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Horoscop 24 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Doua zodii intra in banii din conturi sa cumpere cate ceva Horoscop 24 aprilie 2024, cu Neti Sandu. Doua zodii intra in banii din conturi sa cumpere cate ceva Gabriela Firea a pornit atacul la adresa lui Nicusor Dan Gabriela Firea a pornit atacul la adresa lui Nicusor Dan Producatorul de cosmetice Farmec din Cluj a ajuns la afaceri de aproape 360 mil. lei, dupa o crestere de 20%, de patru ori mai alerta decat in 2022 Producatorul de cosmetice Farmec din Cluj a ajuns la afaceri de aproape 360 mil. lei, dupa o crestere de 20%, de patru ori mai alerta decat in 2022 Imagine spectaculoasa cu un vulcan puternic care a erupt. Ce ar putea insemna acest lucru pentru vreme si clima | FOTO Imagine spectaculoasa cu un vulcan puternic care a erupt. Ce ar putea insemna acest lucru pentru vreme si clima | FOTO Motivele pentru care romanii platesc cele mai mari dobanzi la credite din Uniunea Europeana Motivele pentru care romanii platesc cele mai mari dobanzi la credite din Uniunea Europeana Ajutorul militar american pentru Israel trimite un mesaj puternic dusmanilor, spune ministrul de externe Israel Katz Ajutorul militar american pentru Israel trimite un "mesaj puternic dusmanilor", spune ministrul de externe Israel Katz Chinezii de la CRRC au livrat primul tren electric Romaniei, direct in Portul Constanta Chinezii de la CRRC au livrat primul tren electric Romaniei, direct in Portul Constanta Creditarea privata a crescut in martie 2024 cu 4,7%, la 387 miliarde lei. Imprumuturile in lei ale populatiei si companiilor au crescut cu 6,4%, in timp ce creditele in valuta ale populatiei s-au redus cu 15% Creditarea privata a crescut in martie 2024 cu 4,7%, la 387 miliarde lei. Imprumuturile in lei ale populatiei si companiilor au crescut cu 6,4%, in timp ce creditele in valuta ale populatiei s-au redus cu 15% Un atac rusesc a ranit sase persoane in orasul ucrainean Harkov Un atac rusesc a ranit sase persoane in orasul ucrainean Harkov CEO Strategy, un proiect Ziarul Financiar si ING Bank. Razvan Marinescu, CEO, KLG Europe Logistics: Ultimii ani au fost ca un roller coaster continuu in care au aparut diverse scenarii. Sentimentul acum este ca nu mai traim intr-o piata in care ne calculam tarifele plecand de la costuri la care mai adaugam o marja CEO Strategy, un proiect Ziarul Financiar si ING Bank. Razvan Marinescu, CEO, KLG Europe Logistics: Ultimii ani au fost ca un roller coaster continuu in care au aparut diverse scenarii. Sentimentul acum este ca nu mai traim intr-o piata in care ne calculam tarifele plecand de la costuri la care mai adaugam o marja Alec Baldwin, implicat intr-un incident intr-o cafenea. A lovit telefonul unei femei care il filma. Video Alec Baldwin, implicat intr-un incident intr-o cafenea. A lovit telefonul unei femei care il filma. Video Beijingul le cere chinezilor sa-si dea masinile si frigiderele vechi pe altele noi made in China. Planul ar putea calma supararea Occidentului privitoare la supracapacitatea sa de productie Beijingul le cere chinezilor sa-si dea masinile si frigiderele vechi pe altele noi "made in China". Planul ar putea calma supararea Occidentului privitoare la supracapacitatea sa de productie Iasi te inspira! Un proiect ZF/BT. Atelier Poteca, un centru in care se desfasoara cursuri de pictura si ceramica, vrea sa treaca granitele Iasiului si sa francizeze conceptul Iasi te inspira! Un proiect ZF/BT. Atelier Poteca, un centru in care se desfasoara cursuri de pictura si ceramica, vrea sa treaca granitele Iasiului si sa francizeze conceptul Politia armeana retine participantii la miting impotriva delimitarii granitei cu Azerbaidjan VIDEO Politia armeana retine participantii la miting impotriva delimitarii granitei cu Azerbaidjan VIDEO Chefi la cutite, 23 aprilie. Cine a castigat al doilea battle din sezonul 13 Chefi la cutite, 23 aprilie. Cine a castigat al doilea battle din sezonul 13


Stiri locale

Artificial Intelligence also predicts employee resignations

publicat 2024-04-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Artificial Intelligence not only replaces some of the EMPLOYEES, but also predicts their resignations. ...continuare.

