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Horoscop 19 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Zodia care va primi vestea pe care o astepta de multa vreme Horoscop 19 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Zodia care va primi vestea pe care o astepta de multa vreme Ce acte trebuie depuse pentru o pensie mai mare la recalculare. Cat timp au la dispozitie pensionarii Ce acte trebuie depuse pentru o pensie mai mare la recalculare. Cat timp au la dispozitie pensionarii Ucraina, in criza de timp nu doar din cauza atacurilor rusesti continue, a stoparii ajutorului militar occidental si lipsei de munitie, ci si datoriei. Creditorii tarii sunt crema Occidentului si a lumii capitaliste Ucraina, in criza de timp nu doar din cauza atacurilor rusesti continue, a stoparii ajutorului militar occidental si lipsei de munitie, ci si datoriei. Creditorii tarii sunt crema Occidentului si a lumii capitaliste Alfa Software si-a crescut profitul net cu 44% in 2023, la peste 6,6 mil. lei Alfa Software si-a crescut profitul net cu 44% in 2023, la peste 6,6 mil. lei Afaceri de la Zero. Elvira Badescu a deschis propriul centru educational, Smart Kids Academy, dupa o experienta de peste zece ani in invatamant Afaceri de la Zero. Elvira Badescu a deschis propriul centru educational, Smart Kids Academy, dupa o experienta de peste zece ani in invatamant #superstories. Business sportiv. Pariul ZF pe viitorii campioni. Unde au ajuns? Atleta Claudia Costiuc a devenit campioana balcanica la U20 #superstories. Business sportiv. Pariul ZF pe viitorii campioni. Unde au ajuns? Atleta Claudia Costiuc a devenit campioana balcanica la U20 Importatorul de bauturi B.D.G. Import mizeaza pe brandurile Glenfiddich si Monkey Shoulder pentru a-si majora veniturile cu 50 mil. lei in urmatoarele 12 luni. B.D.G. Import a terminat anul 2023 cu o cifra de afaceri de 365 mil. lei Importatorul de bauturi B.D.G. Import mizeaza pe brandurile Glenfiddich si Monkey Shoulder pentru a-si majora veniturile cu 50 mil. lei in urmatoarele 12 luni. B.D.G. Import a terminat anul 2023 cu o cifra de afaceri de 365 mil. lei Otelul Galati – Corvinul Hunedoara, in finala Cupei Romaniei. Galatenii s-au calificat dupa un autogol al lui Chipciu Otelul Galati – Corvinul Hunedoara, in finala Cupei Romaniei. Galatenii s-au calificat dupa un autogol al lui Chipciu Gigantul care vine pe piata din Romania. Cifra de afaceri este de sute de miliarde de euro si are angajati cu zecile de mii Gigantul care vine pe piata din Romania. Cifra de afaceri este de sute de miliarde de euro si are angajati cu zecile de mii Cum functioneaza o platforma de poker online Cum functioneaza o platforma de poker online Cristian Pirvulescu: A fost un atac farmaceutical Israelului, Iranul se va preface ca nu a existat nimic Cristian Pirvulescu: A fost un atac "farmaceutic"al Israelului, Iranul se va preface ca nu a existat nimic Aterizare de urgenta a unui avion pe aeroportul din Timisoara, dupa o amenintare cu bomba Aterizare de urgenta a unui avion pe aeroportul din Timisoara, dupa o amenintare cu bomba Un avion militar s-a prabusit in sudul Rusiei Un avion militar s-a prabusit in sudul Rusiei Am doborat un obiect suspect. Primele imagini cu exploziile de la Ishafan. Presa de stat spune ca situatia a revenit la normal "Am doborat un obiect suspect". Primele imagini cu exploziile de la Ishafan. Presa de stat spune ca situatia a revenit la normal Israelul a anuntat SUA in avans ca va ataca Iranul. Loviturile nu au fost aprobate, sustine un oficial american Israelul a anuntat SUA in avans ca va ataca Iranul. Loviturile nu au fost aprobate, sustine un oficial american


Stiri locale

Loans - the financial bomb from the EU budget

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*EU loans will exceed EUR 1000 billion in the coming years *Of the total loans, EUR 80 billion have been allocated to support Ukraine *The risks for Ukraine and #39;s financing are extremely high according to Ambroise Fayolle, the vice-PRESIDENT of the EIB *If Ukraine does not return the said amount in 2033, then its reimbursement will be shared by the EU with the member states ...continuare.

