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Zelenski restrictioneaza cazinourile online pentru a reduce dependenta soldatilor de jocurile de noroc

publicat 2024-04-23 13:00:10 (Money.ro)
Zelenski restrictioneaza cazinourile online pentru a reduce dependenta soldatilor de jocurile de noroc Noile reglementari, prevazute intr-un decret al Consiliului ucrainean pentru Securitate de Stat si Aparare, au fost adoptate dupa ce un activist proeminent, care serveste in armata ucraineana, Pavlo Petricenko, a lansat o campanie care evidentiaza dependenta de jocurile de noroc in randul soldatilor si i-a cerut lui Zelenski sa impuna controale mai stricte asupra cazinourilor online. Petricenko a murit in lupta la 15 aprilie. STRES TRATAT CU JOCURI DE NOROC "Militarii au fost departe de... ...continuare.

Loans - the financial bomb from the EU budget

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*EU loans will exceed EUR 1000 billion in the coming years *Of the total loans, EUR 80 billion have been allocated to support UKRAINE *The risks for UKRAINE and #39;s financing are extremely high according to Ambroise Fayolle, the vice-president of the EIB *If UKRAINE does not return the said amount in 2033, then its reimbursement will be shared by the EU with the member states ...continuare.

Iana, fetita de 12 ani care si-a pierdut picioarele in atacul de la Kramatorsk, a alergat 5 kilometri la maratonul de la Boston: "Indestructibila"

publicat 2024-04-14 18:00:09 (Libertatea)
Iana, fetita de 12 ani care si-a pierdut picioarele in atacul de la Kramatorsk, a alergat 5 kilometri la maratonul de la Boston: Indestructibila Iana, Stepanenko, 12 ani, care si-a pierdut ambele picioare in atacul rusesc cu rachete de la Kramatorsk, a a parcurs, pe 13 aprilie, distanta de 5 kilometri pe proteze in cadrul Maratonului de la Boston, transmite Centrul de Reabilitare Unbroken UKRAINE. „Maratonului de Boston si a aratat lumii ca Ucraina este indestructibila!”, a transmis Centrul, […] ...continuare.

Interconnectivity - primary objective for the Three Seas Initiative

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Increasing the interconnectivity of transport infrastructure, digital interconnectivity, cyber security and energy interconnectivity, including the two new associated states - the Republic of Moldova and UKRAINE - was the central theme of the ninth summit of the Three Seas Initiative (I3M), event that took place yesterday in Vilnius in Lithuania, a theme that can also be found in the joint declaration adopted at the end by the representatives of the 13... ...continuare.

Ucrainenii pot declara pagube cauzate de agresiunea rusa intr-un Registru al pagubelor infiintat in Olanda sub autoritatea Consiliului Europei

publicat 2024-04-03 17:30:21 (Money.ro)
Ucrainenii pot declara pagube cauzate de agresiunea rusa intr-un Registru al pagubelor infiintat in Olanda sub autoritatea Consiliului Europei Aceasta este una dintre primele etape ale reparatiilor.Ucrainenii sunt indemnati sa declare pagubele cauzate propritatilor lor.In viitor, ei urmeaza sa poata declara pierderi ale rudelor, raniri, violente sexuale, tortura, deportari fortate si toate pagubele cauzate de agresiunea rusa.Statul si intrepirnderile ucrainene pot, de asemenea, sa inregistreze pierderi suferite de la inceputul invaziei armatei ruse, la 24 februarie 2022.Insa un mecansim international de reparatii este necesar sa fie... ...continuare.

Reuters: Foreign companies lost over 107 billion dollars after exiting the Russian market

publicat 2024-03-29 00:00:11 (Bursa)
The exodus of foreign corporations from Russia starting in 2022, after Moscow invaded UKRAINE, has resulted in losses for foreign companies of more than $107 billion from asset writedowns and unrealized income, a Reuters analysis of press releases and documents shows. financial statements issued by companies. ...continuare.

Vladimir Putin launched the 'witch hunt'

publicat 2024-03-29 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Despite the accusatory statements against UKRAINE after the terrorist attack at Crocus Hall a week ago, Vladimir Putin and the FSB have not yet been able to present to the world any connection between the four ISIS terrorists and the authorities in Kiev. ...continuare.

In Moscow, terrorist attack or special operation?

publicat 2024-03-25 11:15:05 (Bursa)
Despite the fact that ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on the shopping center near Moscow and insists on doing so, Vladimir Putin insists on pointing the finger at UKRAINE. ...continuare.

Ucraina a renuntat la lista neagra a companiilor care fac afaceri in Rusia

publicat 2024-03-23 07:15:12 (Money.ro)
Ucraina a renuntat la lista neagra a companiilor care fac afaceri in Rusia Sfarsitul listei negre, care a stanjenit aproximativ 50 de companii importante identificate ca opereaza in Rusia si ajuta indirect in razboiul Kremlinului din Ucraina, reprezinta o concesie a Kievului, deoarece incearca sa mentina un sprijin international fragil.Criticii spun ca campania de "nume si rusine" a fost neplacuta si subiectiva, in timp ce sustinatorii spun ca a scos la iveala modul in care industria a ramas loiala Moscovei.Decizia a marcat nu numai sfarsitul listei, dar si parti de... ...continuare.

