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Declaratie de prostit procurori, in megalovitura din Portul Constanta. Ingredientele-minune al majorarii de capital la operatorul portuar Comvex SA: sfaturi de milioane de la fiu si informatii din interior Declaratie de prostit procurori, in megalovitura din Portul Constanta. Ingredientele-minune al majorarii de capital la operatorul portuar Comvex SA: sfaturi de milioane de la fiu si informatii din interior Uniunea Europeana, despre razboiul din Orientul Mijlociu: Ne aflam pe marginea prapastiei Uniunea Europeana, despre razboiul din Orientul Mijlociu: Ne aflam pe marginea prapastiei Centrala nucleara din Zaporojie se aproprie periculos de un accident nuclear Centrala nucleara din Zaporojie se aproprie "periculos de un accident nuclear" Agentia americana de rating S&P: PIB per capita in Romania va trece de 20.000 de dolari in 2024. Cea mai mare vulnerabilitate a economiei ramane deficitul bugetar ridicat, care va fi de 6% din PIB in 2024, peste tinta guvernului de 5% din PIB. Economia va creste cu 3% Agentia americana de rating S&P: PIB per capita in Romania va trece de 20.000 de dolari in 2024. Cea mai mare vulnerabilitate a economiei ramane deficitul bugetar ridicat, care va fi de 6% din PIB in 2024, peste tinta guvernului de 5% din PIB. Economia va creste cu 3% Olaf Scholz, nevoit sa raspunda la o intrebare neobisnuita in China: nu fumam toti canabis in Germania Olaf Scholz, nevoit sa raspunda la o intrebare neobisnuita in China: nu fumam toti canabis in Germania Seful armatei israeliene spune ca Israelul va raspunde atacului iranian Seful armatei israeliene spune ca Israelul va raspunde atacului iranian Raport Stanford: Inteligenta artificiala ii intrece pe oameni, dar nu la sarcinile complexe. SUA domina autoritar noua industrie. Oamenii din intreaga lume sunt mai constienti de impactul potential al AI - si mai nervosi Raport Stanford: Inteligenta artificiala ii intrece pe oameni, dar nu la sarcinile complexe. SUA domina autoritar noua industrie. Oamenii din intreaga lume sunt mai constienti de impactul potential al AI - si mai nervosi Persoanele ucise in atacul de la Damasc erau teroristi actionand impotriva Israelului Persoanele ucise in atacul de la Damasc erau "teroristi" actionand impotriva Israelului Alfa Romeo redenumeste un model de SUV pentru a dezamorsa tensiunile cu Italia Alfa Romeo redenumeste un model de SUV pentru a dezamorsa tensiunile cu Italia Horia Constantinescu si-a dat demisia de la sefia ANPC pentru a candida la Primaria Constanta Horia Constantinescu si-a dat demisia de la sefia ANPC pentru a candida la Primaria Constanta Perioada aglomerata pentru oficialii unguri, care promoveaza interesele economice ale tarii lor in trei directii: Orientul Indepartat, vestul Europei si Africa Perioada aglomerata pentru oficialii unguri, care promoveaza interesele economice ale tarii lor in trei directii: Orientul Indepartat, vestul Europei si Africa Seful AIEA afirma ca ne apropiem periculos de un accident nuclear la centrala din Zaporojie Seful AIEA afirma ca "ne apropiem periculos de un accident nuclear" la centrala din Zaporojie Bergodi, posedat ca-n Exorcistul: tirada italianului dupa esecul Rapidului aminteste de Trapattoni VIDEO Bergodi, posedat ca-n Exorcistul: tirada italianului dupa esecul Rapidului aminteste de Trapattoni VIDEO Olaf Scholz avertizeaza China cu privire la supracapacitatea industriala si vrea ca firmele germane sa nu aiba restrictii Olaf Scholz avertizeaza China cu privire la supracapacitatea industriala si vrea ca firmele germane sa nu aiba restrictii Procesatorul de carne Angst a intrat in insolventa la cererea producatorului de carne Abatorul Peris si a altui partener. Aceasta este cea mai importanta insolventa din sectorul procesarii de carne in ultimii ani Procesatorul de carne Angst a intrat in insolventa la cererea producatorului de carne Abatorul Peris si a altui partener. Aceasta este cea mai importanta insolventa din sectorul procesarii de carne in ultimii ani


Stiri locale

Co-ownership and concertation in the case of Comvex - ignored by ASF, DNA and DIICOT

publicat 2024-04-03 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The co-ownership within the matrimonial regime of assets and, implicitly, the concertation of the wives of Dan Dragoi and Viorel Panait with them in the case of the takeover of Comvex SA by diluting the participations of the other shareholders were not topics of interest for the Financial Supervisory Authority, for the anti-CORRUPTION prosecutors, nor for the prosecutors DIICOT who investigated that case. ...continuare.