IT and C: The wave of layoffs from the US has not yet reached domestic 'shores'.

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The large IT and C companies in the United States of America have laid off tens of thousands of EMPLOYEES in the last 18 months, and the experience of previous crises shows that movements in the global market are felt in Romania with a difference of between six and nine months compared to the moment of their onset over Ocean. ...continuare.

Lion Capital: 'The proposals of the Blue Capital shareholder risk leading to an excessive decapitalization of the company'

publicat 2024-04-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Blue Capital requested that Lion pay dividends of 208.6 million lei and carry out a program to buy back 50 million of its own shares * Lion management estimates the value of the program at 147.5 million lei * Lion and #39;s Board of Directors proposed that all last year and #39;s profit, of 417.2 million lei, be allocated to 'Other reserves' * The board also wants to carry out a program to buy back its own shares, which it will give free of charge to ...continuare.

Libraries and museums, closed on holidays

publicat 2024-04-16 00:00:04 (Bursa)
EMPLOYEES in the cultural field consider themselves discriminated against by the authorities and have decided to intensify their protests. ...continuare.

Labor Market: Salary, Main Reason for 'Divorce'

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Salary remains the primary consideration for both EMPLOYEES and employers, even though the pandemic has slightly shifted perspectives. ...continuare.

Trade unionists in the culture speak of humiliating and discriminatory treatment

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The grievances of EMPLOYEES in the cultural sector are far from being resolved. The dialogue with the authorities does not have the expected effect. ...continuare.

Tense situation at Mangalia Naval Shipyard: 1,500 EMPLOYEES at risk of losing their jobs

publicat 2024-03-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*The Free Navalist Union requests in an open letter addressed to Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu to resolve the situation at the Mangalia Naval Shipyard *The drastic decrease in the company and #39;s activity followed the August 2023 decision of the Damen company to withdraw from the Mangalia Naval Shipyard *Damen, deceived by the PSD in the process of purchasing the construction site ...continuare.

Medical leaves, defended by the Minister of Health

publicat 2024-03-11 00:15:03 (Bursa)
Fundamental rights of EMPLOYEES have been faltering more and more lately. For example, sick leave seems, in many cases, a fad from the perspectives of certain governors. ...continuare.

Indiscipline in the granting of budget salaries undermines the reduction of inflation

publicat 2024-02-05 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Indiscipline in the granting of budget salaries undermines the reduction of inflation The year 2024 started badly in Europe with farmers and transporters protesting. In Romania, we also have threats of strikes by EMPLOYEES from the various public sectors, dissatisfied with salary incomes, the last in line being those from the town halls of the communes. ...continuare.

Trade unionists from education put the 'cannons' on the Ministry of Finance

publicat 2024-01-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Trade unionists from education put the 'cannons' on the Ministry of Finance The dissatisfaction of education EMPLOYEES is increasing day by day. ...continuare.

A public service without sound economic foundations is inefficient

publicat 2024-01-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
A public service without sound economic foundations is inefficient Once again, Romania is facing protests from EMPLOYEES in the public health system. Economists have a rich experience with underperforming public systems: more money does not bring an increase in quality, especially in the absence of placing these systems on healthy economic foundations. ...continuare.

Social Media and Technology: Wave of Layoffs at Major Companies

publicat 2024-01-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Social Media and Technology: Wave of Layoffs at Major Companies The year did not start under the best auspices for EMPLOYEES of major companies in the social media and technology sector. This continues the cost-cutting policy that started abruptly over a year ago. ...continuare.

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