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Cele mai recente stiri

Cele mai citite stiri - 24h

Otelul Galati – Corvinul Hunedoara, in finala Cupei Romaniei. Galatenii s-au calificat dupa un autogol al lui Chipciu Otelul Galati – Corvinul Hunedoara, in finala Cupei Romaniei. Galatenii s-au calificat dupa un autogol al lui Chipciu Gigantul care vine pe piata din Romania. Cifra de afaceri este de sute de miliarde de euro si are angajati cu zecile de mii Gigantul care vine pe piata din Romania. Cifra de afaceri este de sute de miliarde de euro si are angajati cu zecile de mii Cristian Pirvulescu: A fost un atac farmaceutical Israelului, Iranul se va preface ca nu a existat nimic Cristian Pirvulescu: A fost un atac "farmaceutic"al Israelului, Iranul se va preface ca nu a existat nimic Aterizare de urgenta a unui avion pe aeroportul din Timisoara, dupa o amenintare cu bomba Aterizare de urgenta a unui avion pe aeroportul din Timisoara, dupa o amenintare cu bomba Am doborat un obiect suspect. Primele imagini cu exploziile de la Ishafan. Presa de stat spune ca situatia a revenit la normal "Am doborat un obiect suspect". Primele imagini cu exploziile de la Ishafan. Presa de stat spune ca situatia a revenit la normal Un avion militar s-a prabusit in sudul Rusiei Un avion militar s-a prabusit in sudul Rusiei Israelul a anuntat SUA in avans ca va ataca Iranul. Loviturile nu au fost aprobate, sustine un oficial american Israelul a anuntat SUA in avans ca va ataca Iranul. Loviturile nu au fost aprobate, sustine un oficial american Cifra de afaceri din comertul cu autovehicule si motociclete a crescut in februarie Cifra de afaceri din comertul cu autovehicule si motociclete a crescut in februarie Ciolacu: Prin noua reorganizare de la MAE incercam sa ne ridicam la nivelul asteptarilor romanilor din diaspora Ciolacu: Prin noua reorganizare de la MAE incercam sa ne ridicam la nivelul asteptarilor romanilor din diaspora Mizele uriase din finala Cupei Romaniei Betano » Pentru ce joaca Otelul si Corvinul + Hunedorenii au anuntat deja ce vor face cu sutele de mii de euro, daca vor lua trofeul Mizele uriase din finala Cupei Romaniei Betano » Pentru ce joaca Otelul si Corvinul + Hunedorenii au anuntat deja ce vor face cu sutele de mii de euro, daca vor lua trofeul Un barbat si-a dat foc in fata tribunalului unde se desfasoara procesul Trump Un barbat si-a dat foc in fata tribunalului unde se desfasoara procesul Trump Statele Unite au blocat aderarea palestiniana deplina la ONU Statele Unite au blocat aderarea palestiniana deplina la ONU Cutremur puternic in Turcia. Mai multi raniti in regiunea Anatolia. Scolile, inchise 24 de ore. Update Cutremur puternic in Turcia. Mai multi raniti in regiunea Anatolia. Scolile, inchise 24 de ore. Update Olympique Marseille, Atalanta Bergamo, AS Roma si Bayer Leverkusen s-au calificat in semifinalele Europa League Olympique Marseille, Atalanta Bergamo, AS Roma si Bayer Leverkusen s-au calificat in semifinalele Europa League Motive pentru care laptopul functioneaza lent. Pasi esentiali pentru a-i imbunatati viteza de operare Motive pentru care laptopul functioneaza lent. Pasi esentiali pentru a-i imbunatati viteza de operare


Stiri locale

Rusia si China fac comert cu cupru deghizat ca deseuri pentru a evita taxele si sanctiunile

publicat 2024-04-15 10:15:04 (Adevarul)
Rusia si China fac comert cu cupru deghizat ca deseuri pentru a evita taxele si sanctiunile Grupul RUSSIAN Copper Company si mai multe firme chineze au evitat taxele si sanctiunile occidentale prin comertul cu sarma noua de cupru, care in acte era trecuta drept deseuri, potrivit Reuters. ...continuare.

