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DNSC: We have aROUND one billion connected devices across the country

publicat 2024-04-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Technology has taken us by storm and this has not happened against our will, on the contrary. One billion terminals are already connected in our country, informs the director of the National Directorate for Cyber Security (DNSC), Dan Cimpean. ...continuare.

Banca Transilvania: 250.000 de clienti BT Pay economisesc prin ROUND Up; Dobanda de 4% pe an

publicat 2024-04-17 12:15:04 (Bursa)
250.000 de persoane care folosesc BT Pay economisesc prin optiunea ROUND Up din aplicatie. 8 din 10 persoane care au conturi de economii la Banca Transilvania folosesc inclusiv ROUND Up. ...continuare.

Baietelul de sase ani care si-a impuscat invatatoarea avea un trecut de comportament violent

publicat 2024-04-11 14:00:40 (ProTV)
Baietelul de sase ani care si-a impuscat invatatoarea avea un trecut de comportament violent Un baietel de 6 ani, care si-a împuscat si ranit învatatoarea anul trecut la o scoala din Newport News, avea un backgROUND de „izbucniri violente” în colectivitate, inclusiv o tentativa de sufocare a unei educatoare care a dus la exmatricularea sa. ...continuare.

Tehnologia militara pe care toata lumea si-o doreste. Ce este "GROUND Master" si de ce a devenit crucial pentru Europa

publicat 2024-04-11 08:31:41 (ProTV)
Tehnologia militara pe care toata lumea si-o doreste. Ce este G<span style='background:#EDF514'>ROUND</span> Master si de ce a devenit crucial pentru Europa O fabrica din Franta, amplasata la 50 de kilometri sud de Paris, va dubla productia unuia dintre cele mai bine vândute echipamente militare din Hexagon. ...continuare.

Raport ERT: Investitii subfinantate in dezvoltarea retelelor de transport si distributie a energiei

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Tranzitia energetica pare sa se afle in impas, atat timp cat statele membre au nevoie de investitii totale in retelele de transport si distributie de 800 miliarde euro pana in anul 2030, potrivit unui studiu intocmit de Energy ROUND Table, un organism constituit din principalii dezvoltatori din domeniul energetic de pe continent. ...continuare.

ERT Report: Underfunded Investments in the Development of Energy Transmission and Distribution Networks

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The energy transition appears to be at a standstill as member states need total investments in transmission and distribution networks of euro800 billion by 2030 according to a study by the Energy ROUND Table, a body made up of the main energy developers from the continent. ...continuare.

Trei persoane acuza ca un erbicid celebru le-a cauzat cancer. Decizia luata de judecatori

publicat 2024-04-07 09:15:41 (ProTV)
Trei persoane acuza ca un erbicid celebru le-a cauzat cancer. Decizia luata de judecatori Un judecator din Missouri a redus un verdict de 1,56 miliarde de dolari împotriva Bayer la 611 milioane de dolari, pentru trei persoane care au sustinut ca erbicidul ROUNDup le-a cauzat cancer, prin reducerea daunelor punitive.   ...continuare.

Un judecator din SUA a redus un verdict impotriva Bayer, legat de erbicidul ROUNDup, de la 1,56 miliarde la 611 milioane de dolari

publicat 2024-04-07 09:00:29 (Money.ro)
Un judecator din SUA a redus un verdict impotriva Bayer, legat de erbicidul <span style='background:#EDF514'>ROUND</span>up, de la 1,56 miliarde la 611 milioane de dolari Bayer a declarat vineri ca va face apel la acerasta decizie.Divizia Monsanto a companiei germane a fost gasita raspunzatoare in noiembrie, de catre un juriu din Cole County, Missouri, fata de Valorie Gunther din New York, Jimmy Draeger din Missouri si Daniel Anderson din California, care au dat vina pentru limfomul lor non-Hodgkin pe expunerea lor la ROUNDup.Jurarii au considerat Monsanto raspunzatoare pentru neglijenta, defecte de proiectare si... ...continuare.

