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Un serial documentar despre Bon Jovi ofera detalii despre istoria de 40 de ani a trupei: "Vrem sa fim sinceri" VIDEO

publicat 2024-04-18 20:30:02 (Adevarul)
Un serial documentar despre Bon Jovi ofera detalii despre istoria de 40 de ani a trupei: Vrem sa fim sinceri VIDEO Membrii trupei rock Bon Jovi fac dezvaluiri despre istoria de 40 de ani a formatiei intr-un nou serial documentar, "THANK You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story", informeaza Reuters, citata de Agerpres. ...continuare.

Iohannis, premiat in SUA pentru performantele privind relatiile transatlantice

publicat 2024-04-03 20:45:02 (Adevarul)
Iohannis, premiat in SUA pentru performantele privind relatiile transatlantice Presedintele Klaus Iohannis va fi premiat in cadrul unei eveniment organizat de Atlantic Council, un think-THANK din SUA, pentru performantele privind relatiile transatlantice. ...continuare.

CNBC: The wealth of America and #39;s richest has hit a new record, THANKs to a rally in the stock market

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Wealth of the richest 1% of Americans rose to $44.6 trillion, according to the Fed * Mark Zandi, Moody and #39;s Analytics: 'The wealth effect from rising stock prices strongly boosts consumer confidence, spending and broader economic growth' * The S and P index is up about 10% this year ...continuare.

Dan Dascal, CEO of BT Asset Management: 'We expect the local market to bring returns above what we see on the main exchanges'

publicat 2024-01-30 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Dan Dascal, CEO of BT Asset Management: 'We expect the local market to bring returns above what we see on the main exchanges' * 'The degree of indebtedness of the BSE companies is quite low, compared to that of the stock exchanges in the region' * 'It is not excluded that in 2024 we will see some turbulence coming from the corporate debt refinancing segment' * 'THANKs to the emergence of recurring investment services, we see investors coming in with smaller amounts, but in a constant way, so that over time they accumulate significant capital' ...continuare.

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