Paris Olympics: The Olympic flame will be lit today

publicat 2024-04-16 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The Olympic flame will be lit today at the ancient site of Olympia in Greece in the presence of IOC PRESIDENT Thomas Bach, almost 100 days before the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, before a vast journey that will take it from Acropolis in Paris. ...continuare.

Alexandru Petrescu, ASF PRESIDENT: 'The imagination of those who commit financial fraud is very rich'

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* 'We will need a redesign of the way we regulate and supervise the financial market' * 'We are working on a series of legislative changes that will allow us to instantly block any site that promotes fraudulent investments' ...continuare.

ECA PRESIDENT: 'Under the pressure of the deadline for the implementation of the PNRR, the risk of defrauding European funds increases'

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Tony Murphy, PRESIDENT of the European Court of Auditors (ECA - European Court of Accounts), states that the deadline - December 31, 2026 - for the implementation of the NRDPs represents a factor that 'contributes even more to the risk' of misappropriation of funds by amplifying 'the pressure on the member states to quickly spend this money'. ...continuare.

The IOC PRESIDENT, accused of 'conspiracy'

publicat 2024-04-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The great Olympic family is facing a wave of scandals related to the presence/absence of athletes from Russia and Belarus at the Paris Olympics. ...continuare.

Romanian entrepreneurship, under the limit of emergence

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
With an index of 49 points out of a possible 100 for the first semester of 2024, Romanian entrepreneurship is below the threshold of emergence, according to the work carried out by the National Council of Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises and presented yesterday by Florin Jianu, PRESIDENT of CNIPMMR. ...continuare.

Erdogan, mesaj pentru Mark Rutte in cursa pentru sefia NATO: Turcia va sustine un nou secretar general in functie de nevoile ei

publicat 2024-04-01 16:45:12 (Libertatea)
Erdogan, mesaj pentru Mark Rutte in cursa pentru sefia NATO: Turcia va sustine un nou secretar general in functie de nevoile ei Presedintele turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan i-a transmis duminica premierului olandez Mark Rutte, in cadrul unei convorbiri telefonice, ca Ankara va sustine un candidat pentru postul de secretar general al NATO in functie de asteptarile si nevoile sale, scrie Agerpres preluand Reuters. PRESIDENT @RTErdogan spoke by phone with Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands. The […] ...continuare.

Program for the construction of 26 recycling factories

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Administration of the Environmental Fund will finance, with 200 million euros - funds allocated from PNRR -, the construction of 26 new recycling factories in our country, said, on Friday, Laurentiu Neculaescu, the PRESIDENT of the public institution, during the conference 'Spring cleaning in Romania', organized by DC Media Group. ...continuare.

Dumitru Chisalita, AEI: 'We are a net exporter of energy, but at low prices'

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Dumitru Chisalita, PRESIDENT of the Intelligent Energy Association, says that it is a good thing that our country has become a net exporter of electricity, but unfortunately we export at low prices and import at high prices, a fact that is reflected in the invoices issued to final consumers. ...continuare.

NATO report: Last year, the government allocated only 1.6% of GDP to defense

publicat 2024-03-25 11:15:05 (Bursa)
The Romanian government spent less money on defense in 2023, only 1.6% of GDP (and not 2% or 2.5% as PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis wants), according to the data contained in the official NATO report on last year (presented last Thursday by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg), after spending 1.75% of GDP in 2022 and 1.88% of GDP in 2021. The only year in the last four in which military spending reached 2% of GDP was the first pandemic year - 2020, when the... ...continuare.

Nawaf Salameh, Alexandrion Group: 'The government has stabilized the turnover tax by 1% because it is unable to collect VAT'

publicat 2024-03-22 09:30:02 (Bursa)
The 1% tax on turnover will have a negative impact on beverage producers in our country, who are forced to face at the same time possible losses that will be generated by the deadlines set by the state for exhausting existing stocks before entering the effect of the Warranty-Return System (SGR), said Nawaf Salameh, PRESIDENT of Alexandrion Group, yesterday, during a press conference in which he presented the company and #39;s development directions and... ...continuare.

Klaus Iohannis: 'I don and #39;t think it and #39;s useful to make public details about the military aid offered to Ukraine'

publicat 2024-03-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The authorities in Bucharest will continue not to provide data on the military support given to Ukraine, PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis said yesterday, before the European Council meeting, although the head of state recently sent the Parliament information on the training of 50 Ukrainian military pilots in our country . ...continuare.