Festivalul UndergROUND revine dupa 12 ani de pauza. Workshopul de actorie va fi condus de Florin Piersic Jr.

publicat 2024-04-05 09:00:02 (Adevarul)
Festivalul Underg<span style='background:#EDF514'>ROUND</span> revine dupa 12 ani de pauza. Workshopul de actorie va fi condus de Florin Piersic Jr. Festivalul UndergROUND revine la Arad, dupa o pauza de 12 ani, cu editia a XIV-a. Acesta se va desfasura pe parcursul a zece zile (31 mai - 9 iunie) si va cuprinde si opt workshopuri. ...continuare.

New record for gold price

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
The spot price of gold reached a new record level yesterday, on foreign markets, against the backgROUND of expectations related to the interest rate cut by the US central bank (Federal Reserve - Fed), but also of geopolitical tensions and solid demand for the yellow metal, coming from China, according to Bloomberg. ...continuare.

Japan and #39;s stock market: The major Nikkei 225 index has climbed 44% over the past year

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The major index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nikkei 225, rose on Friday, the last day of the fiscal year 2023, reaching 40,369.44 points, a level higher by 44% compared to the previous year, on the backgROUND of increased foreign purchases and depreciation yen against the dollar, which improved the outlook for Japanese exporters, according to Reuters and NHK World Japan. ...continuare.

Un europarlamentar roman este numit "cel mai inteligent politician in domeniul inteligentei artificiale" intr-un editorial in Washington Post

publicat 2024-03-20 22:30:12 (Mediafax)
Un europarlamentar roman este numit cel mai inteligent politician in domeniul inteligentei artificiale intr-un editorial in Washington Post Pe 13 septembrie 2023, senatorii Charles E. Schumer, Mike ROUNDs, Martin Heinrich si Todd Young au organizat un forum privind reglementarea inteligentei artificiale. La Forumul AI Insight au participat si Elon Musk, Sam Altman si Mark Zuckerberg. Forumul a fost cu usile inchise pentru alti membri ai Congresului si pentru mass-media, dar Schumer a iesit pentru a-l declara un succes. "Iesim din acea sala entuziasmati", a exclamat senatorul democrat. "A... ...continuare.

Folk, platforma digitala in domeniul sanatatii preventive, tinteste o investitie de cel putin 3 milioane de euro

publicat 2024-03-19 11:45:08 (Bursa)
Folk, platforma digitala cu produse si servicii din domeniul sanatatii preventive, personalizate si al performantei, isi propune sa ajute romanii sa preia controlul asupra sanatatii lor prin solutii accesibile, convenabile si complete. Compania tinteste o investitie de tip seed ROUND de cel putin 3 milioane de euro ...continuare.

Reper brings to the table of the Venice Commission the ordinance regarding the consolidation of elections

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Reper representatives notified the European Commission, the Venice Commission and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights within the OSCE about the Government and #39;s change in the electoral legislation, by emergency ordinance, three months before the European and local elections, with the aim of eliminates, in practice, the right of the newly established parties to have representatives in the polling stations, announced, yesterday, on the official Facebook page, Ramona... ...continuare.

Financial February: Slight gains for the indices, in the month when companies presented their achievements of the past year

publicat 2024-03-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Dividend with a yield of 10% for Hidroelectrica, with an allocation of 90% of the profit * Subscriptions of 1.8 billion lei in the latest Fidelis offer, below those of the previous operation concluded last December * Nebulous aROUND the Finances and #39; request regarding the 'conservation of the FP portfolio' * The trading discount of the former SIF Oltenia exceeded the level of 70%; all Pillar II funds fled the company and #39;s shareholding ...continuare.

Studiu: Proiectul Neptun Deep, responsabil de 209 milioane tone CO2

publicat 2024-03-06 19:30:04 (Bursa)
Greenpeace Romania si Bankwatch Romania au lansat studiul elaborat de ERCST (European ROUNDtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition) care analizeaza impactul climatic al proiectului de extragere a gazelor din Marea Neagra (din perimetrul Neptun Deep) si riscurile privind neindeplinirea obiectivelor asumate de Romania. ...continuare.