Klaus Iohannis: 'I don and #39;t think it and #39;s useful to make public details about the military aid offered to UKRAINE'

publicat 2024-03-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The authorities in Bucharest will continue not to provide data on the military support given to UKRAINE, President Klaus Iohannis said yesterday, before the European Council meeting, although the head of state recently sent the Parliament information on the training of 50 Ukrainian military pilots in our country . ...continuare.

Russia claims to have eliminated 349 Romanian mercenaries on the front in UKRAINE

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The armed forces of the Russian Federation have so far killed 349 Romanian mercenaries on the Ukrainian front, out of the 784 who would have joined the Ukrainian troops, according to a message posted on the official Facebook page of the Russian Embassy in Bucharest. According to the cited source, over 13,000 foreign mercenaries are fighting alongside the Ukrainians against the Russian army. ...continuare.

Atac cu drone asupra unei rafinarii din Rusia, la granita cu Kazahstanul VIDEO

publicat 2024-03-16 08:45:02 (Adevarul)
Atac cu drone asupra unei rafinarii din Rusia, la granita cu Kazahstanul VIDEO Mai multe atacuri cu drone au vizat doua rafinarii de petrol din regiunea Samara, din Rusia, provocand incendii. Potrivit RBC-UKRAINE care citeaza canalele de Telegram Baza si The City of Syzran, dronele ucrainene au atacat doua rafinarii in dimineata zilei de 16 martie. ...continuare.

The EU proves us right, the treasure seized by the Russians is ours. And?!

publicat 2024-03-15 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The resolution adopted yesterday by the European Parliament requesting the Commission that, after the end of the conflict in UKRAINE, in the negotiations with the Russian Federation, take steps to return the treasure of our country, which has been in Moscow since the First World War, is an inapplicable act in the next period. ...continuare.

Patriarch Kirill threatens the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The February 29 decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church regarding the expansion of the canonical territory in the Republic of Moldova and in the former Romanian territories that now belong to UKRAINE, by strengthening the Metropolis of Bessarabia and by establishing the Romanian Orthodox Church in UKRAINE, caused the displeasure of the Russian Patriarch Kirill , close to President Vladimir Putin. ...continuare.

EPP decided, in Bucharest: Ursula von der Leyen - candidate for EC presidency

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The second day of the European People and #39;s Party (EPP) Congress in Bucharest concluded with the confirmation of Ursula von der Leyen as the EPP candidate for the position of President of the European Commission, after two days of debates on various topics such as the war in UKRAINE, Romania and #39;s accession to the Schengen area, and the confirmation of the political program of the European political family. ...continuare.

'The supply chains of Habau Romania, disrupted by the war in UKRAINE'

publicat 2024-03-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* (Interview with Karl Leidenfrost, Managing Director of HABAU Romania - one of the builders of BRUA) ...continuare.

Ursula von der Leyen: 'We cannot let Russia win'

publicat 2024-02-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
French President Emmanuel Macron and #39;s statement on Monday that the European Union must strengthen its defense - especially in the face of challenges from the Russian Federation - regardless of the outcome of the US presidential elections this year, was reinforced yesterday by the speech given in the European Parliament by Ursula von der Leyen - the president of the European Commission, regarding the strengthening of European defense in the current volatile geopolitical context made up of... ...continuare.

'The deployment of troops to UKRAINE, an idea without supporters'

publicat 2024-02-28 00:00:05 (Bursa)
The statement of the French President Emmanuel Macron regarding the possibility of sending troops to UKRAINE caught the officials in Bucharest off guard, even if at the Monday evening meeting at the Elysee Palace, in which President Klaus Iohannis also participated, no decision in this sense, through the lens of the lack of consensus. ...continuare.

Iulian Chifu, president of CPCEA: 'If UKRAINE falls, Russia will have the ability in a maximum of 7 years to attack NATO countries'

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:14 (Bursa)
If UKRAINE loses the war and comes under the influence of the Kremlin, Russia will have the ability in a period between 5 and 7 years to attack NATO member states, Iulian Chifu, the president of the Center for Conflict Prevention and Early, told BURSA newspaper Warning. ...continuare.

NATO and the EU - unconditional support for UKRAINE

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Since the beginning of Russia and #39;s illegal aggression in UKRAINE, the European Union and NATO have sided with the authorities in Kiev, condemning the aggression and providing several packages of humanitarian and military support. ...continuare.

Constanta and Galati ports modernized following the war in UKRAINE

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The military conflict illegally started by Russia in UKRAINE combined with the Ukrainian grain crisis presented an opportunity for the development of the transport infrastructure in our country. ...continuare.