50 Ukrainian pilots will train at the air base in Fetesti

publicat 2024-03-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis informed the Parliament through a letter that he approved the training of 50 Ukrainian military pilots in Romania, who will be trained in the training center at the Fetesti air base in the handling of F-16 fighter jets. ...continuare.

Putin secured his internal legitimacy as the Russian presidency

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The PRESIDENTial elections in the Russian Federation are ones with an expected end: massive turnout at the polls (yesterday, by 4 p.m. - Moscow time - 70.81% of voters had voted according to the Central Electoral Commission, a higher turnout than in the 2018 PRESIDENTial elections when 67.54% of voters showed up to vote), massive remote electronic voting (on Sunday at 4 p.m. the Russian authorities announced that... ...continuare.

The law to reduce food waste, promulgated by PRESIDENT Iohannis

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Consumers will benefit from reduced prices for food before the expiration date and non-governmental organizations will be able to more easily receive food that does not have a high degree of perishability, according to the law to reduce food waste, a normative act that was promulgated on Friday by PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis. ...continuare.

NATO, at the mercy of the Romanians: Iohannis the Closet and Geoana the Prostanacul

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis is called 'The Closet'. The reasons are obvious, he lives in Cotroceni. That includes insolence. ...continuare.

Patriarch Kirill threatens the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The February 29 decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church regarding the expansion of the canonical territory in the Republic of Moldova and in the former Romanian territories that now belong to Ukraine, by strengthening the Metropolis of Bessarabia and by establishing the Romanian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, caused the displeasure of the Russian Patriarch Kirill , close to PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin. ...continuare.

Reper brings to the table of the Venice Commission the ordinance regarding the consolidation of elections

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Reper representatives notified the European Commission, the Venice Commission and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights within the OSCE about the Government and #39;s change in the electoral legislation, by emergency ordinance, three months before the European and local elections, with the aim of eliminates, in practice, the right of the newly established parties to have representatives in the polling stations, announced, yesterday, on the official Facebook page, Ramona... ...continuare.

Klaus Iohannis wants to be Secretary General of NATO

publicat 2024-03-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis confirmed, yesterday, from the Cotroceni Palace, the news that appeared recently in the Western media according to which the authorities in our country would support him for the position of Secretary General of NATO, after it will remain vacant at the end of the mandate of Jens Stoltenberg. ...continuare.

EPP decided, in Bucharest: Ursula von der Leyen - candidate for EC presidency

publicat 2024-03-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
The second day of the European People and #39;s Party (EPP) Congress in Bucharest concluded with the confirmation of Ursula von der Leyen as the EPP candidate for the position of PRESIDENT of the European Commission, after two days of debates on various topics such as the war in Ukraine, Romania and #39;s accession to the Schengen area, and the confirmation of the political program of the European political family. ...continuare.

Three sovereignist candidates today and Calin Georgescu tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - Episode 1

publicat 2024-03-05 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Never before has the Romanian nation been so exasperated by the insignificance of the country and #39;s PRESIDENT, prime minister, government, parliament, and politicians in general, as to confuse the vulgarity, crudeness, and screams of a PRESIDENTial candidate like Diana Sosoaca with manifestations of a revolt against 'the system': she knows, the more crude you are, the more convincing. ...continuare.

Ion Iliescu: politics also means knowing when to give up

publicat 2024-03-05 00:00:09 (Bursa)
The former PRESIDENT of Romania, Ion Iliescu, went public with several interesting statements after a long period of discretion. On the occasion of his birthday (he turned 94), Ion Iliescu had a dialogue with Ionut Vulpescu, former Minister of Culture, in his podcast. ...continuare.

CMPF report: Local journalists in Romania, dependent on the political factor and the amounts allocated by the authorities

publicat 2024-03-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*The study carried out on the local press in the 27 EU member states shows that in Romania there is a high risk regarding the safety of journalists and extremely low editorial independence *The main factor that led to the above situation: the preferential allocation of sums and subsidies to the mass - the media by local politicians and local and county public authorities *Cristi Godinac, PRESIDENT of MediaSind: 'The media industry in Romania urgently... ...continuare.

Putin Responds to Macron: 'Why Doesn and #39;t NATO Understand the Danger of Nuclear Conflict?'

publicat 2024-03-01 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Two weeks before the PRESIDENTial elections in Russia, Vladimir Putin addressed his nation yesterday with a speech lasting over two hours in front of both chambers of the Russian parliament. 'Why doesn and #39;t NATO understand the danger of a nuclear conflict?' Putin asked, mentioning that the Russian army 'has gained colossal combat experience.' ...continuare.