Technical Issues Hinder RUSSIAN Space Program

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Calculations in the laboratory don and #39;t always match those in the field. This holds true for space rocket launches as well. ...continuare.

Tense situation between Iran and Israel: US officials talk again about an imminent Iranian airstrike

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
*Lufthansa has suspended flights to Tehran until Sunday *The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RUSSIAN Federation has warned its citizens not to travel to the Middle East these days *Benjamin Netanyahu: 'We have established a simple principle: whoever hits us, we hit him' ...continuare.

Reuters: Foreign companies lost over 107 billion dollars after exiting the RUSSIAN market

publicat 2024-03-29 00:00:11 (Bursa)
The exodus of foreign corporations from Russia starting in 2022, after Moscow invaded Ukraine, has resulted in losses for foreign companies of more than $107 billion from asset writedowns and unrealized income, a Reuters analysis of press releases and documents shows. financial statements issued by companies. ...continuare.

Olympism, marginalized, RUSSIANs resort to questionable jokes

publicat 2024-03-25 11:15:05 (Bursa)
The RUSSIANs have found a new way to attract the attention of the leadership of the world Olympic forum, one that will not bring them much benefit in terms of sports. ...continuare.

The expansion of the military base at Kogalniceanu, a topic of interest for the RUSSIAN press

publicat 2024-03-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The works on the expansion of the military base at Mihail Kogalniceanu have recently started, and the media from our country (Euronews Romania, ProTV and CNN Antena 3) stated that the future military base will be served by 10,000 people. ...continuare.

Putin secured his internal legitimacy as the RUSSIAN presidency

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The presidential elections in the RUSSIAN Federation are ones with an expected end: massive turnout at the polls (yesterday, by 4 p.m. - Moscow time - 70.81% of voters had voted according to the Central Electoral Commission, a higher turnout than in the 2018 presidential elections when 67.54% of voters showed up to vote), massive remote electronic voting (on Sunday at 4 p.m. the RUSSIAN authorities announced that... ...continuare.

Russia claims to have eliminated 349 Romanian mercenaries on the front in Ukraine

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The armed forces of the RUSSIAN Federation have so far killed 349 Romanian mercenaries on the Ukrainian front, out of the 784 who would have joined the Ukrainian troops, according to a message posted on the official Facebook page of the RUSSIAN Embassy in Bucharest. According to the cited source, over 13,000 foreign mercenaries are fighting alongside the Ukrainians against the ...continuare.

The EU proves us right, the treasure seized by the RUSSIANs is ours. And?!

publicat 2024-03-15 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The resolution adopted yesterday by the European Parliament requesting the Commission that, after the end of the conflict in Ukraine, in the negotiations with the RUSSIAN Federation, take steps to return the treasure of our country, which has been in Moscow since the First World War, is an inapplicable act in the next period. ...continuare.

Patriarch Kirill threatens the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The February 29 decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church regarding the expansion of the canonical territory in the Republic of Moldova and in the former Romanian territories that now belong to Ukraine, by strengthening the Metropolis of Bessarabia and by establishing the Romanian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, caused the displeasure of the RUSSIAN Patriarch Kirill , close to President Vladimir Putin. ...continuare.

The MFA discourages the participation of Romanian citizens in monitoring the elections in the RUSSIAN Federation

publicat 2024-03-11 00:15:03 (Bursa)
The break between Russia and much of the civilized world is total. Our country is no exception. ...continuare.

RUSSIAN companies, increasingly present in the transactions of the Belarus Commodity Exchange

publicat 2024-03-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
RUSSIAN companies made, between January and February 2024, transactions worth 131.8 million dollars at the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange (BUCE), the amount being 6.6 times higher than that of between January and February 2023, BelTA announces. ...continuare.