Evergent Investments increased its stake in mWare Solutions to 10%

publicat 2024-03-05 00:00:12 (Bursa)
* At the end of September 2023, Evergent had 5.6% of the software company, a stake valued at almost 6.12 million lei Evergent Investments has increased its holding to 10% in the software company mWare Solutions, by participating in a new ROUND of capital increase, according to a report of the alternative investment fund published, yesterday, on the website of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Liderul Premier League, Liverpool, ia trei puncte in prelungiri de la Forest

publicat 2024-03-02 23:00:13 (Jurnalul-National)
Liderul Premier League, Liverpool, ia trei puncte in prelungiri de la Forest Darwin Nunez a marcat cu capul un gol in minutul 90+9, iar liderul din Premier League, Liverpool, a obtinut trei puncte, dupa 1-0 in fata lui Nottingham Forest, sambata, pe City GROUND. ...continuare.

Nicolae Ciuca cere ca racolarile de primari intre PNL si PSD sa inceteze: "Absolut o calicie fara rost"

publicat 2024-02-28 22:15:13 (Libertatea)
Nicolae Ciuca cere ca racolarile de primari intre PNL si PSD sa inceteze: Absolut o calicie fara rost Presedintele PNL, Nicolae Ciuca, a facut un apel pentru oprirea racolarilor de primari intre partidele din coalitie, calificandu-le drept „o calicie fara rost”, iar „lumea nu face altceva decat sa rada de noi”. „BackgROUNDul celor doua partide politice, au in spate o istorie a acestei confruntari, acestei lupte intre PNL si PSD. (...) Si atunci […] ...continuare.

Orsova Naval Shipyard - profit of 3.4 million lei last year, compared to a loss in 2022

publicat 2024-02-27 00:00:14 (Bursa)
* Sea Container Services and SIF Muntenia are carrying out a takeover offer through which they aim to acquire one million SNO shares * AROUND 0.3 million shares had been sold in the offer by 1pm yesterday, equivalent to 31% of all shares covered ...continuare.

The war against Ukraine - the main engine of the growth of the Russian economy

publicat 2024-02-26 00:00:07 (Bursa)
* Ukraine needs 486 billion dollars for recovery and reconstruction, after two years of war Two years after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia still faces an unprecedented number of economic sanctions, has been shut out of major global financial services and has had aROUND 260 billion euros of central bank assets frozen. ...continuare.

A disparut muzica rap antisistem din Romania? Ce mesaje promovau trupele undergROUND din anii 2000

publicat 2024-02-23 16:30:15 (ProTV)
A disparut muzica rap antisistem din Romania? Ce mesaje promovau trupele underg<span style='background:#EDF514'>ROUND</span> din anii 2000 Se mai face acum muzica rap cu mesaj antisistem? Cine sunt artistii care o fac? Ce cânta ei? Ce legatura este între Erika Isac si Parazitii?   ...continuare.

Vodafone devine partener principal al evenimentul "The Economist Impact – Romanian Business & Investment ROUNDtable". Martin Schulz, Guy Verhofstadt, Sir David King in dialog la Bucuresti cu lideri si oficiali guvernamentali

publicat 2024-02-22 14:30:25 (Puterea)
Vodafone devine partener principal al evenimentul The Economist Impact – Romanian Business & Investment <span style='background:#EDF514'>ROUND</span>table. Martin Schulz, Guy Verhofstadt, Sir David King in dialog la Bucuresti cu lideri si oficiali guvernamentali A patra editie a conferintei The Economist Impact – Romanian Business & Investment ROUNDtable are loc pe 3 si 4 Aprilie in Bucuresti, fiind una dintre cele mai importante dezbateri despre perspectivele de dezvoltare ale Romaniei. Pentru al treilea an la rand, Vodafone este partener principal al evenimentului. Martin Schulz, om politic german si fost […]The post Vodafone devine partener principal al evenimentul "The Economist Impact... ...continuare.