Marin Constantin, PRESIDENT of the Scientific Council, RATEN: Suntem suficient de pregatiti pentru prima investitie mare dupa o perioada lunga de timp: modernizarea Unitatii 1 de la Cernavoda, care este un business obligatoriu si care inseamna prelungirea timpului de viata cu inca 30 de ani

publicat 2024-02-29 15:15:19 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Marin Constantin, <span style='background:#EDF514'>PRESIDENT</span> of the Scientific Council, RATEN: Suntem suficient de pregatiti pentru prima investitie mare dupa o perioada lunga de timp: modernizarea Unitatii 1 de la Cernavoda, care este un business obligatoriu si care inseamna prelungirea timpului de viata cu inca 30 de ani Autor: Alexandra Matei Marin Constantin, PRESIDENT of the Scientific Council in cadrul Regiei Autonome Tehnologii pentru Energia Nucleara (RATEN), afirma ca Romania este pregatita pentru prima investitie mare dupa o perioada lunga de timp pe zona de energie nucleara si anume, modernizarea Unitatii 1 de la Cernavoda. ...continuare.

PRESIDENT Macron inaugurates the Olympic Village

publicat 2024-02-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
The PRESIDENT of France, Emmanuel Macron, will inaugurate the Olympic Village in Saint-Denis today, five months before the Olympic Games in Paris (July 26 - August 11). ...continuare.

Ursula von der Leyen: 'We cannot let Russia win'

publicat 2024-02-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
French PRESIDENT Emmanuel Macron and #39;s statement on Monday that the European Union must strengthen its defense - especially in the face of challenges from the Russian Federation - regardless of the outcome of the US PRESIDENTial elections this year, was reinforced yesterday by the speech given in the European Parliament by Ursula von der Leyen - the PRESIDENT of the... ...continuare.

Ionut Cristian Ciubotaru, Vice PRESIDENT for Business Development, OMV Petrom: Ne concentram pe zona de hidrogen verde, exploram cu mare interes si incercam sa mergem in zona aceasta de a gasi metode de utilizare a hidrogenului produs din gaz natural

publicat 2024-02-28 17:45:23 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Ionut Cristian Ciubotaru, Vice <span style='background:#EDF514'>PRESIDENT</span> for Business Development, OMV Petrom: Ne concentram pe zona de hidrogen verde, exploram cu mare interes si incercam sa mergem in zona aceasta de a gasi metode de utilizare a hidrogenului produs din gaz natural Autor: Mircea Nica Ne concentram pe zona de hidrogen verde exploram cu mare interes si incercam sa mergem in zona aceasta de a gasi metode de utilizare a hidrogenului produs din gaz natural, a spus Ionut Cristian Ciubotaru, Vice PRESIDENT for Business Development, OMV Petrom, in cadrul Conferintei ZF Power Summit 2024. ...continuare.

Oficial Asociatia Internationala a Transportatorilor Aerieni: Traficul global de pasageri inca nu si-a revenit la nivelul de dinainte de pandemie, mai ales in Asia. Pretul biletelor de avion a fost destul de stabil in ultimul an, nu cred ca va mai creste

publicat 2024-02-28 14:15:14 (Money.ro)
Oficial Asociatia Internationala a Transportatorilor Aerieni: Traficul global de pasageri inca nu si-a revenit la nivelul de dinainte de pandemie, mai ales in Asia. Pretul biletelor de avion a fost destul de stabil in ultimul an, nu cred ca va mai creste "In general, am incheiat anul 2023 cu cifrele raportate inainte de pandemie. Insa sunt cateva tari, in Asia, China de exemplu, care nu au depasit acest numar. Dar in general, in Europa, SUA si in Orientul Mijlociu au atins rezultatele din 2019 sau chiar le-au depasit. Insa la nivel global, nu a fost atins nivelul de dinainte de pandemie, din cauza ca Asia s-a redeschis mai tarziu din cauza pandemiei de coronavirus, iar China chiar si mai tarziu", a declarat pentru News.ro Kamil Al-Awadhi,... ...continuare.

'The deployment of troops to Ukraine, an idea without supporters'

publicat 2024-02-28 00:00:05 (Bursa)
The statement of the French PRESIDENT Emmanuel Macron regarding the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine caught the officials in Bucharest off guard, even if at the Monday evening meeting at the Elysee Palace, in which PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis also participated, no decision in this sense, through the lens of the lack of consensus. ...continuare.

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