dupa eliminarea de catre Uniunea Europeana a tarifelor vamale suplimentare de 25% impuse de Bruxelles pentru whiskey-ul american, transmite Reuters. Eliminarea acestor tarife, in 2022, a ajutat la revenirea […] ...continuare.

The head of the CIA: 'We are in competition with China for the use of new technologies in the activity of espionage'

publicat 2024-02-02 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The head of the CIA: 'We are in competition with China for the use of new technologies in the activity of espionage' The CIA is competing with China for the use of new technologies in espionage, especially since the Asian republic poses the greatest threat to the UNITED STATES in the long term, says CIA chief William J. Burns in an article published by Foreign Affairs in which emphasizes the transformation of the institution he leads in the current global situation. ...continuare.

Coin Desk: 'Tesla owns about $390 million worth of Bitcoin'

publicat 2024-01-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Coin Desk: 'Tesla owns about $390 million worth of Bitcoin' * The company founded by Elon Musk is the third-largest public holder of Bitcoin, behind MicroStrategy and Marathon, according to Bitcoin Treasuries * The regulatory authorities in the UNITED STATES have recently approved the launch of ETFs on Bitcoin spot ...continuare.

Climate: Record Cold in the US

publicat 2024-01-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Climate: Record Cold in the US An Arctic front has engulfed much of the UNITED STATES, placing a large part of the western region in severe frost conditions. ...continuare.

What prospects does the American stock market have this year?

publicat 2024-01-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
What prospects does the American stock market have this year? * Adrian Mitroi, CFA: 'The 60/40 portfolio will be a winner, but with a lower performance than last year' * Florian Munteanu, investment consultant: 'There are premises that the European stock markets will perform better than the UNITED STATES market in 2024' * Andre Cappon, CBM Group: 'Compared to recent years, interest rates are high, but from a historical perspective they are normal' * Angelo Kourkafas, Edward Jones Investments: 'Diversification... ...continuare.

What is the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the UNITED STATES, for the cryptocurrency

publicat 2024-01-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
What is the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the <span style='background:#EDF514'>UNITED STATES</span>, for the cryptocurrency * Standard Chartered: 'The launch of ETFs on Bitcoin spot can take the price of the cryptocurrency to $200,000 by the end of 2025' * Avantgarde Finance: 'ETF Approval Means Growing Recognition of Cryptocurrencies by Traditional Finance' * Better Markets: 'The SEC decision has not changed anything about this worthless financial product' * Gary Gensler, SEC: 'Investors should remain cautious about the myriad risks associated with Bitcoin and crypto-linked products' ...continuare.

Natural Disasters Cause Hundreds of Billions in Damages

publicat 2024-01-10 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Natural Disasters Cause Hundreds of Billions in Damages The force of nature, including its destructive power, is well known. Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, storms in the UNITED STATES, and other natural disasters last year caused global losses of $250 billion, and less than half of these losses were covered by insurers, according to data published by the German reinsurance group Munich Re. ...continuare.

Return of Masks in the U.S. Amid Rising COVID Cases

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The coronavirus is proving persistent, and an alarming update comes from the UNITED STATES. ...continuare.

Economist David Rosenberg: 'It is premature to rule out a recession in the UNITED STATES'

publicat 2024-01-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Economist David Rosenberg: 'It is premature to rule out a recession in the <span style='background:#EDF514'>UNITED STATES</span>' * 'Two-thirds of last year and #39;s growth came from fiscal policy, which was a huge antidote to what the Fed was doing' While most investors on Wall Street expect the US economy to have a soft landing, renowned economist David Rosenberg is warning of a possible recession this year, according to Business Insider. ...continuare.

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