Putin Responds to Macron: 'Why Doesn and #39;t NATO Understand the Danger of Nuclear Conflict?'

publicat 2024-03-01 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Two weeks before the presidential elections in Russia, Vladimir Putin addressed his nation yesterday with a speech lasting over two hours in front of both chambers of the RUSSIAN parliament. 'Why doesn and #39;t NATO understand the danger of a nuclear conflict?' Putin asked, mentioning that the RUSSIAN army 'has gained colossal combat experience.' ...continuare.

Ursula von der Leyen: 'We cannot let Russia win'

publicat 2024-02-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
French President Emmanuel Macron and #39;s statement on Monday that the European Union must strengthen its defense - especially in the face of challenges from the RUSSIAN Federation - regardless of the outcome of the US presidential elections this year, was reinforced yesterday by the speech given in the European Parliament by Ursula von der Leyen - the president of the European Commission, regarding the strengthening of European defense in the current... ...continuare.

Moscow does not believe in tears: Putin continues the illegal war in Ukraine

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Moscow does not believe in the tears shed by the families of the victims of the illegal aggression launched by the RUSSIAN Federation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and Vladimir Putin continues the war considering that he has not achieved the goal of denazification of the neighboring country, the goal set at the beginning of the so-called special operation. ...continuare.

The war against Ukraine - the main engine of the growth of the RUSSIAN economy

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:07 (Bursa)
* Ukraine needs 486 billion dollars for recovery and reconstruction, after two years of war Two years after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia still faces an unprecedented number of economic sanctions, has been shut out of major global financial services and has had around 260 billion euros of central bank assets frozen. ...continuare.

Calendar of sanctions imposed on Russia

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:06 (Bursa)
* February 23, 2022 - The EU Council adopts the first package of sanctions against Russia, in response to the RUSSIAN Federation and #39;s decision to recognize the non-government-controlled areas of Ukraine and #39;s Donetsk and Luhansk regions as independent entities and the subsequent decision to send RUSSIAN troops to these areas. ...continuare.

Renewable energy project in Calarasi, started by Tenaris Silcotub SA

publicat 2024-02-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Renewable energy project in Calarasi, started by Tenaris Silcotub SA In the conditions of the volatility of the energy market after the start of the war in Ukraine by the RUSSIAN Federation two years ago, the company Tenaris Silcotub SA will build a photovoltaic park in Calarasi, with a nominal power of 19.8 Megawatts, which will provide 10% of the energy consumption of the production capacities of the respective company, Mihaela Popescu, the president of the company from our country, announced yesterday, during a press... ...continuare.

IMF: 'Very difficult times for the RUSSIAN economy'

publicat 2024-02-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
IMF: 'Very difficult times for the <span style='background:#EDF514'>RUSSIAN</span> economy' The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that the RUSSIAN economy continues to face significant obstacles, even if the institution has changed its estimates for the growth of the country and #39;s economy in a positive way, informs CNBC. ...continuare.

Razboiul din Ucraina, ziua 679. Rusia a tras peste 100 de rachete si drone in doar cateva zile / Occidentul promite ca va trage la raspundere regimul Putin / Marea Britanie, sustine neconditionata pentru Ucraina

publicat 2024-01-02 22:30:08 (Mediafax)
Razboiul din Ucraina, ziua 679. Rusia a tras peste 100 de rachete si drone in doar cateva zile / Occidentul promite ca va trage la raspundere regimul Putin / Marea Britanie, sustine neconditionata pentru Ucraina Moscova: numarul ranitilor de la Belgorod creste la 11 dupa atacul de la Kiev Numarul ranitilor dupa atacul fortelor ucrainene asupra regiunii ruse Belgorod, la granita cu Ucraina, a crescut la 11, a anuntat pe Telegram guvernatorul regiunii Belgorod, Viacheslav Gladkov, potrivit agentiei de presa RUSSIAN Press. "Tass". Anterior, guvernatorul a vorbit si despre un barbat ucis in timp ce calatorea intr-o masina. ...continuare.

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