Moscow does not believe in tears: Putin continues the illegal war in UKRAINE

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Moscow does not believe in the tears shed by the families of the victims of the illegal aggression launched by the Russian Federation in UKRAINE on February 24, 2022, and Vladimir Putin continues the war considering that he has not achieved the goal of denazification of the neighboring country, the goal set at the beginning of the so-called special operation. ...continuare.

The war against UKRAINE - the main engine of the growth of the Russian economy

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:07 (Bursa)
* UKRAINE needs 486 billion dollars for recovery and reconstruction, after two years of war Two years after the full-scale invasion of UKRAINE, Russia still faces an unprecedented number of economic sanctions, has been shut out of major global financial services and has had around 260 billion euros of central bank assets frozen. ...continuare.

Calendar of sanctions imposed on Russia

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:06 (Bursa)
* February 23, 2022 - The EU Council adopts the first package of sanctions against Russia, in response to the Russian Federation and #39;s decision to recognize the non-government-controlled areas of UKRAINE and #39;s Donetsk and Luhansk regions as independent entities and the subsequent decision to send Russian troops to these areas. ...continuare.

Renewable energy project in Calarasi, started by Tenaris Silcotub SA

publicat 2024-02-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Renewable energy project in Calarasi, started by Tenaris Silcotub SA In the conditions of the volatility of the energy market after the start of the war in UKRAINE by the Russian Federation two years ago, the company Tenaris Silcotub SA will build a photovoltaic park in Calarasi, with a nominal power of 19.8 Megawatts, which will provide 10% of the energy consumption of the production capacities of the respective company, Mihaela Popescu, the president of the company from our country, announced yesterday, during a press... ...continuare.

Danemarca isi va transfera intreaga artilerie catre Ucraina. "Exista munitie in stoc in Europa. Nu este vorba despre productie"

publicat 2024-02-18 14:15:15 (Libertatea)
Danemarca isi va transfera intreaga artilerie catre Ucraina. Exista munitie in stoc in Europa. Nu este vorba despre productie Sefa guvernului danez, Mette Frederiksen, a facut apel la partenerii sai sa creasca livrarile de arme catre Ucraina, anuntand in timpul unui pranz de la Conferinta de Securitate de la Munchen, ca tara sa va oferi Kievului toate stocurile de artilerie pe care le are, relateaza agentia RBC UKRAINE. Premierul Danemarcei a afirmat ca Europa […] ...continuare.

Uniunea Europeana ar trebui sa dubleze ajutorul militar acordat Ucrainei daca asistenta americana ramane blocata

publicat 2024-02-16 12:45:15 (Mediafax)
Uniunea Europeana ar trebui sa dubleze ajutorul militar acordat Ucrainei daca asistenta americana ramane blocata Viitorul ajutorului militar din partea Washingtonului ramane incert, lasand sprijinul din partea UE ca singura optiune majora a Kievului in lupta impotriva Rusiei, potrivit celui mai recent studiu "UKRAINE Support Tracker" al Institutului Kiel. ...continuare.

Razboi in Ucraina, ziua 723. Reuniunea ministeriala a NATO: Discutii pentru descurajare si aparare in contextul razboiului

publicat 2024-02-16 01:30:07 (Antena3)
Razboi in Ucraina, ziua 723. Reuniunea ministeriala a NATO: Discutii pentru descurajare si aparare in contextul razboiului Razboi in Ucraina, ziua 723. In zilele de 14 si 15 februarie s-a desfasurat, la Bruxelles, Reuniunea ministrilor aliati ai apararii din statele membre ale NATO si Reuniunea Grupului de contact pentru Ucraina (UKRAINE Defense Contact Group). ...continuare.

Jens Stoltenberg: 'If Putin wins in UKRAINE, it would be a message for President Xi and what happens today in UKRAINE can happen tomorrow in Taiwan'

publicat 2024-02-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Jens Stoltenberg: 'If Putin wins in <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span>, it would be a message for President Xi and what happens today in <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> can happen tomorrow in Taiwan' If Vladimir Putin wins the war in UKRAINE, it will be a positive message for Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding the actions that the authorities in Beijing are considering for the invasion of Taiwan, Jens Stoltenberg said yesterday in Brussels , the Secretary General of NATO, at the end of the meeting in which the defense ministers of the 31 member states decided to establish a joint analysis, training and education center for ...continuare.

The situation in UKRAINE - one of the topics of debate at the Munich Security Conference

publicat 2024-02-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The situation in <span style='background:#EDF514'>UKRAINE</span> - one of the topics of debate at the Munich Security Conference The global geostrategic and political situation, the military support given to UKRAINE, the tensions in the Middle East and in the Indo-Pacific area, the recent statements of the former American president Donald Trump are only part of the topics of discussion that will be addressed these days within the of the 60th Munich Security Conference, which they are expected to attend from today until Sunday over 50 heads of state and government and over 100... ...continuare.

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