Inflation and CORRUPTION, fatal for Erdogan: Turkish opposition, detached victory in local elections

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
The Erdogan regime appears to be reeling after Sunday and #39;s local elections saw the Republican People and #39;s Party (CHP) win the vote in 36 of Turkey and #39;s 81 municipalities, which means it has reached 44.4% of the total voter choice, although according to the official Anadolu News agency, the opposition would have won the local elections with only 37.5% of the vote. ...continuare.

The case of Rosia Montana: Accusations of stock market manipulation

publicat 2024-03-11 00:15:03 (Bursa)
* Catalin Drula, USR: 'We will file a criminal complaint with the DNA for manipulating the capital market and undermining the national economy' * Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu: 'It seems to me that maybe we don and #39;t live in the same world! What scholarship?' * Lawyer Gheorghe Piperea: 'The DNA and DIICOT must see if the propaganda that was made on television does not take on forms of CORRUPTION' ...continuare.

Accession to Schengen, sabotaged by the heads of Customs

publicat 2024-02-15 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Accession to Schengen, sabotaged by the heads of Customs The full accession to the Schengen area of our country seems to be sabotaged by the heads of the Customs, but also by the staff at certain border crossing points, as demonstrated yesterday by the prosecutors of the National Anti-CORRUPTION Directorate who ordered the detention of Paul Petrof, the head of the Bucharest Regional Customs Directorate , whom he accuses of taking bribes. ...continuare.

Din Gaza, doar cei cu bani pot pleca. "Agentii de turism" care cer sume exorbitante ca sa-i treaca granita cu Egiptul – investigatie

publicat 2024-02-05 19:15:09 (Libertatea)
Din Gaza, doar cei cu bani pot pleca. Agentii de turism care cer sume exorbitante ca sa-i treaca granita cu Egiptul – investigatie Au inceput sa apara agentii de turism care, pentru preturi substantiale, se ofera sa treaca granita familiile de palestinieni care fug de razboi. Platforma de investigatii Organized Crime and CORRUPTION Reporting Project (OCCRP) si publicatia SaheehMasr au facut zeci de interviuri cu refugiatii care ajung sa-si dea ultimii bani si uneori sa fie si inselati […] ...continuare.

Romania - in Schengen, by air and by water

publicat 2024-01-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Romania - in Schengen, by air and by water * ASF has a new management * The business environment - burdened with new taxes * CORRUPTION in the public system has killed young people and children ...continuare.

Nicu Marcu is no longer head of ASF, Anca Dragu - governor of the National Bank of the Republic of Moldova, 'collective' at Ferma Dacilor

publicat 2024-01-09 00:30:04 (Bursa)
Nicu Marcu is no longer head of ASF, Anca Dragu - governor of the National Bank of the Republic of Moldova, 'collective' at Ferma Dacilor The incompetence of the public authorities left its full mark on the end of the year, the month of December being marked by two tragedies that show the fact that, despite the tragedies at Colectiv and Crevedia, despite the scandal of the Asylums of Horror and despite the fires that included several hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic, the public system is completely covered by CORRUPTION, a criminal phenomenon that, unfortunately, results in more and... ...continuare.

Ana Birchall: 'The practice of closing criminal CORRUPTION files due to the intervention of the statute of limitations will continue in 2024'

publicat 2024-01-04 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Ana Birchall: 'The practice of closing criminal <span style='background:#EDF514'>CORRUPTION</span> files due to the intervention of the statute of limitations will continue in 2024' *At the end of last year, 6,747 criminal CORRUPTION cases were closed due to the intervention of the statute of limitations on criminal liability *Among those who got rid of certain criminal cases due to the statute of limitations are Ioana Basescu, Elena Udrea and Darius Valcov ...continuare.