(P) Vodafone devine partener principal al evenimentul "The Economist Impact - Romanian Business & Investment ROUNDtable". Martin Schulz, Guy Verhofstadt, Sir David King in dialog la Bucuresti cu lideri si oficiali guvernamentali

publicat 2024-02-22 13:45:29 (Jurnalul-National)
(P) Vodafone devine partener principal al evenimentul The Economist Impact - Romanian Business & Investment <span style='background:#EDF514'>ROUND</span>table. Martin Schulz, Guy Verhofstadt, Sir David King in dialog la Bucuresti cu lideri si oficiali guvernamentali A patra editie a conferintei The Economist Impact - Romanian Business & Investment ROUNDtable are loc pe 3 si 4 Aprilie in Bucuresti, fiind una dintre cele mai importante dezbateri despre perspectivele de dezvoltare ale Romaniei. Pentru al treilea an la rand, Vodafone este partener principal al evenimentului. ...continuare.

Vodafone devine partener principal al evenimentul "The Economist Impact - Romanian Business & Investment ROUNDtable"

publicat 2024-02-22 12:45:03 (Adevarul)
Vodafone devine partener principal al evenimentul The Economist Impact - Romanian Business & Investment <span style='background:#EDF514'>ROUND</span>table A patra editie a conferintei The Economist Impact - Romanian Business & Investment ROUNDtable are loc pe 3 si 4 Aprilie in Bucuresti. ...continuare.

Mecanica Fina - a real estate company valued at half of the value of net assets

publicat 2024-02-20 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Mecanica Fina - a real estate company valued at half of the value of net assets * FairValue removes the asset approach from the Fine Mechanics valuation, on the gROUNDs that it is not appropriate; in the case of the evaluation of the Contactoare company, the Darian evaluator claims that the asset approach is the only appropriate one * Marius Motogna, investor: 'La Contactoare is exactly the situation at Mecanica Fina!' * Dan Segal, investor: 'In my opinion, the price in the report is much lower than the fair value of the company,... ...continuare.

O carte pe zi: "Cinematograful gol" de Daniel Cristea-Enache

publicat 2024-02-19 08:45:18 (Mediafax)
O carte pe zi: Cinematograful gol de Daniel Cristea-Enache "Este lumea mea launtrica, dar este a unui critic literar. Sunt acolo competente de critic literar, backgROUND-ul, reflexele culturale, intelectuale. Nu-i o carte inocenta, din acest punct de vedere, ca si cum as fi putut sa fac tabula rasa din tot ce stiam despre literatura si sa fac aceasta publicistica confesiva sau reportaj intim cum i-a spus Radu Cosasu, ca si cum n-as fi citit nimic si ca si cum as fi nazuit sa ma exprim numai pe mine, fiindca in... ...continuare.

Libraries will go undergROUND

publicat 2024-02-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Libraries will go underg<span style='background:#EDF514'>ROUND</span> Libraries will go undergROUND, literally, otherwise, it is known that in our country people read less and less. Travelers transiting the Piata Unirii metro station will have at their disposal a shelf full of books, respectively an initial book collection, which will be made available by the Bucharest Metropolitan Library and the National Library of Romania. ...continuare.

Libraries will go undergROUND

publicat 2024-02-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Libraries will go undergROUND, literally, otherwise, it is known that in our country people read less and less. ...continuare.

The situation in Ukraine - one of the topics of debate at the Munich Security Conference

publicat 2024-02-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The situation in Ukraine - one of the topics of debate at the Munich Security Conference The global geostrategic and political situation, the military support given to Ukraine, the tensions in the Middle East and in the Indo-Pacific area, the recent statements of the former American president Donald Trump are only part of the topics of discussion that will be addressed these days within the of the 60th Munich Security Conference, which they are expected to attend from today until Sunday over 50 heads of state and government and over 100 ministers from a...continuare.

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