Andrei Baciu, prosecuted by the DNA in the case of the acquisition of anti-Covid 19 vaccines

publicat 2023-12-12 03:15:02 (Bursa)
Andrei Baciu, prosecuted by the DNA in the case of the acquisition of anti-Covid 19 vaccines The former secretary of state at the Ministry of Health, Andrei Baciu, is being prosecuted by the prosecutors of the National AntiCORRUPTION Directorate because during the period in which he was delegated the attributions of the Minister of Health, he allegedly committed the crime of abuse of office, with particularly serious consequences, it is stated in a press release issued yesterday by DNA. ...continuare.

Voiculescu and Mihaila - without immunity, Florin Citu on stand-by

publicat 2023-11-28 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Voiculescu and Mihaila - without immunity, Florin Citu on stand-by President Klaus Iohannis admitted, yesterday, the request of the Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, at the request of the National AntiCORRUPTION Directorate, regarding the initiation of criminal prosecution for the former ministers of health in the Citu government, Vlad Voiculescu and Ioana Mihaila, for committing the crime of abuse of office regarding the purchase doses of the anti-Covid 2019 vaccine in the first half of 2021. ...continuare.

Rudderless in bad weather

publicat 2023-10-25 11:45:03 (Bursa)
Rudderless in bad weather The change of government at the end of the first semester of this year apparently did not bode well for Prime Minister Ciolacu and #39;s team, which found itself with a budget deficit that is increasingly difficult to control and manage, with the Voluntari asylum scandal that led to the replacement of the ministers Gabriela Firea and Marius Budai from the government, with the explosion in Crevedia where the CORRUPTION in the state showed its true face... ...continuare.

Claudiu Nasui: 'Limiting cash payments is not about combating evasion or CORRUPTION, but about control'

publicat 2023-10-16 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Claudiu Nasui: 'Limiting cash payments is not about combating evasion or <span style='background:#EDF514'>CORRUPTION</span>, but about control' The limitation of cash payments is not a measure to combat tax evasion or CORRUPTION, given that a number of Western countries have not imposed such limitations, but have a better collection of taxes and fees than Romania, he stated, on the page Facebook official, deputy Claudiu Nasui (USR), former Minister of Economy in the Citu government. ...continuare.

Assen Christov, President of Eurohold: 'People from ASF tried to steal our business'

publicat 2023-09-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Assen Christov, President of Eurohold: 'People from ASF tried to steal our business' * 'Extending the validity of policies issued by Euroins Romania is against logic because it creates additional losses for the Guarantee Fund' * 'We work in more than twelve countries and, never in our history, have we had problems elsewhere - only in Romania; I attribute this to CORRUPTION' ...continuare.

USR has set its list of candidates for the European Parliament elections

publicat 2023-09-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
USR has set its list of candidates for the European Parliament elections The fever of electoral campaigns has swept through several parties in early autumn, especially as the elections are approaching. Elena Lasconi, Dan Barna, Vlad Voiculescu, and Vlad Botos top the list of USR candidates for the European Parliament elections in June 2024, as decided by the USR leadership, which also emphasizes its commitment to continue building a right-wing coalition that will gather reformist forces as an alternative to the CORRUPTION of... ...continuare.

CIA - at the center of a CORRUPTION scandal regarding the Covid 19 pandemic

publicat 2023-09-14 00:00:02 (Bursa)
CIA - at the center of a <span style='background:#EDF514'>CORRUPTION</span> scandal regarding the Covid 19 pandemic The CIA allegedly bribed specialists in the investigation team on the origin of Sars-Cov 2, which triggered the Covid 19 pandemic, to say that the original virus did not come from the laboratory in Wuhan, China, said a whistleblower, senior officer high, before the special committees of the US Congress that are investigating what happened in the period 2020-2022. ...continuare.

The explosion at Crevedia - the CORRUPTION from the depths bursts

publicat 2023-09-06 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The explosion at Crevedia - the <span style='background:#EDF514'>CORRUPTION</span> from the depths bursts *The Romanian Naval Forces remain without corvettes *Prime Ministers Ciolacu and Shmyhal have established the doubling of the amount of grain that will transit our country *Dismissals at the top of the Constanta County Police Inspectorate *Budget execution endangers the deficit target ...continuare.

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